Movie Twilight films....does anyone actually give a sh!t other than teeny girls?

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Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear

Premiership Player
Oct 28, 2004
New Eden
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
Someone please explain to me why it is getting so much publicity and counts as "news" when it is clearly only popular with Girls under 20?

Anyone else sick of all the hype of a couple of chick flicks?
From what I can gather from trailers, that tmz show and facebook.

That chick has a perfectly good looking werewolve that protects her and she runs off looking for that pasty vampire that didn't want her!

And apparently the werewolve ends up with the daughter of those two!! Serious WTFing going on!!!
Incredibly stupid people are also into it, from what I am told its just a really cheesy teen high school romance flick with vampires, except the vampires aren't proper vampires, since when did they glow in the ****ing light?
Don't understand how their are adults who are into this rubbish.

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Give it a read. Even though it's more about the books, it's well worth your time...I think this sums it up perfectly (and yes the people who wrote this review are taking the piss - sadly the quotes from the book seem to be spot on);

Stephanie Meyer's exemplary writing style is demonstrated in this conversation between Edward and our narrator Bella:
"Aren't you hungry?" he asked, distracted.
"No." I didn't feel like mentioning that my stomach was already full - full of butterflies.
Anyone else sick of all the hype of a couple of chick flicks?

YES! :mad:
I unfortunately had to sit through this "movie" and would rate it as the third worst movie I've ever seen (after Pledge This and The Real Cancun).

I would advise everyone reading this to avoid this movie like the plague... everything about it is terrible. Terrible acting, terrible casting, TERRIBLE direction, terrible plot, terrible, terrible, terrible.
Twilight is a sorry excuse for filmmaking. I would even go as far as to say it is an embarrassment to the human race.


Give it a read. Even though it's more about the books, it's well worth your time...I think this sums it up perfectly (and yes the people who wrote this review are taking the piss - sadly the quotes from the book seem to be spot on);

Dear me, no wonder Stephen King dissed Meyers writing, that's bloody awful.

To the OP yeah I think it's all a but too much as well. Type in demotivational twilight in google images, much lulz to be had. Here are a few:




YES! :mad:
I unfortunately had to sit through this "movie" and would rate it as the third worst movie I've ever seen (after Pledge This and The Real Cancun).

I would advise everyone reading this to avoid this movie like the plague... everything about it is terrible. Terrible acting, terrible casting, TERRIBLE direction, terrible plot, terrible, terrible, terrible.
Twilight is a sorry excuse for filmmaking. I would even go as far as to say it is an embarrassment to the human race.


I was looking at a youtube video about fox doing a Harry Potter vs Twilight segment. The comments were quite funny, for every one twilight fan (a twitard fangirl) there were 200 Harry Potter fans :thumbsu:
sad thing about this is that many older chicks are into this aswell. Its a case of 'omg omg omg ive read the books, i so, like, must watch the movie'.
Transformers, now theres entertainment!
The book is quite possibly the worst piece of fiction I have ever read. I am not exaggerating here. Half of the first book consists of Meyer describing every little insignificant detail imaginable, as though she thinks the use of description makes her a literary genius. It's like fanfiction, but worse.


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I honestly thought this movie had to be some sort of piss take. There is no way something this awful could actually be taking itself seriously, I made it all the way to the part where the emo guy stands in the sun and sparkles, but just couldn't watch another second. Awful awful movie.
Don't get why people get angry about things like this. I'm not into Twilight at all, but I really don't care about it enough to get angry about it. I have zero interest in it so I shan't see it. Simple really.

The thing is every second ad on tv is about twilight or the other vampire spinoffs that are surviving because of its success (moonlight, vampire dairies)

Doesn't get me "angry" but it is damn annoying.
Don't get why people get angry about things like this. I'm not into Twilight at all, but I really don't care about it enough to get angry about it. I have zero interest in it so I shan't see it. Simple really.
I'm angry because untalented "fag0tts" are exploiting the impressionable minds of young teenage girls to make more money than every single person on this forum combined.

Maybe I should a write a shit book about emos.
The thing is every second ad on tv is about twilight or the other vampire spinoffs that are surviving because of its success (moonlight, vampire dairies)

Doesn't get me "angry" but it is damn annoying.
People still watch TV?
Don't get why people get angry about things like this. I'm not into Twilight at all, but I really don't care about it enough to get angry about it. I have zero interest in it so I shan't see it. Simple really.

I get irritated because the books (and consequently the movies) appeal to teens and young women across the world, yet they promote archaic themes that do more to harm the growth of feminist ideas than any other piece of fiction released in the past one hundred years.

The main idea of the series is faux-love which actually borders on obsession and the main characters are the antithesis of positive role models. You have the lead female who is suicidally attracted to the "perfect" man. The "perfect" man just happens to be a borderline rapist, stalker.


The link above to the Twilight synopsis, whilst hilarious, is sadly spot on about every aspect of the series.
I reckon 80% of females that I know are half obsessed with this, my wife included.

I know someone whos read them back to back to back 5 times now in the space of about 6 months. Ridiculous.

I tried watching the movie, to be a good husband. I lasted about 20 minutes before declaring 'this is ****ing shit' and moving to the kitchen to stick forks in my eyes.
I really have no idea about any of it my only question is when the hell could Vampires walk around in the sunlight!?!?!? :rolleyes:

lol, I know. I tried convincing my sister (who loves it) that it's completely wrong but she wouldn't listen.

If I want vampires I'll watch True Blood.

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