Mod. Notice Something may happen to Bigfooty

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Dislike the quote/reply process. Why can't it just drop the quote into the text box? Extra mousing required.
You’re a nuisance - you know that?

I can’t fix any of this stuff because I have zero power and also wouldn’t know how to start.

But if you copy your post into this thread:

Lots of clever and powerful people will check out the issue and try and see if it can be fixed.

Mousing is what cats do isn’t it?
You’re a nuisance - you know that?

I can’t fix any of this stuff because I have zero power and also wouldn’t know how to start.

But if you copy your post into this thread:

Lots of clever and powerful people will check out the issue and try and see if it can be fixed.

Mousing is what cats do isn’t it?
The changed quoting process is a feature of the software, not a bug. I can't see anything in that thread's OP about quoting and I can't be bothered reading through 35 pages to see if its been raised. I guess I'll learn to live with two extra mouse clicks.

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