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ok- freaky event today.
Whilst geting a taxi to the footy, we went past Hindmarsh Cemetary (near to where I live), and Miss 2 points at the cematary excitedly and says "look- my special house"...
Sorry I'm confused by all the stories going on in this thread. Was this your son who said this?
Here you go LicoriceAllsorts and others, a tik tok channel that shows a lot of video footage of various haunted incidents around the world...

The rollercoaster one (third most recent video) is epic


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I had a weird experience when I was 18.

We had a holiday house down at Portsea (Vic) and Mum and I went down one Friday afternoon. I never felt completely comfortable in the house, just something seemed odd within it, not scary or evil just weird. That day I went out into the backyard for a smoke and mum came outside about 2 hours later (After watching tv, cooking dinner etc) to find me standing completely still with the butt of the smoke in my hand, I had been standing in the same spot with my gaze just fixated on one spot. She had to shake me really hard for me to snap out of it and when I did I had no idea on what was going on. I said to her "what are you doing, I'm just having a dart" she replied "you have been out here standing in this spot for two hours!!" I have no memory or recollection of any kind, I thought Id been there for 5 minutes odd.

Really freaked us both out. I never stayed there alone after that.
I had a weird experience when I was 18.

We had a holiday house down at Portsea (Vic) and Mum and I went down one Friday afternoon. I never felt completely comfortable in the house, just something seemed odd within it, not scary or evil just weird. That day I went out into the backyard for a smoke and mum came outside about 2 hours later (After watching tv, cooking dinner etc) to find me standing completely still with the butt of the smoke in my hand, I had been standing in the same spot with my gaze just fixated on one spot. She had to shake me really hard for me to snap out of it and when I did I had no idea on what was going on. I said to her "what are you doing, I'm just having a dart" she replied "you have been out here standing in this spot for two hours!!" I have no memory or recollection of any kind, I thought Id been there for 5 minutes odd.

Really freaked us both out. I never stayed there alone after that.
Maybe there is something in that spot that a spirit is trying to draw your attention to. Perhaps underground or something happened to them in that exact spot.
Maybe there is something in that spot that a spirit is trying to draw your attention to. Perhaps underground or something happened to them in that exact spot.

I'm open minded so you could be onto something.

I had previously stayed there by myself over night and never felt comfortable. It was a pretty large house, one story but 6 bedrooms on a large block of land. I never slept well though, I didn't hear footsteps or closing doors or anything like that just really uneasy broken sleeps with very weird dreams.

On that incident the closest I can describe it to is when you wake up from a general anaesthetic, you know when you only feel like you have been asleep for for a few minutes but actually been out for hours. I was really shaken by it but my mum was ****ing hysterical. We hardly ate dinner, knocked off a few drinks (I basically downed a bottle of vodka) and slept in rooms adjacent to each other and the next day I had mates coming over. Told them what happened and we had a decent look at where I was transfixed but it was just scrub bushland nothing of note. We went surfing that day and mum was still so spooked she came with us as she didnt want to be alone there. My parents sold it about a year later and in that time I hardly went back down and when I did someone always came with me.
I'm open minded so you could be onto something.

I had previously stayed there by myself over night and never felt comfortable. It was a pretty large house, one story but 6 bedrooms on a large block of land. I never slept well though, I didn't hear footsteps or closing doors or anything like that just really uneasy broken sleeps with very weird dreams.

On that incident the closest I can describe it to is when you wake up from a general anaesthetic, you know when you only feel like you have been asleep for for a few minutes but actually been out for hours. I was really shaken by it but my mum was ******* hysterical. We hardly ate dinner, knocked off a few drinks (I basically downed a bottle of vodka) and slept in rooms adjacent to each other and the next day I had mates coming over. Told them what happened and we had a decent look at where I was transfixed but it was just scrub bushland nothing of note. We went surfing that day and mum was still so spooked she came with us as she didnt want to be alone there. My parents sold it about a year later and in that time I hardly went back down and when I did someone always came with me.
6 bedroom holiday house in Portsea 😲
I'm open minded so you could be onto something.

I had previously stayed there by myself over night and never felt comfortable. It was a pretty large house, one story but 6 bedrooms on a large block of land. I never slept well though, I didn't hear footsteps or closing doors or anything like that just really uneasy broken sleeps with very weird dreams.

On that incident the closest I can describe it to is when you wake up from a general anaesthetic, you know when you only feel like you have been asleep for for a few minutes but actually been out for hours. I was really shaken by it but my mum was ******* hysterical. We hardly ate dinner, knocked off a few drinks (I basically downed a bottle of vodka) and slept in rooms adjacent to each other and the next day I had mates coming over. Told them what happened and we had a decent look at where I was transfixed but it was just scrub bushland nothing of note. We went surfing that day and mum was still so spooked she came with us as she didnt want to be alone there. My parents sold it about a year later and in that time I hardly went back down and when I did someone always came with me.

You could have also been possessed. People that get possessed need to be heavily shaken out of it from what i've seen on those shows. How real it is though, who knows?
Posted my story a while ago on a similar thread and can't be faaaarked finding it to repeat here in full, but will if requested.

To summarize it was dream I had with a strange metaphysical/paranormal (I think) conclusion.

The dream. I woke up in the middle of night to discover my late father (passed away 20 years prior) sitting on one of our dining room chairs at the end of the bed..!
For some reason rather than shock/fear I was pleasantly surprised and we had a good chat of which frustratingly I recall very little of, aside from him saying he was proud of what I had achieved in my life thus far...

Back to reality - it's morning the alarm goes off, I reach for the snooze button, suddenly the wife gives me a huge nudge and mumbles; "hey, why is there a dining room chair in our bedroom...?!!?"
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Any updates on 92 Mont Albert? I've just registered after reading the paranormal threads here. Am keen to have a look some time. I searched through Trove and couldn't find anything about the school purchasing a home/building
I was house hunting in Qld, Australia one day, I drove to the outskirts of Brisbane, Qld to look at an A Frame house for rent, I parked my car, went inside and it was perfect! The bedroom upstairs overlooked the lounge area, I loved it. I then noticed a wooden double door leading to the backyard, it looked like it had been forcibly broken into many, many times. I thought, a few deadbolts could fix that problem even though I thought it was suspicious.
I then proceeded outside and stood between the house and the shed, I saw a lovely dam up the back of the property just in front of the Greenbanks Army grounds which was all bush. I'm thinking this seems like a great place to live and then, the hairs stood up on the back of my neck like never before as I heard this loud, deep growl/roar like sound, now I grew up watching all the animal shows from around the world, I've heard Tasmanian Devil sounds, Barn Owls that sound like banshees but that deep growl/roar sound scared the crap out of me. I ran to the car and got the hell out of there.
Later that day, I told the story to my partner but didn't believe me, my partner insisted on going and having a look so we had a friend drive us out towards the road where this house was, I kept saying, we shouldn't be going near that place, to be honest, I have no idea why I went along knowing what happened earlier that day.
At the turn off to this road was a servo and as I was begging and pleading for our friend to turn around, the lights went out just as we got to the servo so we pulled in and stopped the car.
I said to my partner, see, this is a sign to not go near that house, there's something evil out there that probably wants to have us as a main course, meanwhile our friend is trying to get the lights going but nothing.
After some discussion, they both agreed to turn around and go home. I said ok GREAT! Now see if the lights will work one more time before we have to get help from another friend.
The lights came on like there was never a problem, that's when they both freaked out and finally believed my story.
Never go near the Greenbanks Army area, that thing does not want to play. What was it? Not sure but it sounded very large.
I was house hunting in Qld, Australia one day, I drove to the outskirts of Brisbane, Qld to look at an A Frame house for rent, I parked my car, went inside and it was perfect! The bedroom upstairs overlooked the lounge area, I loved it. I then noticed a wooden double door leading to the backyard, it looked like it had been forcibly broken into many, many times. I thought, a few deadbolts could fix that problem even though I thought it was suspicious.
I then proceeded outside and stood between the house and the shed, I saw a lovely dam up the back of the property just in front of the Greenbanks Army grounds which was all bush. I'm thinking this seems like a great place to live and then, the hairs stood up on the back of my neck like never before as I heard this loud, deep growl/roar like sound, now I grew up watching all the animal shows from around the world, I've heard Tasmanian Devil sounds, Barn Owls that sound like banshees but that deep growl/roar sound scared the crap out of me. I ran to the car and got the hell out of there.
Later that day, I told the story to my partner but didn't believe me, my partner insisted on going and having a look so we had a friend drive us out towards the road where this house was, I kept saying, we shouldn't be going near that place, to be honest, I have no idea why I went along knowing what happened earlier that day.
At the turn off to this road was a servo and as I was begging and pleading for our friend to turn around, the lights went out just as we got to the servo so we pulled in and stopped the car.
I said to my partner, see, this is a sign to not go near that house, there's something evil out there that probably wants to have us as a main course, meanwhile our friend is trying to get the lights going but nothing.
After some discussion, they both agreed to turn around and go home. I said ok GREAT! Now see if the lights will work one more time before we have to get help from another friend.
The lights came on like there was never a problem, that's when they both freaked out and finally believed my story.
Never go near the Greenbanks Army area, that thing does not want to play. What was it? Not sure but it sounded very large.
What lights went out?

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