Position changes to try for the rest of the year

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Mar 19, 2020
AFL Club
West Coast
Lets get creative and crazy. What position changes can we attempt to get something going just because you may as well. A few I have is

Callum Jamieson to FB - Good speed, good length, has that headless chook about him. I think its at a stage where he cant be worse then Harry Edwards so why not

Harry Edwards to CHF - He is too soft to be a defender but maybe if we tell him to lead up to the ball he can have something to work towards. Id also play him as the 2nd ruck as opposed to Jamieson. Smash the softness out of him in the ruck

Jake Waterman to the wing - All of our wingers are slow and uncoordinated so lets have a winger who is slow but can atleast take a mark as a point of difference. Its worth experimenting especially in the next few weeks against the good teams that if we can use Waterman to get a number behind the ball as well by plonking him on the wing and having him push back at the 2nd contest and then pushing West up from the HFF as his midfield replacement

Campbell Chesser to HB - The guys paddling up shit creek with his hand playing in this midfield. I know Duggan enjoys keeping his hair untouched but for the rest of the year Duggan gotta put his big boy pants on and head to the midfield and give the easy role to one of the younger guys. Chesser at HB to provide some run and dash is worth a crack

Reuben Ginbey to HB - Guy needs a chop out from getting smashed up in the middle. Id throw Ginbey down back and chuck Witherden up the ground to give Ginbey a bit of football behind the play as well as a rest in general

L.Edwards as a tagger - XONs been doing it but XON has zero future so why try to pretend and give him a role? L.Edwards has a future and is someone I can see doing the tagging role well. L.Edwards much better in this role then a delistee

Samo Petrevski-Seton as a full time midfielder - Start him as a ruck rover and fricken leave him all game. Have the guy start as the man next to Tim Kelly and get him around the ball. He is small for sure but he has the agility to actually win the ball and spread when he does so so give him a go

Josh Rotham up forward - No real good reason for this other then why not to be fair. He has ZERO chance of being a defender long term so chuck him up forward and see if he can do something

The most annoying thing about having SImmo stay is nothing will change. He has zero concept of experimenting or trying anything different. He is stubborn in that he has made his decisions and will sink or swim with them. If a new coach comes in he atleast might have the ideas to chuck some of the magnets onto different places of the whiteboard. He may also have the strength and will to tell some of the boys like Duggan/Witho that they need to sacrifice for the team and move up the ground as well as tell guys like Harry E to get tougher. Any that we agree with or that I missed?

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