Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody? - Part 2 -

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How is woke different from political correctness?

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I think they're pretty much the same thing, political correctness was the term from around the early 2000s. Used the same way by the right side of politics, "political correctness gone mad" has been replaced by "typical woke bullshit"!
I think you’re just coming up with excuses. It’s clear that this is a bizarre incident caused by a progressive person. Agree that there isn’t a progressive pro-bestiality movement that exists in any significant number, but progressive thinking and activism do appear to be the origins of this incident.

You agree it’s fking insane. Why do you wince when someone uses a pejorative to describe it?

Lol. Now it's "progressive" or "progressive thinking".

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I think you’re just coming up with excuses. It’s clear that this is a bizarre incident caused by a progressive person. Agree that there isn’t a progressive pro-bestiality movement that exists in any significant number, but progressive thinking and activism do appear to be the origins of this incident.

You agree it’s fking insane. Why do you wince when someone uses a pejorative to describe it?

Progressive thinking led to a position held by no progressive person?

What? You’re making no sense.

The only people who connect progressivism to beastiality are conservatives.

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The one who said it in that room at that time.

Did you read the article?

[The students said bestiality was then explained in detail and the presenter seemed to imply it was something practised by people who identified as LGBTQIA+.

"They said [the queer community] just accepts all of it, even though … isn't it illegal?" Emelia said]

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Did you read the article?

[The students said bestiality was then explained in detail and the presenter seemed to imply it was something practised by people who identified as LGBTQIA+.

"They said [the queer community] just accepts all of it, even though … isn't it illegal?" Emelia said]

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Hell. Was it Cory ******* Bernadi?

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"The first slide of the PowerPoint on the board was 'You can see queerly now' and 'No point hiding.'"

Students say they were then given an explanation of the initialism LGBTQIA+, with each word and its meaning displayed on the screen.

"There was a slide for what the 'plus' means, and they just started randomly saying words that no-one knew, like bestiality," Emelia said.

"It was on the board when they were showing what the 'plus' meant."

"The core idea that students should understand sexuality and other sexualities is, I think, really important — but the way [the presenter] went about it was unacceptable," he said.

This was not a conservative presentation. If you think there's any chance that the presenter was coming from that place then you lack comprehension.
I think you’re just coming up with excuses. It’s clear that this is a bizarre incident caused by a progressive person. Agree that there isn’t a progressive pro-bestiality movement that exists in any significant number, but progressive thinking and activism do appear to be the origins of this incident.

You agree it’s fking insane. Why do you wince when someone uses a pejorative to describe it?
Because you're using the tactics people against marriage equality used and you ****ing know it. "Oh they'll be marrying dogs next" yada yada

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The letters don't describe sexual acts - they describe the sexuality that people identify as. It just means other sexual identities not covered by the other categories - it's a catch all.
Thanks. I am struggling to think of an identity that isn't covered by the earlier letters but still involves human to human sexuality
"The first slide of the PowerPoint on the board was 'You can see queerly now' and 'No point hiding.'"

Students say they were then given an explanation of the initialism LGBTQIA+, with each word and its meaning displayed on the screen.

"There was a slide for what the 'plus' means, and they just started randomly saying words that no-one knew, like bestiality," Emelia said.

"It was on the board when they were showing what the 'plus' meant."

"The core idea that students should understand sexuality and other sexualities is, I think, really important — but the way [the presenter] went about it was unacceptable," he said.

This was not a conservative presentation. If you think there's any chance that the presenter was coming from that place then you lack comprehension.

Nobody advocated for beastiality. The presenter said the queer community did.

At best, it’s an undertrained person delivering a presentation.

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I agree with you.

I like the term woke for a couple of reasons:

a) it describes excessive political correctness and in my view that is a thing.

b) once again it shows that the right keep getting it wrong. they can't even get their insults right. and are choosing insults that also have a positive connotation - woke, social justice warrior

"Hey kid, choose your political team - do you want to be a warrior or a nutjob?"
Each choice. I identify as a nutjob.

Seriously though, lefties get far more worked up about being called woke or SJW's than righties do at being labelled RWNJ's. Just look at this thread!

Not one person I have associated with in 15 years of socialist politics has ever made such a claim regarding beastiality.

At its most innocent it sounds like an undertrained person reaching for words in front of a class.

At worst, it’s a young lib making the familiar claim.

Nothing to do with woke this and that.

Won’t stop it from being g used next time some conservatives dipshits need to summon some outrage about an education program.

In the minds of idiots, woke can be attached to anything. Its definition is so elastic it will be used for this.

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I really think it was the undertrained person. I'm not sure what training "lived experience" workers have given that part of what they are delivering is the authenticity of their own lived experience and whether training may be seen as a barrier/ dilutionary.

I write this as I am aware that the Victorian Mental Health royal commission recommended a massive expansion of lived experience workers (I can see benefits in terms of culture change but it would be quite expensive to fully roll out - though on the flip side there is opportunity for a lot of former patients to apply for a reasonably well paying job too... I think the number of candidates applying is much less than the number of expected positions required)
Id bet any money that if you were to count the usage of the two terms used as pejorative’s in all Australian media - it would run somewhere at 1000-1
Probably thats because if Australian media refer to "right wing" the mind automatically fills in the blanks of "nut job"...
Thanks. I am struggling to think of an identity that isn't covered by the earlier letters but still involves human to human sexuality
I suspect it's combinations of the various categories. But more a catch all so that someone doesn't feel or claim to be left out

I'm pretty cynical. We're unique and special and can't be categorised, but need to be able to identify as a category so our uniqueness is shared by others...
"The first slide of the PowerPoint on the board was 'You can see queerly now' and 'No point hiding.'"

Students say they were then given an explanation of the initialism LGBTQIA+, with each word and its meaning displayed on the screen.

"There was a slide for what the 'plus' means, and they just started randomly saying words that no-one knew, like bestiality," Emelia said.

"It was on the board when they were showing what the 'plus' meant."

"The core idea that students should understand sexuality and other sexualities is, I think, really important — but the way [the presenter] went about it was unacceptable," he said.

This was not a conservative presentation. If you think there's any chance that the presenter was coming from that place then you lack comprehension.
It would have provided more context had someone taken a photo of the slide of "plus" or had something verbatim from the presenter.
I suspect it's combinations of the various categories. But more a catch all so that someone doesn't feel or claim to be left out

I'm pretty cynical. We're unique and special and can't be categorised, but need to be able to identify as a category so our uniqueness is shared by others...
Mine is lazy. As in too lazy to find a category, too lazy to be woke...
Each choice. I identify as a nutjob.

Seriously though, lefties get far more worked up about being called woke or SJW's than righties do at being labelled RWNJ's. Just look at this thread!

Worked up? It’s genuine confusion.

A guy based his presidential campaign on opposition to woke. It’s saturating tabloid MSM headlines.

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Mine is lazy. As in too lazy to find a category, too lazy to be woke...
I think of you as a fellow RWNJ. Sorry mate.

one of us GIF
Nobody advocated for beastiality. The presenter said the queer community did.

At best, it’s an undertrained person delivering a presentation.

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You are still trying to reframe it to make it sound like the presenter was not there advocating for the queer community. It sounds like the content was corroborated by multiple students and their meaning was clear - they didn’t misspeak.

They’re just a woke and sick weirdo by the sounds of it. An aberrant one, definitely, but one of them nonetheless.
Worked up? It’s genuine confusion.

A guy based his presidential campaign on opposition to woke. It’s saturating tabloid MSM headlines.

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Why the confusion? I thought it was rather clear that woke/SJW/political correctness gone made are the same thing. The term is used to describe progressives who have gone off the deep end.

If someone wants to use or define 'woke' in the positive sense of the word, I have no problem with that either.

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