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I always liked the idea that if you travelled back in time (and can go back to your time once youre done) that your timeline is basically locked. It's happened. No changing it.

So you could essentially go back and kill your ancestors, go back home and nothing is different. You would have just created another thread that runs parallel to yours where things are different. But you'll never experience it.

I reckon if time travel ever is possible it'll be a one way thing. You go back and that's it. You kill your parents? Fine, you won't be born again. You're a separate being to the one from back then so it matters not.

I don't think time paradoxes exist. If time travel is possible then it'll fix itself. We're just matter.
I always liked the idea that if you travelled back in time (and can go back to your time once youre done) that your timeline is basically locked. It's happened. No changing it.

So you could essentially go back and kill your ancestors, go back home and nothing is different. You would have just created another thread that runs parallel to yours where things are different. But you'll never experience it.

I reckon if time travel ever is possible it'll be a one way thing. You go back and that's it. You kill your parents? Fine, you won't be born again. You're a separate being to the one from back then so it matters not.

I don't think time paradoxes exist. If time travel is possible then it'll fix itself. We're just matter.
im a firm believer that everything in our timeline is pre-ordained, set in stone... because so often people (including myself) have premonitions of future events and they happen. So if tine travel did exist the only theoretical possibility is as you say and many are starting to say - - alternate timelines in alternate dimensions etc but i dont see how thats possible in a very real universe and solar system with fixed planets etc. There cant be alternate dimensions with the same earth etc. Where do they fit in?
im a firm believer that everything in our timeline is pre-ordained, set in stone... because so often people (including myself) have premonitions of future events and they happen. So if tine travel did exist the only theoretical possibility is as you say and many are starting to say - - alternate timelines in alternate dimensions etc but i dont see how thats possible in a very real universe and solar system with fixed planets etc. There cant be alternate dimensions with the same earth etc. Where do they fit in?
First off, i don't believe in time travel, but it's very fun to think about.

I honestly don't see a difference between going back and forth In time or side to side between realities. They all take up space. How? I'm not the universe. I've no ****ing idea.

So you essentially believe in fate? When you say preordained do you mean by an engineer or just by the natural order?

As for premonitions, they are wrong more often than not. Look through history. Visions, predictions, premonitions, history is littered with them. They are overwhelmingly incorrect.

Nowadays we have access to more information, we can track data and patterns even if only subconsciously and use them to predict likely outcomes. It's easy.

Not discrediting you, but any true premonitions are just as likely to be the result of an observant mind and critical thinking as they are a set path everything follows.

Humans, and the world at large is very, VERY predictable.
im a firm believer that everything in our timeline is pre-ordained, set in stone... because so often people (including myself) have premonitions of future events and they happen. So if tine travel did exist the only theoretical possibility is as you say and many are starting to say - - alternate timelines in alternate dimensions etc but i dont see how thats possible in a very real universe and solar system with fixed planets etc. There cant be alternate dimensions with the same earth etc. Where do they fit in?

simulation theory
That dude in Qld who solved the Time Travel Paradox (he concluded multiverse is why theres no paradox) and everyone kissed his ass calling him a genius.....well i figured out Time Travel. You can only OBSERVE, you cannot interact, with an elapsed past. Therefore no Paradox, and no multiverse.


My take on the Grandfather Paradox is this, and it concerns what makes you, "you":

You can indeed go back and kill your Grandfather, but you create an alternate timeline where you are born to a different family but have the same conciousness thereby creating a new "you" but with all the same personality traits and soul. You go and kill the same guy, but he's not your Grandfather. Even as I'm writing this I'm picking up inconsistencies in my own theory haha

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Multiverses have to exist. There's just no other explanation possible when you alter the past
I personally don't believe in time travel and think it's impossible, I love the concept (the Time machine is one of my favourite movies) but the reality of flesh and blood being able to go back in time does not compute. Spirit or thought on the other hand could be something entirely different.

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A JFK conspiracy theorist dies and goes to heaven

When he arrives at the Pearly Gates, God is there to receive him. "Welcome. You are permitted to ask me one question, which I will answer truthfully."
Without hesitating, the conspiracy theorist asks, "Who really shot Kennedy?"
God replies, "Lee Harvey Oswald shot him from sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. There were no accomplices. He acted alone"
The conspiracy theorist pauses, thinks to himself, then says "Shit! This goes higher up than I thought..."

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