New Japan Pro-Wrestling (On NJPWWorld and Triller TV)

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Best of the Super Jr Day 1 notes:
Ninja Mack beat Robbie Eagles.
SHO beat Drilla Moloney with a wrench.
Blake Christian beat Clark Connors with some brass knucks.
Ishimori beat Douki.
Kevin Knight beat TJP.
Kushida beat Hiromu Takahashi.
Titan beat El Desperado in the main event.

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Resurgence notes:
ELP and Hikuleo won the NJPW Strong Tag Titles from TMDK.
Stephanie Vaquer retained the NJPW Strong Women's Title vs Alex Windsor.
Naito and Yota Tsuji beat David Finlay and KENTA.
ZSJ beat Tanahashi.
Jeff Cobb retained the NJPW TV Title vs Lance Archer. Meat chants. Ishii then came out wanting a future NJPW TV Title shot.
Shingo Takagi retained the Never Openweight Title vs Yuya Uemura.
Gabe Kidd won the NJPW Strong Title from Eddie Kingston in a NO DQ No Ring Ropes Last Man Standing match. Kingston hit his leg hard on the rail at the end. Post-match Jack Perry and The Bucks jumped Eddie Kingston.
Jon Moxley retained the IWGP World Title vs Shota Umino in the main event. Post-match House of Torture beat up Mox and Umino, then EVIL said he's the next IWGP World Title challenger and spray painted the title black.

  • IWGP World Heavyweight title: Jon Moxley defends against EVIL
  • NEVER Openweight title: Shingo Takagi defends against Henare
  • KOPW 2024: Yuya Uemura defends against Great-O-Khan
  • NJPW World Television title: Jeff Cobb defends against Tomohiro Ishii
  • Four-way tornado elimination match for IWGP & NJPW Strong Tag Team titles: ELP & Hikuelo (NJPW Strong Tag Team Champions) vs. KENTA & Chase Owens (IWGP Tag Team Champions) vs. TMDK (Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls) vs. Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI)
  • Best of the Super Juniors 31 finals
Best of the Super Jr Day 4 notes:
Kushida beat Francesco Akira.
Drilla Moloney beat Douki.
SHO tried to con the ref by beating a fake Ninja Mack quickly. Then the real one came out and the match got restarted.
SHO then beat the real Ninja Mack via a low blow while the ref had his back turned.
Taiji Ishimori beat Robbie Eagles in the main event.
Best of the Super Jr Day 5 notes:
SHO attacked Hiromu Takahashi at the start of the show.
Douki beat Ninja Mack.
Robbie Eagles beat Kushida.
Blake Christian beat Titan.
Francesco Akira beat Taiji Ishimori.
Kevin Knight beat El Desperado.
SHO gave a fake letter from Hiromu to the ring announcer saying he doesn't want to bring shame by losing to SHO and would rather forfeit.
Then Hiromu came out in handcuffs, which later he got out of, and then beat SHO in the main event.
Best of the Super Jr Day 6 notes:
Drilla Moloney beat Francesco Akira.
Kushida beat Taiji Ishimori.
Clark Connors beat Titan.
Hiromu Takahashi beat Ninja Mack.
Robbie Eagles beat SHO.
El Desperado beat Blake Christian in the main event.
Best of the Super Jr Day 8 notes:
Drilla Moloney beat Kushida.
Taiji Ishimori beat Ninja Mack.
El Desperado beat Clark Connors by DQ due to Connors not breaking the 5 count. Connors also speared the ref and then took off El Desperado's mask during the post-match beatdown.
TJP beat Blake Christian.
SHO beat Douki in the main event.
Best of the Super Jr Day 9 notes:
Ninja Mack beat Kushida.
Blake Christian beat Bushi.
Taiji Ishimori beat Drilla Moloney.
Kevin Knight beat Clark Connors.
Hiromu Takahashi beat Robbie Eagles.
TJP beat El Desperado in the main event.

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Yuya Uemura vs Great-O-Khan for the KOPW Title at Dominion June 9th match vote.

Great-O-Khan wants 61 minute 2 out of 3 falls match.
Uemura wants 15 minute Storm Catch Rules match. Only 2 rope breaks allowed, 3rd rope break is a DQ.

Best of the Super Jr Day 12 notes:
Taguchi cut a promo saying he will be out a little while longer after his bicycle accident and thanked the fans.
Drilla Moloney beat Ninja Mack by countout due to Ninja Mack getting piledrived on the outside.
Douki beat Robbie Eagles.
Taiji Ishimori beat Hiromu Takahashi in the main event.

BOTSJ Standings + Semi Finals confirmed for Day 13 on the 3rd of June.

Semi Finals
TJP vs Taiji Ishimori
El Desperado vs Douki
Best of the Super Jr Day 13 notes:
Great-O-Khan and Jeff Cobb beat Yuya Uemura and Taka Michinoku. Then Cobb had a staredown with Ishii.
Mox cut a promo on the screen about his title defence at Dominion he also called for the "Third Generation" of New Japan (Yuji Nagata, Tenzan, Makabe and Tiger Mask) to help Shota Umino beat The House of Torture in a 10 man tag, which they did.
Taiji Ishimori beat TJP in a BOTSJ Semi Final match.
El Desperado beat Douki in a BOTSJ Semi Final match in the main event.

BOTSJ Final at Dominion:
Taiji Ishimori vs El Desperado.

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