Club History The N***d Years

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He was coaching the Sydney Academy while doing media from memory.
I'd like to see him stick around though - in a way it's a shame he has to hand over next year.
Some stories I have heard about events that occurred during the Neeld years:

-Steven Stretch had told Billy not to nominate for father son at Melbourne had Neeld still been there and the club still been a rabble. Many former players were very critical of what was happening at the club. Brett Lovett (Casey coach 2012) couldn't understand Neeld and resigned after one season. Schwarz's comments well documented.

-Todd Viney and Neeld nearly came to blows over recruitment strategy. Todd believed in developing the current players, Neeld wanted to utilize recycled players.

-Neeld openly told Watts he was the worst number 1 pick ever and would stay that way. Would have likely been traded at the end of the 2013 season had Neeld stayed.

-according to Robbo one of the captains (probably Grimes) came up to him in tears one day after an interview saying he felt so helpless, had destroyed the club, and Neeld didn't care about morale.

-the club welfare officers and psychologists were sacked. Apparently the players didn't need psychologists coz they had the coaches. Liam Jurrah and Austin Wonaemirri told they would get no more extra resources than any other player, thus they struggled with homesickness and various other problems and unsurprisingly both retired, along with Kelvin Lawrence. Aaron Davey loathed Neeld and wanted to quit the club at the end of 2012 but had no suitors so remained at the club until he retired the following season.

-Neeld told Moloney he was useless and only any good because he had Mark Jamar tapping it down his throat. Told him to lift his defensive game or get stuffed, which he did.

-club Doctor who'd been there for 20+ years walks because of poor man-management and ruthlessness of Neeld

-Neeld lost the players Round 1 2012 v Brisbane when he blamed the players for the loss post-match. Tried very hard to restore their faith in him by adopting a softer mentality in 2013 but was too late

-Frawley would have walked 2013, one season early had Neeld stayed.
Honestly if you want to get a feel for the Neeld years read Every Day is Like Sunday by Supermercado , specifically all posts from 2013 (in order!) but if you want the full experience then late 2011 to 2013.

I'm not needlessly blowing smoke up Super's arse here - I really think it chronicles a shocking time for the club.

Thanks, I appreciate it. Have just re-read all the posts from that era for the first time (in some cases quite literally if the farcical writing errors are anything to go by) and the tone is absolutely rancid across those years. Mind you then I got to 2015 when we scored 50 three weeks in a row and 60 three weeks in a row and it wasn't much better.

2012-13 is soon to be a major motion picture:

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I think Roosy is gone beyond consulting after this year. He's a man of his word, has been the whole way. Which means he is going to Hawaii.

He may coach again, but I suspect that it won't be til 2018 if not 2019
Some stories I have heard about events that occurred during the Neeld years:

-Steven Stretch had told Billy not to nominate for father son at Melbourne had Neeld still been there and the club still been a rabble. Many former players were very critical of what was happening at the club. Brett Lovett (Casey coach 2012) couldn't understand Neeld and resigned after one season. Schwarz's comments well documented.

-Todd Viney and Neeld nearly came to blows over recruitment strategy. Todd believed in developing the current players, Neeld wanted to utilize recycled players.

-Neeld openly told Watts he was the worst number 1 pick ever and would stay that way. Would have likely been traded at the end of the 2013 season had Neeld stayed.

-according to Robbo one of the captains (probably Grimes) came up to him in tears one day after an interview saying he felt so helpless, had destroyed the club, and Neeld didn't care about morale.

-the club welfare officers and psychologists were sacked. Apparently the players didn't need psychologists coz they had the coaches. Liam Jurrah and Austin Wonaemirri told they would get no more extra resources than any other player, thus they struggled with homesickness and various other problems and unsurprisingly both retired, along with Kelvin Lawrence. Aaron Davey loathed Neeld and wanted to quit the club at the end of 2012 but had no suitors so remained at the club until he retired the following season.

-Neeld told Moloney he was useless and only any good because he had Mark Jamar tapping it down his throat. Told him to lift his defensive game or get stuffed, which he did.

-club Doctor who'd been there for 20+ years walks because of poor man-management and ruthlessness of Neeld

-Neeld lost the players Round 1 2012 v Brisbane when he blamed the players for the loss post-match. Tried very hard to restore their faith in him by adopting a softer mentality in 2013 but was too late

-Frawley would have walked 2013, one season early had Neeld stayed.
Club doc left because of Misson, straight from the horses mouth. Jebus that's depressing reading. **** neeld.
Some stories I have heard about events that occurred during the Neeld years:

-Steven Stretch had told Billy not to nominate for father son at Melbourne had Neeld still been there and the club still been a rabble. Many former players were very critical of what was happening at the club. Brett Lovett (Casey coach 2012) couldn't understand Neeld and resigned after one season. Schwarz's comments well documented.

-Todd Viney and Neeld nearly came to blows over recruitment strategy. Todd believed in developing the current players, Neeld wanted to utilize recycled players.

-Neeld openly told Watts he was the worst number 1 pick ever and would stay that way. Would have likely been traded at the end of the 2013 season had Neeld stayed.

-according to Robbo one of the captains (probably Grimes) came up to him in tears one day after an interview saying he felt so helpless, had destroyed the club, and Neeld didn't care about morale.

-the club welfare officers and psychologists were sacked. Apparently the players didn't need psychologists coz they had the coaches. Liam Jurrah and Austin Wonaemirri told they would get no more extra resources than any other player, thus they struggled with homesickness and various other problems and unsurprisingly both retired, along with Kelvin Lawrence. Aaron Davey loathed Neeld and wanted to quit the club at the end of 2012 but had no suitors so remained at the club until he retired the following season.

-Neeld told Moloney he was useless and only any good because he had Mark Jamar tapping it down his throat. Told him to lift his defensive game or get stuffed, which he did.

-club Doctor who'd been there for 20+ years walks because of poor man-management and ruthlessness of Neeld

-Neeld lost the players Round 1 2012 v Brisbane when he blamed the players for the loss post-match. Tried very hard to restore their faith in him by adopting a softer mentality in 2013 but was too late

-Frawley would have walked 2013, one season early had Neeld stayed.

I heard the Viney/Neeld dispute was over the Toumpas or Wines decision.

It was Todd's call, by his job description. Neeld threw a hissy fit and demanded Toumpas. Top brass went with the new coach because once you've committed to a new leader, its as much about your reputation as his. Neeld questioned Todd's neutrality (Jack and Wines grew up together, getting coached by Todd).

Instant gratification for Todd soon followed. But **** I'd like Ollie Wines in our side!
As others have said, the only good thing about the Neeld era was that it led to a total cleansing and reboot for the club that has enabled a complete culture rebuild. The problem for Mark, aside from being a hopeless head coach, was we needed a culture change even back then but as a first time coach he was hopelessly out of his depth and proceeded to make things 1000 times worse. Had he been at a stronger club, he would've just been terrible, not catastrophic.
I agree with the silver lining at the end of the Neeld era was a complete cleansing of the club and another rebuild of the playing group which is evident this year.

A few things I recall from the Neeld era. First I was a fan of him, I bought into the whole toughest team to play against mantra. I guess that preseason win against Collingwood looked promising, even though it was just nab cup. Even early in the season when we got belted by west coast I remember defending him to my mates who said he couldn't coach. I remember cam Mooney on Sen talking about Melbourne saying we could of stuck with Bailey and excepted a mediocre 8-10 wins every season or Neeld who was going to get Melbourne playing hard defensive sustainable football which gets you into finals. I felt Mooney comments had weight to it knowing he'd come from success culture.
Then mid way through 2012 David King on Fox footy said Melbourne should sack Neeld, he's the wrong fit, square peg round hole I think were his words. Melbourne should admit they got it wrong. I remember feeling angry at David King, but in retrospect he was right, Neeld was a big mistake. The whole point of Mark Neeld was to stop the bleeding, but it got worse and without hitting the scoreboard. Luckily we had Clark kicking 5 of the 6 goals per game until his fortunes turned around. By 2013 you couldn't even tell what the game plan was, and week after week it was just expecting how bad will we lose by. I never watched that Essendon match (probably why I don't have hatred for Gillies either) but I remember listening to it on the radio when I was heading to A party as it got worse and worse and the gut wrenching feeling that essendon my most hated club had inflicted it's biggest win over Melbourne in it's history. Then that gws game came and at 3/4 time I felt sick thinking we are going to get pantsed by a team in their second season. I was at my nephews birthday I remember talking to someone there who was a bit exaggerated talking about Melbourne folding it's bad but not that bad LOL. Then I checked my phone for scores as a record breaking last quarter saved Neeld momentarily. That's just a few of my thoughts that come to mind.
Club doc left because of Misson, straight from the horses mouth. Jebus that's depressing reading. **** neeld.
Then we hired that flipping Former Norf idiot as a doc who was cosy with Dank?

Misson seems to be Teflon, it seems the groups fitness is just about there now. Only taken about 5 years for us to get up to AFL standard lung capacity.

Nice work if you can get it.
I agree with the silver lining at the end of the Neeld era was a complete cleansing of the club and another rebuild of the playing group which is evident this year.

A few things I recall from the Neeld era. First I was a fan of him, I bought into the whole toughest team to play against mantra. I guess that preseason win against Collingwood looked promising, even though it was just nab cup. Even early in the season when we got belted by west coast I remember defending him to my mates who said he couldn't coach. I remember cam Mooney on Sen talking about Melbourne saying we could of stuck with Bailey and excepted a mediocre 8-10 wins every season or Neeld who was going to get Melbourne playing hard defensive sustainable football which gets you into finals. I felt Mooney comments had weight to it knowing he'd come from success culture.
Then mid way through 2012 David King on Fox footy said Melbourne should sack Neeld, he's the wrong fit, square peg round hole I think were his words. Melbourne should admit they got it wrong. I remember feeling angry at David King, but in retrospect he was right, Neeld was a big mistake. The whole point of Mark Neeld was to stop the bleeding, but it got worse and without hitting the scoreboard. Luckily we had Clark kicking 5 of the 6 goals per game until his fortunes turned around. By 2013 you couldn't even tell what the game plan was, and week after week it was just expecting how bad will we lose by. I never watched that Essendon match (probably why I don't have hatred for Gillies either) but I remember listening to it on the radio when I was heading to A party as it got worse and worse and the gut wrenching feeling that essendon my most hated club had inflicted it's biggest win over Melbourne in it's history. Then that gws game came and at 3/4 time I felt sick thinking we are going to get pantsed by a team in their second season. I was at my nephews birthday I remember talking to someone there who was a bit exaggerated talking about Melbourne folding it's bad but not that bad LOL. Then I checked my phone for scores as a record breaking last quarter saved Neeld momentarily. That's just a few of my thoughts that come to mind.
(probably why I don't have hatred for Gillies either)


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Thanks, I appreciate it. Have just re-read all the posts from that era for the first time (in some cases quite literally if the farcical writing errors are anything to go by) and the tone is absolutely rancid across those years. Mind you then I got to 2015 when we scored 50 three weeks in a row and 60 three weeks in a row and it wasn't much better.

2012-13 is soon to be a major motion picture:

Wow. They are epic. Like an acid trip gone wrong mixed with a hangover from hell.

Are they your own work??
Watched Neelds pressed from the Essendon game again. Guy was clueless, completely went to water. Does anyone have a link to the presser after the Brisbane game in 2012?

Also that shot of the players walking off in the Essendon game with dozens of fans lining up to abuse them is pretty haunting.
Wow. They are epic. Like an acid trip gone wrong mixed with a hangover from hell.

Are they your own work??

If you're a lawyer for Francis Ford Coppola or Mark Neeld the answer is no.
I heard the Viney/Neeld dispute was over the Toumpas or Wines decision.

It was Todd's call, by his job description. Neeld threw a hissy fit and demanded Toumpas. Top brass went with the new coach because once you've committed to a new leader, its as much about your reputation as his. Neeld questioned Todd's neutrality (Jack and Wines grew up together, getting coached by Todd).

Instant gratification for Todd soon followed. But **** I'd like Ollie Wines in our side!

I heard Todd wanted Toumpas. Not surprising either, he was in SA for some time. I believe you have it mixed up. No, I know you have it mixed up.
(in some cases quite literally if the farcical writing errors are anything to go by)

Hey Supes, big fan here. But tend to agree that your editor tends to miss some ****ing shithouse errors at times. I think they stand out because your writing is so good. You should sack that bloke.

And if you don't have an editor, I'll happily email you a list of the errors I pick up on a weekly basis.
Watched Neelds pressed from the Essendon game again. Guy was clueless, completely went to water. Does anyone have a link to the presser after the Brisbane game in 2012?

Also that shot of the players walking off in the Essendon game with dozens of fans lining up to abuse them is pretty haunting.
I remember Grimes doing interviews after that game, looked shattered. In regard to what Sellout said above he could have broken down after that game, he and a lot of players. Then to think the only person you could talk to about it, would be Neeld and his crew. Then my assumption would be rather than addressing how the player felt Neeld would maybe blame or demand something
Well did you hear it or do you know it?

A very VERY good source, and one that I am not willing to cite for the sake of big footy banter. Under normal circumstances I would not of commented at all, but when I saw your post, I had to set things right. I dont need to ask your source because I know you were making it up. Good day sir.
A very VERY good source, and one that I am not willing to cite for the sake of big footy banter. Under normal circumstances I would not of commented at all, but when I saw your post, I had to set things right. I dont need to ask your source because I know you were making it up. Good day sir.

It's been the prevailing rumour for the last three or so years that Neeld went for Toumpas when Viney wanted Wines. You're the first I've heard say otherwise. That will be why he wanted clarification on your smart arse comment. Not because he's making up a rumour.

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