Manchester City FC Thread - Champions of England, Europe & The World

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Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 3 here

I'll do my ratings for the season over the next day or two.

Hart – simply superb, spent a lot of games by himself watching the action but when called upon he saved us time and time again. Wigan away, Villa away just a couple of examples where he had very little to do, but ended up being very influential in us getting 3 points. Very solid all round game, and you can tell that our defence is confident playing in front of him. 38 appearances – 8.5/10

Kompany – developed into a true leader of the team, and maybe the best defender in the league. Wasn’t at his best at the start of the season, but at the business end, when the pressure was really on, there was probably no-one better. Very harshly sent off in the cup, but got his revenge in the derby a few months later. 31 starts – 9/10

Clichy – when he came I was a bit wary, as I’d seen him go from a solid defender who was decent getting forward to a bit of a nightmare, capable of one or two brain fades a match. But he was excellent for us, and a real key in the last few games of the season. Personally don’t think there was a better performed LB in the league this season, a real steal at £7m. 28 starts - 7.5/10

Lescott – what a turnaround, I would have happily seen him sold at the start of the season, and would have happily seen him shot half way through last season. But he was very solid all year for us, and apart from the odd brain fade (QPR, Liverpool in the cup) couldn’t be faulted. 30 starts - 8.5/10

Richards – took another step forward in his career under Mancini again, and was brilliant at right back for us. Often one of our most potent attacking threats, he was once again solid defensively after looking like he was never going to be a defender under Hughes just a few years before. 23 starts, 6 sub appearances – 8/10
Re: ****Official Manchester City Football Club Thread**** Pt 3

Looking at the above, I can see a real case for each of them making the team of the season. But between them they missed 40 starts for one reason or another. And apart from Zaba, their replacements were a marked downgrade.

Something to think about for next season.

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Re: ****Official Manchester City Football Club Thread**** Pt 3

De Jong – not the best of seasons for De Jong, started off with injury problems, and while he came into it in the latter half of season he’ll still see it as a disappointment. Not sure there is a spot for him in our best XI, and not sure he will be too happy with a squad role for much longer. 11 starts, 10 sub appearances - 6/10

Yaya Toure – beast. Can be lazy at times, and is prone to picking up a silly yellow card or two. But when he is on song there is no more physically imposing footballer in the game. After goals in the cup semi, and final last year he continued to show himself as a big game player, with top level performances at the latter end of the season when in really counted. 31 starts – 8.5/10

Silva – a revelation in the first half of the season, even for those that were aware of his ability. Tailed off in the second half with injury problems, and referees that don’t seem to be interested in protecting flair players. Was back on form when it counted and it will still go down as a very good season. 33 starts, 3 sub appearances – 8.5/10

Barry – the most underrated player in football, even by City supporters (including myself on occasion). Had a great season providing the cover for an attack minded 4 and sometimes five. Gets plenty of the ball, and usually delivers it to someone in blue. Much better in the tackle than he is given credit for, and all round key contributor to a title winning team (won’t stop some believing he has no redeemable qualities whatsoever). What is it some used to call him on here? Gareth Average? Bet they would love someone as average on their team right now. 31 starts, 3 sub appearances – 8.5/10

Johnson – a big disappointment this season. He has all the skill in the world, and he showed that a few times with some cracking goals and assists. But the big issue for him has been his inaibility to perform for 90 minutes, week in week out. And you could only say he went backward in that regard. 6 goals is a good return for the time he had on the pitch, and I suspect he’ll do a decent job for another club next season (not Liverpool as they have Stewart Downing who is apparently better than him eh Woy). But I do think he is capable of so much more than just being a good premier league player. 10 starts, 16 sub appearances – 5/10
Re: ****Official Manchester City Football Club Thread**** Pt 3

Dzeko – it was a nearly season for Dzeko, 4 goals away at Spurs, 2 goals away at the sty, 14 in the league all up. But there were some stinkers, and his all round game was generally poor.Don’t think Mancini has much faith in him, and while I’d like him to stay I wouldn’t be surprised if he was elsewhere (talk from Germany sounds like the preliminary stages of a Bayern bid). Got the equaliser on the last day too, and if he does leave he will be remembered fondly by blues. 16 starts, 14 sub appearances – 6.5/10

Aguero – the shot heard around the world. It’s hard to think about his season without reliving the last seconds of this years league. And while he had an excellent season, I think if you asked most blues the prevailing thought is that there is much, much more to come from him. Still, 23 goals and 8 assists isn’t a bad first season. 31 starts, 3 sub appearances – 9/10

Savic – feel a bit sorry for the lad, as he isn’t a bad footballer but he got thrown into key games, made a few **** ups and really struggled from there. Has now got a bit of a name as an incompetent defender but I think this year will do him good in the whole scheme of things. Expect him to be eased back into the side next year from the subs bench and in the cups. Still think he’ll be OK with us. 5 starts,6 sub appearances – 4/10

Kolarov – redeemed himself a bit in the latter part of the season with some good performances and a very important equaliser at home to Sunderland. Still not the best season for him and at times he looked useless. Not sure if he’ll still be at the club next season, but we could do worse. 9 starts, 3 sub appearances – 5/10

Zabaleta – have said since he joined that he is a great squad member to have, and he more than lived up to that billing this season. Never lets you down when he is given the chance, and when given the chance to start the last month or so after Micah got injured he was simply outstanding. One of the most popular players at the club, and remains a very good squad member to have. 18 starts, 3 sub appearances – 7.5/10
Re: ****Official Manchester City Football Club Thread**** Pt 3

Milner – I’ve never been a Milner fan but he had some very good performances for us at the start of the season, and he showed a side to his game that I didn’t think he was capable of. Got injured, lost his place and never really got another run at it. Still unsure about him, but don’t feel as bad about him signing as I once did. 17 starts, 9 sub appearances – 6/10

Balotelli – pretty hard to rate Balo, started the season out of the side, and forced his way in through good solid performances, and by showing less of the nutter side of his character. Still had a few brain fades, not least the first half of the Arsenal game which at the time seemed like it ended our title aspirations. Got a very good assist for our winner against QPR, and will start next season much like this season just gone. No-one will have a ****ing clue what he’s going to do. 14 starts, 9 sub appearances – 6.5/10

Tevez – mass of contradictions here. I like the bloke, but think he’s a ****. He’s one of the best players I’ve seen at the club, but I think we should sell him in the summer. Started of the season unfit, with a poor attitude and sitting on the bench where he deserved to sit. Spat the dummy in Munich, and spat it again, and again, and again before the comeback. Much has been spoke about the comeback, but apart from the Norwich, and Chelsea games (maybe a few others) he wasn’t actually very good. Certainly when the title was on the line (against United, Newcastle and QPR) he was non-existant. But I think his return did have a positive impact on the club, and despite reservations when it became likely that he might return to Manchester I’m glad that he did. And when he leaves, I’ll remember his time fondly despite him being an arseh*le for a decent portion of it. Cheers Carlos. 7 starts, 6 sub appearances – 4/10

Nasri – bitter tarquins would like to think he spent the season sat on our bench not making a contribution to our success. But they would be wrong, and while he didn’t come straight into the side and perform to expectations he was a contributor all the way through. Expect a lot more to come from him next season. 26 starts, 4 sub appearances – 6.5/10

Kolo Toure – unfortunately for Kolo, when we really needed him there as a back-up he was over in Africa playing in the ACN. But he did OK when he got his chance, and I can’t recall any of the cockups that seemed to happen each week in his first season with us. 8 starts, 6 sub appearances – 5.5/10
Re: ****Official Manchester City Football Club Thread**** Pt 3

Razak – only played 10 minutes for us in the league, can’t remember much about it other than he was quite happy to receive, and quite proficient at passing it on. Ended up at Portsmouth where I don’t think he was a huge success, so I guess I wouldn’t expect much from him next season. Maybe another loan move would be best. 1 sub appearance – no rating

Hargreaves – good comedy value only for the fact that he wound up United fans, and he played more for us in 13 minutes at home to Villa than it seems he played in 3 years at United. Been released, could see him and Owen sitting on a physios bench together somewhere in a mid/low table premier league club. 1 sub appearance – no rating

Onuoha – Was a big fan of Ned from when I first saw him as a 16 year old in our reserves. So was pleased when he got another league appearance for the club before he left, I didn’t think that would happen under Mancini. Was even more pleased that he went to ground and missed the tackle on Aguero in the last seconds of the season, I suspect he wasn’t too upset about that either. 1 sub appearance – no rating

Pizarro – I like Pizarro, like his style of play, like his coolness on the ball and his vision. But he didn’t have much of an impact in the league for us, and his only start (Bolton from memory) was a bit of a disaster. Wish we had him as a 20 year old. 1 start, 4 sub appearances – 5/10
Re: ****Official Manchester City Football Club Thread**** Pt 3

Mancini - there were a lot of doubters of Mancini, both inside and outside the club. Much of it was borne out of ignorance, a lot out of bitterness and hopefully much of it has been proven wrong now. Won out the battle of mind games with Fergie, simply because he refused to react to them. And wound the rags up something chronic with his "Manchester United are still favourites". He's never going to be a consensus manager, and he'll probably divide opinion forever. But he knows exactly what he wants, and how he will get there. In a manager thats a very good quality to have. 9/10
Re: ****Official Manchester City Football Club Thread**** Pt 3

completely agree with the ratings besides possibly yaya a bit higher, i think that we really struggled without him, moreso than without kompany. he has a huge energy about him, and while he isnt the hardest worker, he does his job very well. physically imposing, surprisingly quick and knows where the goals are. if he cuts out those stupid yellows he could go ever further next season
Re: ****Official Manchester City Football Club Thread**** Pt 3

These are fantastic writeups moomba. Cheers mate.

For the record I'd be giving Hart a 9.5. Could his season be faulted? Obviously there are no 10s but he has been nothing short of superb. Likewise Clichy I'd be upgrading to an 8.5. Granted Barry is underrated but I don't think Clichy gets the plaudits he deserves either. Has been outstanding this season.

I hope you're mistaken re AJ moving on (thought I suspect you're not). I truly believe he can make the next step up from being an impact player and it would be criminal to watch him make that leap at another club. Mancini has reserved faith in him and he has just signed a long-term contract so hopefully he sticks with us. There aren't many that have his raw ability, certainly not amongst English stocks.
Great stuff moomba.

Yeah the only one I thought you graded a bit harshly was Clichy. He was an absolute revelation to me this year and is now an integral part of our XI.

What's up with kizza the mod?

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michael johnson arrested on suspicion of drink driving and crashing his bmw x5 in manchester.

poor bastard, injuries really killed his career, looked like he could've been anything, has slowly gone off the rails since.

At least he gave Ronaldo what he deserved the annoying twat. Or was that someone else?
Adam Johnson didn't make the England squad did he? Could he be off searching for first team football in the transfer window?

I would imagine he will be.


What do we think lads? This has to be a confirmation now. 2012-13 home and away kits - hadn't seen the away until now though, looks very classy
Micah turns 24 today... hard to believe he is still so young and has so much of his career ahead of him!

Really feels like he's been around forever (which he has)

One of the most underrated right backs in English football

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