Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

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The Murder of Rebecca Young - Ballarat

The Murder of Hannah McGuire - Ballarat * Lachie Young charged

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I still reckon she was jogging, he drove up behind her in a bad mood, whatever, blasted the horn, she gave him the finger, he jumped out and something - a push, a punch, some sort of assault - led to her death and him deciding to remove the body.
What possible reason would POS have to be in his vehicle on that particular road, heading in that direction at that time of the morning?
I still reckon she was jogging, he drove up behind her in a bad mood, whatever, blasted the horn, she gave him the finger, he jumped out and something - a push, a punch, some sort of assault - led to her death and him deciding to remove the body.

Are you familiar with the area? If it was in or around Mount Clear near Dozed track then this scenario seems unlikely.

My current theory is he had a sick fantasy to assault and kill a woman. Either he deliberately waited in the bushes for someone, anyone to come along and strike, or he was sleeping in his car when he spotted her and he decided that was his chance.

Obviously this is pure speculation but at this point in time I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes out that he’s a sociopath.

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What possible reason would POS have to be in his vehicle on that particular road, heading in that direction at that time of the morning?
We’ll have to wait until he, or the police if they’ve worked it out, tell us.

I still think it was an unplanned encounter that went wrong. But we’ll see.
Are you familiar with the area? If it was in or around Mount Clear near Dozed track then this scenario seems unlikely.

My current theory is he had a sick fantasy to assault and kill a woman. Either he deliberately waited in the bushes for someone, anyone to come along and strike, or he was sleeping in his car when he spotted her and he decided that was his chance.

Obviously this is pure speculation but at this point in time I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes out that he’s a sociopath.
I would suggest that anybody who assaults somebody, let alone murders them, is by definition, a sociopath.

How about a good old fashioned bout of road rage accompanied by a self inflated sense of machismo and dose of misogany?

A woman of a certain age flips the finger at him for a near miss, he stops and verbally or physically threatens her.

She stands her ground, physically or verbally, and a physical confrontation ensues and she end up dead.

If her smart phone was tracking her vitals, the Police have a fairly good indication of the exact time

Most murders are the result of the most mundane or banal reasons

Unless the accused has made certain admissions, the prosecution will not be trying to explore unproven theories,

I would suggest that Mobile phone pings will indicate that he was there, she was there, both phones were in the same location for a period of time until her phone disappeared until a ping far later in another location which also he was
I would suggest that anybody who assaults somebody, let alone murders them, is by definition, a sociopath.

How about a good old fashioned bout of road rage accompanied by a self inflated sense of machismo and dose of misogany?

A woman of a certain age flips the finger at him for a near miss, he stops and verbally or physically threatens her.

She stands her ground, physically or verbally, and a physical confrontation ensues and she end up dead.

If her smart phone was tracking her vitals, the Police have a fairly good indication of the exact time

Most murders are the result of the most mundane or banal reasons

Unless the accused has made certain admissions, the prosecution will not be trying to explore unproven theories,

I would suggest that Mobile phone pings will indicate that he was there, she was there, both phones were in the same location for a period of time until her phone disappeared until a ping far later in another location which also he was

It probably makes sense that if guilty, POS has committed some sort of intentional assault to go to extremes of hiding SM’s body.
My speculative guess is. He was high on meth and accidentally or intentionally ran her over. Then buried her.

I don’t think he is some dude with some sick fantasy. We will find out eventually.
My speculative guess is. He was high on meth and accidentally or intentionally ran her over. Then buried her.

I don’t think he is some dude with some sick fantasy. We will find out eventually.
I wonder exactly how "high on meth" or any other substance one would need to be:
  • not too high to be able to successfully drive your vehicle from wherever he slept to the top of the hill without incident or detection
  • but so high that you would intentionally and deliberately run an innocent stranger over
  • not too high to just keep driving and flee the scene immediately as 99/100 crazed junkies would
  • not too high to stop, get out of the car, pick her up, load her into the car, take her someone and bury her without detection
  • not too high to remove all forensic evidence from inside and outside the car
  • not too high to return home without incident, seeing nobody and telling nobody what happened.
We have no reason to think POS was using meth at all (or on this particular day) but some interesting reading on the affects of meth in the first 12 hours.
We have no reason to think POS was using meth at all (or on this particular day) but some interesting reading on the affects of meth in the first 12 hours.

Well his friends claim they were with him on the night before the alleged murder at the Deck Nightclub in Ballarat where he went on a 'bender' and there's video footage of him from a few weeks prior to that where he is shown clearly high on something other than just alcohol.

What he consumed that night before the murder and his usage patterns are no doubt part of the police brief that they are keeping confidential at this stage.

But my guess given his background is that it's not crystal meth but a cocktail of more upmarket (socially acceptable?) recreational behaviour and perception altering substances.
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Well his friends claim they were with him on the night before the alleged murder at the Deck Nightclub in Ballarat where he went on a 'bender' and there's video footage of him from a few weeks prior to that where he is shown clearly high on something other than just alcohol.

What he consumed that night before the murder and his usage patterns are no doubt part of the police brief that they are keeping confidential at this stage.

But my guess given his background is that it's not crystal meth but a cocktail of more upmarket (socially acceptable?) recreational behaviour and perception altering substances.
Really? Or is this all just your presumption? Which particular friends were with him the night before? There is no public statement from any friend, nor is there any video of the night before, or day before to back this up. I would suggest that if any similar allegations are part of the police brief they will need some direct evidence to support them, otherwise the defence will have such allegations immediately stricken. They would need one or more eyewitness from the party he attended the night before, which, as I understand, was a family gathering, where many people would have been present to observe POS and his behaviour. If the prosecution can't find at least one person to back this allegation up, it's not going to fly in court.

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Really? Or is this all just your presumption? Which particular friends were with him the night before? There is no public statement from any friend, nor is there any video of the night before, or day before to back this up. I would suggest that if any similar allegations are part of the police brief they will need some direct evidence to support them, otherwise the defence will have such allegations immediately stricken. They would need one or more eyewitness from the party he attended the night before, which, as I understand, was a family gathering, where many people would have been present to observe POS and his behaviour. If the prosecution can't find at least one person to back this allegation up, it's not going to fly in court.
I agree re all the presumptions & innuendoes - as frustrating as it is, we try to wait patiently for the ‘apparent truth’ to be revealed in court.

However, where there’s smoke there’s usually fire, and there is a public video in which he appears to be imbibing in something other than alcohol, it’s stated it’s cocaine, and supposedly the video was taken by ‘friends’. … about now he might be saying ‘who needs enemies’!

heraldsunphoto #BREAKING:​

Associates of accused murderer Patrick Orren Stephenson say the 22-year-old went on a “massive bender” the night before Samantha Murphy was killed.⁠​

People close to the charged man have told the Herald Sun he was at a party where cocaine was consumed before attending The Deck in Ballarat, which is open until 3am.⁠​

A video appears to show lines of a white substance racked up on a mobile phone.⁠​


Initially this video was said to be from the night before SM’s disappearance, but I believe that’s been corrected to say it was taken a few week’s prior. However Police were said to have requested CCTV from at least one Ballarat Pub / night spot from the night of 3rd Feb., so who knows what they’ve got their hands on

Irrespective, we do know that PS uses drugs of some sort, and that he’s irresponsibility behaved when under the influence, as he has an active traffic charge for careless driving, drink driving and drug driving offences after a collision with a tree on 1 October last year. … involving his motorbike I think.

On the topic of public statements, I would not expect to hear any from any of his ‘associates’. I would imagine they would be sworn to silence by Police, and may be called to give evidence in court as to his behaviours before and after the alleged act.
Well his friends claim they were with him on the night before the alleged murder at the Deck Nightclub in Ballarat where he went on a 'bender' and there's video footage of him from a few weeks prior to that where he is shown clearly high on something other than just alcohol.

What he consumed that night before the murder and his usage patterns are no doubt part of the police brief that they are keeping confidential at this stage.

But my guess given his background is that it's not crystal meth but a cocktail of more upmarket (socially acceptable?) recreational behaviour and perception altering substances.

Agree, will definitely form a part of their investigation and if he was taking drugs how this might (and has in the past) altered his perception/behaviour eg, depending on the type of drug, has it increased his alertness, strength, what’s described by ambulance officers/hospital staff as ‘superhuman strength’ and possibly aggressive behaviour.
For all the talk of benders making him aggressive etc. What would he be doing out at 730am on a Sunday morning?
If he was stalking women lookimg for a confrontation etc why would he be out in the middle of nowhere on a Sunday morning? Why I reckon if he was involved most likely a chance encounter/accident or confrontation of some description.
For all the talk of benders making him aggressive etc. What would he be doing out at 730am on a Sunday morning?
If he was stalking women lookimg for a confrontation etc why would he be out in the middle of nowhere on a Sunday morning? Why I reckon if he was involved most likely a chance encounter/accident or confrontation of some description.
We don’t know if POS was under the influence of drugs or out stalking women, but rather exploring possibilities, the same as a chance encounter/accident.
Personally, I’ve thought it could have been an accident either under the influence or not (if guilty,) but there’s other possibilities.
We don’t know if POS was under the influence of drugs or out stalking women, but rather exploring possibilities, the same as a chance encounter/accident.
Personally, I’ve thought it could have been an accident either under the influence or not (if guilty,) but there’s other possibilities.

Knowing he'd test positive for drugs/alcohol after hitting her, might be enough for someone to try and cover it up. It's a culpable driving charge and a jail term.

With his history though, it's possible he's had wheels in and out of panel beating shops across Ballarat and had an argument with Samantha, if apparently he is a stranger to the family.

He might have had a grudge against her for some reason and been stalking her, maybe had trail cams in the forest if that seems a bit intense, I think it's happened before and people do install trail cams wanting to watch wildlife, for hunting purposes or hoping their lost dog might appear.

Who knows what took him out to the forest early on a Sunday morning, when many his age would be sleeping in nursing a hangover but maybe his mates were still up roaring on copious amounts of ice.

And maybe he wasn't alone.

Too many possibilities.
Knowing he'd test positive for drugs/alcohol after hitting her, might be enough for someone to try and cover it up. It's a culpable driving charge and a jail term.

With his history though, it's possible he's had wheels in and out of panel beating shops across Ballarat and had an argument with Samantha, if apparently he is a stranger to the family.

He might have had a grudge against her for some reason and been stalking her, maybe had trail cams in the forest if that seems a bit intense, I think it's happened before and people do install trail cams wanting to watch wildlife, for hunting purposes or hoping their lost dog might appear.

Who knows what took him out to the forest early on a Sunday morning, when many his age would be sleeping in nursing a hangover but maybe his mates were still up roaring on copious amounts of ice.

And maybe he wasn't alone.

Too many possibilities.
I don’t think the idea of trail cams is too intense if he was wanting to commit a crime or even had them there for another reason initially.
There’s even the possibility he’s tracked her phone somehow (I don’t know how.)
It’s possible he knows SM or of her somehow and had some kind of vengeance or maybe SM was just in the wrong place at the wrong time?
I don’t think it’s extraordinary for a young person to be heading home early the next morning after going out and continuing to party somewhere else. Was he with someone/others at Mt Clear partying on til all hours, somewhere out of the way or just taking a short cut home. ( I think someone local mentioned earlier that the tracks would lead to his Parent’s house at Mt Clear.)
I agree, there’s too many possibilities.
that's right. and my comment was a response to a general theme of 'what did Samantha do' that set off his rage.
This is not in anyway aimed at you - but just wanted to express my thoughts about comments such as those that reference a Female doing something ‘that provokes’ a Male.

I can’t get my head around it. . why is it the ‘female’ who has the finger pointed as being ‘responsible’ !?
- oh she wore something too short, too tight, too revealing, tooo …. oh, she was too friendly, she was flirty, she was angry, bla bla ..

Are the Male of our species really such contaminated Neanderthals that they are incapable of behaving in a civilised and respectful way to other human beings, irrespective of their sexuality ?
It seems to be the case, more and more. I think I’d be ashamed to be ‘male’ .
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This is not in anyway aimed at you - but just wanted to express my thoughts about comments such as those that reference a Female doing something ‘that provokes’ a Male.

I can’t get my head around it. . why is it the ‘female’ who has the finger pointed as being ‘responsible’ !?
- oh she wore something too short, too tight, too revealing, tooo …. oh, she was too friendly, she was flirty, she was angry, bla bla ..

Are the Male of our species really such contaminated Neanderthals that they are incapable of behaving in a civilised and respectful way to other human beings, irrespective of their sexuality ?
It seems to the case, more and more. I think I’d be ashamed to be ‘male’ .
And they wonder why domestic violence is so entrenched 😟

(Not you)
This is not in anyway aimed at you - but just wanted to express my thoughts about comments such as those that reference a Female doing something ‘that provokes’ a Male.

I can’t get my head around it. . why is it the ‘female’ who has the finger pointed as being ‘responsible’ !?
- oh she wore something too short, too tight, too revealing, tooo …. oh, she was too friendly, she was flirty, she was angry, bla bla ..

Are the Male of our species really such contaminated Neanderthals that they are incapable of behaving in a civilised and respectful way to other human beings, irrespective of their sexuality ?
It seems to the case, more and more. I think I’d be ashamed to be ‘male’ .
Women engage in victim blaming too unfortunately. The literature on victim blaming as a construct is basically as follows: we like to think we live in a safe world, so if we can find a reason to explain how the victim brought the event on by themselves then we can maintain the illusion that the world is safe.

It's pretty messed up (and lazy) but effectively it's easier for people to blame the victim than acknowledge the world can be randomly cruel

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Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

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