NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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2016: “There is no crisis at the border!”

There isnt one.

It had been trending downwards for literally 20 years prior to Trump.

2024: “Okay maybe there is a crisis at the border… BUT IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!”

No, there isnt one.

2016: “The Deep State is a far-right QAnon conspiracy theory!”

No, it doesnt exist (outside of billionaires, business lobby groups and media moguls like Packer, Murdoch, Rhineheart, Palmer, the NRA etc.

All of whom who have the ears of the Republican party/ Liberal party/ Tories, vote for them, advocate for them and have convinced you to do so as well.

2024: “Okay maybe the Deep State is real… BUT IT’S ACTUALLY A GOOD THING!”

No, it's not a good thing that so much power is vested in the hands of a small number of wealthy elite.

But that's why we have the Labor/ Labour/ Democrat party who tend to tax corporations more, and listen to Unions (workers), and take money off the rich and give it to the punters.

2016: “Epstein island is not real and human-trafficking/pedophilia is a conspiracy theory!”

Epstein island is real, and 'human trafficking/ paedo/ Pizzagate shit' is a fantasy that takes away from the actual paedos (99.99999999 percent of whom are men in positions of power and authority over their victims like teachers, priests, relatives, boy scout leaders, sports coaches etc).

If you want to advocate against Paedos, I'm all ears. But for the love of God, pick actual real Paedos and not fantasist bullshit.

2024: “Okay maybe Epstein island and human-trafficking/pedophilia is real… BUT IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!”

No-one said it was Trumps fault. We said Trump was involved in it, is a legally proven sex offender, was best mates with Epstein when Epstein was offending, was fully aware of Epstein's 'preference for young girls', and similarly also has a preference for young girls himself, literally purchasing a teen beauty pageant while best mates with Epstein, where Trump would leer at and sleep with teenage girls.

That's just a fact.

Trump was also President of the USA when 2 US Federal employees turned off their cameras at the precise moment Epstein hung himself.

Maybe that's a co-incidence. Maybe its not.

2016: “The media is not fake news! That’s a far-right conspiracy theory!”

Says the bloke who gets his news from Fox News, literally a mouthpiece for one of the main architects of the Deep State (Murdoch).

2024: “Okay maybe we lied about some stuff… BUT WE DID IT TO STOP TRUMP!”

Hillariously in Australia, there is only one media agency that has a constant monitoring of political content to ensure its balanced, and truthful.

Thats the ABC.

It's a sad state of affairs for me (as a Liberal) when the most transparent and balanced and accountable News source is the one the Government owns.

I could do this forever.

Lebbo, you're a socially isolated bloke cut off from all reality.

The fact you dont see how sad your last sentence above is, makes me sad.
There isnt one.
View attachment 1938481

It had been trending downwards for literally 20 years prior to Trump.

No, there isnt one.

No, it doesnt exist (outside of billionaires, business lobby groups and media moguls like Packer, Murdoch, Rhineheart, Palmer, the NRA etc.

All of whom who have the ears of the Republican party/ Liberal party/ Tories, vote for them, advocate for them and have convinced you to do so as well.

No, it's not a good thing that so much power is vested in the hands of a small number of wealthy elite.

But that's why we have the Labor/ Labour/ Democrat party who tend to tax corporations more, and listen to Unions (workers), and take money off the rich and give it to the punters.

Epstein island is real, and 'human trafficking/ paedo/ Pizzagate s**t' is a fantasy that takes away from the actual paedos (99.99999999 percent of whom are men in positions of power and authority over their victims like teachers, priests, relatives, boy scout leaders, sports coaches etc).

If you want to advocate against Paedos, I'm all ears. But for the love o

Hillariously in Australia, there is only one media agency that has a constant monitoring of political content to ensure its balanced, and truthful.

Thats the ABC.

It's a sad state of affairs for me (as a Liberal) when the most transparent and balanced and accountable News source is the one the Government owns.
You're trying to paint Lebbo as crazy and then you post this.

Too funny.

Crazy is thinking that all news you don't agree with is 'The Algorithm'.

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Nice graph. It conveniently ends in 2018 before it skyrockets under Brandon.
It had been trending downwards for literally 20 years prior to Trump.

No, there isnt one.

No, it doesnt exist (outside of billionaires, business lobby groups and media moguls like Packer, Murdoch, Rhineheart, Palmer, the NRA etc.

All of whom who have the ears of the Republican party/ Liberal party/ Tories, vote for them, advocate for them and have convinced you to do so as well.
Nice try but the NY Post said that the Deep State does exist an it’s awesome.
No, it's not a good thing that so much power is vested in the hands of a small number of wealthy elite.

But that's why we have the Labor/ Labour/ Democrat party who tend to tax corporations more, and listen to Unions (workers), and take money off the rich and give it to the punters.
Their policies destroy the poor and the middle class. The Big Corporations cheer them on as they absorb these costs as they know small business (their competition) buckles and collapses.
Epstein island is real, and 'human trafficking/ paedo/ Pizzagate s**t' is a fantasy that takes away from the actual paedos (99.99999999 percent of whom are men in positions of power and authority over their victims like teachers, priests, relatives, boy scout leaders, sports coaches etc).
Pizzagate is as real as the rest of those pedophiles you listed.
If you want to advocate against Paedos, I'm all ears. But for the love of God, pick actual real Paedos and not fantasist bullshit.

No-one said it was Trumps fault. We said Trump was involved in it, is a legally proven sex offender, was best mates with Epstein when Epstein was offending, was fully aware of Epstein's 'preference for young girls', and similarly also has a preference for young girls himself, literally purchasing a teen beauty pageant while best mates with Epstein, where Trump would leer at and sleep with teenage girls.

That's just a fact.
It isn’t a fact. It’s your fantasy backed by nothing. I’m happy for you to eventually front with some proof though but that might be a stretch for you based on past efforts.
Trump was also President of the USA when 2 US Federal employees turned off their cameras at the precise moment Epstein hung himself.

Maybe that's a co-incidence. Maybe its not.
Yes it was a strange co-incidence to cover up Epstein’s murder.
Says the bloke who gets his news from Fox News, literally a mouthpiece for one of the main architects of the Deep State (Murdoch).
I haven’t watched Fox/Sky News or any news channels on Free To Air or Pay TV for over three years now.
Hillariously in Australia, there is only one media agency that has a constant monitoring of political content to ensure it’s balanced, and truthful.

Thats the ABC.
😂 Surely you’re taking the piss now?
It's a sad state of affairs for me (as a Liberal) when the most transparent and balanced and accountable News source is the one the Government owns.

Lebbo, you're a socially isolated bloke cut off from all reality.

The fact you dont see how sad your last sentence above is, makes me sad.
I’m sad that you’re sad. Maybe you need to get away and chase some backpackers half your age again to cheer yourself up.
2016: “There is no crisis at the border!”

2024: “Okay maybe there is a crisis at the border… BUT IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!”

2016: “The Deep State is a far-right QAnon conspiracy theory!”

2024: “Okay maybe the Deep State is real… BUT IT’S ACTUALLY A GOOD THING!”

2016: “Epstein island is not real and human-trafficking/pedophilia is a conspiracy theory!”

2024: “Okay maybe Epstein island and human-trafficking/pedophilia is real… BUT IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!”

2016: “The media is not fake news! That’s a far-right conspiracy theory!”

2024: “Okay maybe we lied about some stuff… BUT WE DID IT TO STOP TRUMP!”

I could do this forever.
That didn't happen
Ok maybe it happened but its not illegal
Righto it might be illegal but not when a president does it
Oh alright it is illegal but whatever, **** you

Trump/GOP playbook. Rinse and repeat.
Its weird that Lebbo can identify the issue (wealthy Billionares, corporations, lobby groups and media moguls have the ear of the Politicians) but he thinks they're doing it to 'impose socialism'.

Because if there is one thing wealthy billionares like Rheinheart and Palmer, Media magnates like Packer and Murdoch and groups like the NRA desire, it's 'socialism'.

Lebbo mate, Trump, Murdoch, Palmer, Rheinheart, Packer, the NRA and the billionares on Wall Street are not your friends.
Half empty? My cup runneth over m8, GOP are the gift that keep on giving the last few years. Couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.
Listen m8, this ain't a 70s porno... so let's not beat around the bush.

You're enjoying it right now because the GOP ain't in power. If they happen to take power, it won't be funny to you anymore. You'll probably pretend it still is, but you'll be all

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It's like me with footy m8... I was quite interested in shitposting on the bay last year. Now that my team is shit? Not so much. What, you think imma head over there and receive a dose of my own medicine like some cuck??

My point here is, the compliment sandwich is an effective therapeutic tool. If you try n see some of the good side of the enemy, you'll be less miserable if they win. A psychologist would charge you $300 for this rant, but me... I'll take $250 m8. Glad to help.
Listen m8, this ain't a 70s porno... so let's not beat around the bush.

You're enjoying it right now because the GOP ain't in power. If they happen to take power, it won't be funny to you anymore. You'll probably pretend it still is, but you'll be all

View attachment 1939423

It's like me with footy m8... I was quite interested in shitposting on the bay last year. Now that my team is s**t? Not so much. What, you think imma head over there and receive a dose of my own medicine like some cuck??

My point here is, the compliment sandwich is an effective therapeutic tool. If you try n see some of the good side of the enemy, you'll be less miserable if they win. A psychologist would charge you $300 for this rant, but me... I'll take $250 m8. Glad to help.
Should we get a room or something here m8?

I came to terms with the fact Donny boy will likely be prez again a while ago. Unlike you and the majority of MAGA nation round these parts, pretty confident I won't go missing or have one of the biggest dummy spits in interwebz history when the time comes.

Kidding yourself if you think it won't be funny though. Trump with even the modest guard rails of his first term removed, boy oh boy wowee. You think the GOP can't govern now, you ain't seen nothing yet. Place will be a banana republic inside a few years I reckon. A fash-curious one, which I admit does temper the comedy angle a bit, but rest assured there'll still be some hilarity to be found and many MAGA jimmies to be rustled here, if you blokes' marshmallow-esque glass jaw performances the last few years are anything to go by.

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Marj :tearsofjoy:

God I love her. Lets celebrate her latest shenanigans with some 'pull ups'


Ole Trumpy with a bit of the ole

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Should we get a room or something here m8?

I came to terms with the fact Donny boy will likely be prez again a while ago. Unlike you and the majority of MAGA nation round these parts, pretty confident I won't go missing or have one of the biggest dummy spits in interwebz history when the time comes.
Hey man I hung around after the 2020 Trump loss. I remember one of the haters on SRP reluctantly complimenting me for being the only one to do so. But I can never manage to weasel my way back into the good SRP threads anymore ever since chịrf introduced his policy of only employing mods he finds at the "Meth-head Pseudo-intellectual Socialists R Us" convention... banning poor FK from Trump threads is like banning a pig from rolling in shite m8... dark days indeed :(
Marj :tearsofjoy:

God I love her. Lets celebrate her latest shenanigans with some 'pull ups'


So she's into crossfit... explains it all really. You ever meet one of those folk? I daresay Mad Marj would be the least insane crossfitter out there.
Should we get a room or something here m8?

I came to terms with the fact Donny boy will likely be prez again a while ago. Unlike you and the majority of MAGA nation round these parts, pretty confident I won't go missing or have one of the biggest dummy spits in interwebz history when the time comes.
So you're not going to threaten to move to Canada?

You only have to look at the 18 part Trump thread on SRP to see the biggest dummy spit in interwebz history. 8 years and still going as strong as ever.
So you're not going to threaten to move to Canada?
That'd be quite the move considering I'm in Australia. Unsure what moving closer to the US would achieve or what nutty lib celebs in the US have to do with my posting here, suffice to say this doesn't quite seem to be the zinger you're fumbling for.

You only have to look at the 18 part Trump thread on SRP to see the biggest dummy spit in interwebz history. 8 years and still going as strong as ever.
Yes, no one should be discussing the Republican nominee for this year's US presidential elections. Likewise, his 91 indictments, fashy talking points and unprecedented history of election denial (the actual biggest dummy spit in history) should rate nary a mention either, the very definition of business as usual.

As always, you're welcome to continue ignoring reality all you like. Just don't expect other people to as well.
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That'd be quite the move considering I'm in Australia. Unsure what moving closer to the US would achieve or what nutty lib celebs in the US have to do with my posting here, suffice to say this doesn't quite seem to be the zinger you're fumbling for.

Yes, no one should be discussing the Republican nominee for this year's US presidential elections. Likewise, his 91 indictments, fashy talking points and unprecedented history of election denial (the actual biggest dummy spit in history) should rate nary a mention either, the very definition of business as usual.

As always, you're welcome to continue ignoring reality all you like. Just don't expect other people to as well.
It's hard to describe what that thread is, but it's certainly not a discussion.

And I don't think Trumps election denial is unprecented. Hillary and the Dems did it better first.

It's hard to describe what that thread is, but it's certainly not a discussion.

And I don't think Trumps election denial is unprecented. Hillary and the Dems did it better first.


There any Dems on that video asking state reps to find votes or accusing the other side of manufacturing fake ballots by any chance? We've done this so many times mate - do I even need to watch that video or can I just file it in the 'false equivalence' folder that barely fits in the cabinet any more? Your ability to consistently and continually disregard clear and obvious differences on this topic borders on pathological.

Tell you what, give me the time stamp of the very best one in there, I'll watch it and give you my honest take. Good faith discussion and all that.
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Kennedy getting his run together.

Watch the MSM that are the Dems lap dogs go after him and try everything they can do to either bury him or blame him if the Dems lose the election.

These mofos hate any kind of competition for votes.

Hope he does well and start breaking down the barriers that keep it a duopoly.
Kennedy getting his run together.

Watch the MSM that are the Dems lap dogs go after him and try everything they can do to either bury him or blame him if the Dems lose the election.

These mofos hate any kind of competition for votes.

Hope he does well and start breaking down the barriers that keep it a duopoly.
GOP and Fox ran that play months ago mate. Only once RFK dropped out of the Democrat primary to run as an independent of course, putting him in competition with Trump for votes.

GOP and Fox ran that play months ago mate. Only once RFK dropped out of the Democrat primary to run as an independent of course, putting him in competition with Trump for votes.

He'll probably take votes from both but he'll take a hell of a lot more off the Dems than the GOP.

I expect Jill Stein like whinging from the Dems as they accuse him of spoiling their vote.

That corrupt entitlement.
He'll probably take votes from both but he'll take a hell of a lot more off the Dems than the GOP.

I expect Jill Stein like whinging from the Dems as they accuse him of spoiling their vote.

That corrupt entitlement.
Just like there was polling indicating that he might take more votes from Trump back when he went independent, hence Fox's abrupt about face on him 5 months ago.

Your unparalleled ability to pot Democrats for things the GOP are as bad or (usually) demonstrably worse on never ceases to amaze. Can set your watch to this shit.
Just like there was polling indicating that he might take more votes from Trump back when he went independent, hence Fox's abrupt about face on him 5 months ago.

Your unparalleled ability to pot Democrats for things the GOP are as bad or (usually) demonstrably worse on never ceases to amaze. Can set your watch to this s**t.

He's a Democrat from a famous Democrat political family, but sure, he's going to get more votes from Republicans than Democrats.

Some people might believe that, but I don't.

Your unparalleled ability to get triggered any time I post something is hilarious.

You can set your Casio watch to it.

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