Coach Sam Mitchell's direction for the club and 2024 news

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If anyone wants to have a listen about what the data is saying in regards to whether we have actually gotten worse this year have a listen to this from the 9:15 mark.

I know a few people have already touched on it, but the data is also showing that our results this year have been slightly better despite actually putting out a younger team and dealing with some injuries.

And here.
He's already lost the players forcing Max Lynch (?) to take over the motivation drills.
Someone probably unironically luv's this.
Big question is - is Max Lynch an alpha and is he meta enough for Hawthorn culture. Max Lynch, existentially where is he at?
If he isn't any of those things, there'd be a lynch mob. Maybe he should write a self help book.

On any other note, I love what Sam brought to the table by observing box hill players up close and suggesting positional changes for them.

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Big question is - is Max Lynch an alpha and is he meta enough for Hawthorn culture. Max Lynch, existentially where is he at?

Max is Max. What he brings to the club is Max. He is Max. He is Max. No runs on the board. He ain't done sh*t but undermine and stab his senior mentor in the back. That's it. Max is Max

Three-time premiership defender Andy Collins, a long-time Mitchell supporter and now back at the club in charge of development, said Mitchell had thrived in building relationships.

“You can’t really coach effectively until you have a relationship with a player. People that have worked with Sam as a player to now [know] that is Sam’s one wood,” Collins said.

“You could ring up any of the Hawthorn development players and Box Hill players and his relationship with players is a big piece. If anything, it is nice for an older guy to be learning from a younger guy on the importance of relationships.”

Gee - it's almost as if certain posters who bizarrely act as though they are authorities on behind the scenes culture at our club were talking out of their posterior.
Gee - it's almost as if certain posters who bizarrely act as though they are authorities on behind the scenes culture at our club were talking out of their posterior.
Are you suggesting that Sam is not Sam, or that Sam is Sam, but we don't have Sam?

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Three-time premiership defender Andy Collins, a long-time Mitchell supporter and now back at the club in charge of development, said Mitchell had thrived in building relationships.

“You can’t really coach effectively until you have a relationship with a player. People that have worked with Sam as a player to now [know] that is Sam’s one wood,” Collins said.

“You could ring up any of the Hawthorn development players and Box Hill players and his relationship with players is a big piece. If anything, it is nice for an older guy to be learning from a younger guy on the importance of relationships.”

Gee - it's almost as if certain posters who bizarrely act as though they are authorities on behind the scenes culture at our club were talking out of their posterior.
I love this mentality towards forging relationships with the players, it flies directly in the face of the Ross Lyon style "if you're not in the best 22 I don't give a shit about you" head coaching style. Anyone who thought Sam Mitchell was going to be more of the latter was always talking out their posterior.
I love this mentality towards forging relationships with the players, it flies directly in the face of the Ross Lyon style "if you're not in the best 22 I don't give a sh*t about you" head coaching style. Anyone who thought Sam Mitchell was going to be more of the latter was always talking out their posterior.

Anyone who was so adamant about Sam Mitchell as a coach would be like he was as a player 10 years ago before he had been a parent, before he had more life experience, before he had completed his coaching credentials, before he had been a premiership winning assistant coach and coach of his own team at Box Hill is just being silly or plain old vindictive really. I am presuming Sam rubbed some the wrong way when he was a ratbag player - but time has passed and Sam would have grown as a human like many of us do.

I only had to see the way players talked about him at West Coast, the way players talked about him at Box Hill and those snippets of him engaging with players at Box Hill to know he definitely knew how to engage with his players.
The big question marks on Sam for me are only on the club's decision to hire him as coach probably 8 years ago, it was just about waiting till he finished playing and Clarkson left. And Sam was to do his apprenticeship while Clarkson was still going.

We didn't really do a process and test the market. So I hope that Sam proves to be what we all think he is capable of and hope he is because 3 clubs hired new coaches last year and i'd want to look back and say we got the best coach available.
The big question marks on Sam for me are only on the club's decision to hire him as coach probably 8 years ago, it was just about waiting till he finished playing and Clarkson left. And Sam was to do his apprenticeship while Clarkson was still going.

We didn't really do a process and test the market. So I hope that Sam proves to be what we all think he is capable of and hope he is because 3 clubs hired new coaches last year and i'd want to look back and say we got the best coach available.

The test process might have been flawed if Jeff was involved, so maybe the lesser of two evils
Gee - it's almost as if certain posters who bizarrely act as though they are authorities on behind the scenes culture at our club were talking out of their posterior.
Pretty sure they'd reply with "It says he is forging relationships. It doesn't they they are good ones." or something to that effect.

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