I am sure HL was a nice guy and very popular in the club rooms at Lexus centre. No doubt he was (and may well be BFF's with Maxwell and Pendlebury in a decade).
It’s not like Lumumba is some type of insufferable moron like Mundine.
He was wrong to throw Pendles and Buckley (and Eddie)under the bus. Racism is Saudi Arabia where Brown University and Yale University no doubt tolerate the rich income the progeny will provide, but make no mention of the slavery in ME, Africa, and Asia that still exists. Melbourne needs to be put in context. Eddie, Clubrooms, Kennett =/= racist and to allege so deprives the term of all meaning and relevance.
RacetrackRalphie's twitter extemporization is sound, he was at Caulfield Tech in 70s and 80s when young boorish students would carve swastikas in the wooden desks there , he saw racism first-hand... we need to put this d'affaire in relevance
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