Not-a-cluey Best FOOTBALL RELATED RUMOUR you have heard from someone you trust Part Deux - Many lies and bullshit in here. Please read OP before posting.

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"Provide the evidence" says the guy who first linked someone fainting to a vaccine related heart issue without any basis. Lol.
Well I see some basis in the fact that the symptoms and treatment protocols utilised appeared to be eerily suspicious of what someone who was suffering from a heart related problem would find themselves experiencing and receiving.

As I said, I did assume which may have been wrong by me, but I just assumed it was as it would be in-line with what has been happening in other sports around the world.

It is at least better than your offering of evidence which was "even if he did have a heart issue, which I'll repeat he didn't" - once again where is your proof of this??

If it was heart related you would kinda expect the follow-up to go unreported as the league and elsewhere looks to mitigate and avoid adding any potential fuel to the fires of speculation.
I heard that all the best football players were investing in this NEEEEWWWW technology!


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Myocarditis is often an acute condition and does occur spontaneously in healthy men between 20-51 on a pretty regular basis.

I suppose the one case of a heart attack in world sport was Christian Eriksen of Denmark, which would be plausibly caused by the vaccine except.. he wasn’t vaccinated.

These things happen without any rhyme or reason sometimes. Jacob Hopper had a medical episode over Christmas. My sister pre-vaccine had a heart rate measured as high as 245 and they couldn’t work out why it would spike uncontrollably either. My other sister (her twin) didn’t experience any of this.

Do some reading on the instance of myocarditis, there are plenty of published medical articles that predate covid written by people much more intelligent than us.
Myocarditis is a well publicised risk associated with some of the vaccines. Not sure why someone should be shit canned for suggesting it.

With that said both Matthew Kreuzer and I think Caleb marchbank had similar issues back a few years back. Well before the vaccine.
Michelangelo Rucci Said on 3AW last night that quiet a few people had the same hart issuesIn Adelaide hospital. fare chance it the vaccines.
Michelangelo Rucci Said on 3AW last night that quiet a few people had the same hart issuesIn Adelaide hospital. fare chance it the vaccines.

Isn't SA currently at their highest covid cases?

Considering reports all show that there's higher rates of Myocarditis caused by the virus than by the vaccine, counting for the higher positive cases, is it not more likely to be a result of the virus rather than the vaccine
Myocarditis is a well publicised risk associated with some of the vaccines. Not sure why someone should be shit canned for suggesting it.

With that said both Matthew Kreuzer and I think Caleb marchbank had similar issues back a few years back. Well before the vaccine.
Dylan Roberton anyone????

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There was a bloke from Port years and years ago who just dropped out on the wing one day due to a heart episode. Can’t remember the guys name but remember watching it
Nathan Eagleton
There was a bloke from Port years and years ago who just dropped out on the wing one day due to a heart episode. Can’t remember the guys name but remember watching it
Likely Covid vaccine.
I love the thorough statistical analysis.

Collingwood Reserves ruckman Walter Amadio died of cardiomyopathy after getting a virus in 1982. Must have been the vaccine - oh wait - a virus caused the damage. But we haven't had a virus around lately have we - oh wait
No one's denying that there hasn't been heart issues in sports since forever.

Kayle Kirby had a heart attack in a VFL game a few years ago and never played again at any level if I'm not mistaken; then you've got the Roberton episode; Jayden Pitt was diagnosed with an irregular heart beat in the midst of his third pre-season and was forced to retire.

And then you have the many soccer players who have died from heart attacks in games over the stretch. Some available to view on Youtube. Problem is that the incidence of heart related episodes and deaths in elite sport has ballooned in the last year.

If we use this, we can see that there has been three to four times as many deaths in 2021 (almost all due to "cardiac arrest" or the like) compared to the average over the last 20 years. Not bad for a year where some sporting codes barely played any games.

As I said, in my first post, is it due to the vaccine or post-covid affects?

It's interesting.
pro-vax people
there is a high chance of heart issues caused by the mRNA vaccine.
There isn't. There is a very small chance.

There is a much higher chance from the disease. As well as tons of other health issues.


The lesson (or "takeaway", or "learnings") here is that you need to look at ALL of the evidence and data. Not cherry pick one heart issue that isn't even a problem for 999,999 out of 1 million people. For a large chunk of that 1 in a million, it's temporary and goes away completely in time.

Unlike the disease, deaths from vaccinations are vanishingly rare.

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