Injury Clint Bartram undergoing liposuction to repair knee

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MELBOURNE defender Clint Bartram will undergo a cutting-edge procedure on his degenerative knee next Thursday on the Gold Coast in a bid to save his AFL career.

In what is thought to be an AFL first, the procedure will initially involve Bartram having fat extracted from his body through liposuction.

Stem cells will then be harvested from that fat and re-inserted into the knee the following day in the hope of regenerating the growth of healthy cartilage tissue.

It is hoped this tissue will provide the necessary protective layer to allow the joint to function without causing pain.

This really is an incredible procedure, and much worse than originally thought, by the sounds of it.

Had no clue his knee was degenerative.

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Saving your career is paramount as a footballer but living in pain for the rest of your life is not a good proposition either. All the best to Barts on his operation and recovery.:)
Doctor: There is good news and bad news
Bart: Sure Doc, not here for a hair cut.
D: Good news is we can fix you knee by inserting fat directly into your knee
B: And the bad news is?
D: Well that fat is actually my penis
B: Oh jesus, why!?
D: Because I couldn't resist the chance to **** the demons like everyone else.
Did you catch a glimpse of him in the Robbo show this week? He looks so tubby! Amazing how quickly a few extra kilos changes the way someone looks.

Possibly for this procedure? There wasn't a lot of fat on him beforehand so perhaps maybe adding a few kilos was for the sake of the liposuction?
Possibly for this procedure? There wasn't a lot of fat on him beforehand so perhaps maybe adding a few kilos was for the sake of the liposuction?

Yeah, Rohan Bail said so on DeeTV. I'm not hanging shit on Bart's for being fat, I'm just pointing out what a seemingly small amount of pudge can do to the appearance of someone who had 6% body fat previously.
Yeah, Rohan Bail said so on DeeTV. I'm not hanging shit on Bart's for being fat, I'm just pointing out what a seemingly small amount of pudge can do to the appearance of someone who had 6% body fat previously.

I know, not having a go just taking a guess of what could be a method to the madness.

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You know who else has no cartilage in his knee? Batman. Just sayin'.

The best part about this procedure is the lack of any major risks. All the best, President Clinton. :thumbsu:
It will be such a shame if he doesn't play again. IMO he's the most underrated player at the club by a long way. His one on one work is elite. As a defender he is just as good as Frawley in my opinion. Yes, he has his knockers becuase of his kicking, but you can't deny him credibilty for his work ethic. In fact it's probably highlighted through this recent knowledge of him paying through injury. Still sooo young as well.

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