Supercars JUB JUB Supercars thread

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There's a pretty common denominator when it comes to all of those drivers leaving...
Are you talking drivers leaving Erebus, or leaving Supercars?

I think it's a given that the drivers hate the Gen3 cars. SVG hated them to the extent that he pulled the plug on Supercars while still having 12 months to go on his contract (presumably he was planning on leaving in 2025, but moved the schedule up to 2024 when the Gen3 cars proved to be so shite). I suspect it's also likely a factor in Brodie's moves to head overseas as well, though he hasn't been as public in his thoughts about the machinery.

As for Erebus... the fact that neither of their 2023 drivers will be with them in 2024 is a big black mark for Barry Ryan. It's absolutely clear that Brodie is leaving because of issues with him, and it was almost certainly a factor in Will Brown's defection to 888 as well.
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Are you talking drivers leaving Erebus, or leaving Supercars?

I think it's a given that the drivers hate the Gen3 cars. SVG hated them to the extent that he pulled the plug on Supercars while still having 12 months to go on his contract (presumably he was planning on leaving in 2025, but moved the schedule up to 2024 when the Gen3 cars proved to be so shite). I suspect it's also likely a factor in Brodie's moves to head overseas as well, though he hasn't been as public in his thoughts about the machinery.

As for Erebus... the fact that neither of their 2023 drivers will be with them in 2024 is a big black mark for Barry Ryan. It's absolutely clear that Brodie is leaving because of issues with him, and it was almost certainly a factor in Will Brown's defection to 888 as well.

Brodie's will be two fold. He's driven in the US multiple times, can probably see the writing on the wall here with where the category is heading.

But it's absolutely Barry Ryan.

Reynolds 1 year into a 10 year deal
De Pasquale

That's some serious talent walking out the door. Due to what Ryan owns within that team, they'll never get rid of him though. It'll cost the team long term however.

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Rumour is Kostecki got offered a blank cheque by PremiAir, Erebus said no and here we are.

Brodie's will be two fold. He's driven in the US multiple times, can probably see the writing on the wall here with where the category is heading.
He moved there when he was 13 to pursue a NASCAR career. He got the NASCAR drives last year because that's his childhood goal and he had the connections. He'll probably go at the end of the year if he has the sponsors to drive a full season, regardless of the state of the category.
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Rumour is Kostecki got offered a blank cheque by PremiAir, Erebus said no and here we are.

He moved there when he was 13 to pursue a NASCAR career. He got the NASCAR drives last year because that's his childhood goal and he had the connections. He'll probably go at the end of the year if he has the sponsors to drive a full season, regardless of the state of the category.
I’ve also read that he found out he was triple 8’s first choice to replace SVG but Erebus said no, then brown gets released….
I’ve also read that he found out he was triple 8’s first choice to replace SVG but Erebus said no, then brown gets released….
That's true.

I also know that Will's salary is 4 x what Brodie would be earning this year for Erebus.

Shaw and Partners have gone, expect Coke to also pull the sponsorship plug.
Annnd there you go, Coke have pulled out.

One of biggest and fastest falls from grace I can remember from any sporting team.
Annnd there you go, Coke have pulled out.

One of biggest and fastest falls from grace I can remember from any sporting team.
Ryan better find some sponsors quickly. They're losing major money coming out of a championship winning season.

Pretty piss poor they're not on the front foot with this either. Betty hasn't uttered a word as far as I can tell. Absolute shambles.
Ryan better find some sponsors quickly. They're losing major money coming out of a championship winning season.

Pretty piss poor they're not on the front foot with this either. Betty hasn't uttered a word as far as I can tell. Absolute shambles.
Theyre fighting for survival at this point. The self-destruction is so quick it's impressive.

Imagine being Jack Le Brocq, thinking you've signed with a title contender.
Annnd there you go, Coke have pulled out.

One of biggest and fastest falls from grace I can remember from any sporting team.
Erebus have lost Shaw & Partners, Coke, and Southern Cross Truck Rentals - basically every sponsor who had their decals on the cars last year. Supercars have also lost Boost, who were the naming sponsors for the Gold Coast races.

All of this has happened because of the way Erebus & Supercars handled the situation, and their disingenuous media releases last week.
Source: Iconic brand ditches Supercars team over driver drama

This is gonna hurt!

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I may have missed a piece of info somewhere but why is supercars copping flak ?? ( not that i'm defending them )

Erebus' major sponsors pulled the pin because erebus wouldn't give Brodie a release ?
I may have missed a piece of info somewhere but why is supercars copping flak ?? ( not that i'm defending them )

Erebus' major sponsors pulled the pin because erebus wouldn't give Brodie a release ?
Boost is one of Brodie's personal sponsors. They are pissed that Supercars backed Erebus, repeating Erebus' garbage media release almost verbatim, and tried to pass of his reasons for leaving as "mental health issues". Supercars are giving precisely 0 support to the driver, when it is clearly the team which is in the wrong.
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Boost is one of Brodie's personal sponsors. They are pissed that Supercars backed Erebus, repeating Erebus' garbage media release almost verbatime, and tried to pass of his reasons for leaving as "mental health issues". Supercars are giving precisely 0 support to the driver, when it is clearly the team which is in the wrong.
still the " Good 'ole boys " club it was back in 92 when it all went to shit because " muh vee ate got beaten by a turbo "

Could've gone to GT4 regs or TA22 but noooooo, we know better

Does it seem like now more than ever that supercars is a stepping stone to NASCAR and to a lesser extent Indycar? The series is held in high regard worldwide so I don't think it takes away too much that some drivers are testing the waters in the U.S
just saw this on the Erebus fans Facebook page

Written by David Haddon

I've kept my powder dry for a long time but now that the shackles are released I will just say my pov.
I came to erebus when Reynolds joined the team. I connected with his perceived dgaf attitude after the whole pussywagon situation.
I was dirty as hell when covid came and Dave and Barry couldn't work together directly and as we know he walked away from a 10 yr deal. I respected that as 2 men striving for the same goal but without the tools to achieve it.
In my opinion Anton left for a life changing opportunity given his young status in SC and Scotty's seat would be a dream for any young driver.
So we signed Will from Super2s to cover Anton because the team weren't totally confident in keeping the only guy who could rival Rick Kellys hair

Brodie came in when Dave pulled the trigger and I was sceptical.
Gladly proven wrong.. he is everything I love in a racer ❤️
I have loved watching these guys drive their asses off for our team and yes they made mistakes but never quit. So did the Team.. Did Erebus do everything right. All the time. Not in my opinion.
Did they lose their way with us as fans in pursuit of the success they have achieved ... I leave that to the members and fans to decide.
Were the members not Corporate enough to be valued and actually get what they paid for.
Who puts * on a membership for all of the access that is the whole reason for that membership ?

The current situation with Erebus Brodie and their sponsors is a complete disaster.
But do not for 1 second accept that you as fans are to blame for the way you feel or expressing you pov
We gave you that platform.
When the team and sport you love are leaving you swimming in a pool of confusion frustration sadness anger disappointment and uncertainty and also love and support you were able to speak.

We are now the EVERYONES MOTORSPORT ARMY and that will be a louder voice than you all have had before. Is Erebus taboo. Hell No. Are the rest of your Motorsport passions now Included HELL YES

DOES THIS MEAN WE CAN SHITCAN DIFFERING POVS. Yeah nah Lisa will kick your ass if you're a tool 😂

PS.. yeah I'm Gunna do it. Everything from here is *
* This the information that I believe to be true but will be happy to proved wrong .. allegedly for all you legal types. Also.. prove I'm wrong

from what I have verified to my satisfaction
Adelaide Will was told FK off you're not welcome to the podium.. when the teams trophy was accepted by Brodie.
That night there was a "celebration" at another drivers room that used to drive with us but I'm not naming him cos it might cause a hairmergency and BK didn't take too kindly to his mate WB being treated poorly. (*Since announcement of leaving and that last wknd) Words were said and it got physical. Damage was done to the room. Stuff gets broken when bodies are moving like walls and chairs and tables and shit. (Dunno if it was a particular wall table or chair) then there was a statement made to the effect of FK U I'm never driving for you ever again. Or words to that effect.

So we all chillout and have holidays. And here we are. The journos have all of this info but are only filtering out what they deem acceptable from SC for fear of losing their accreditation and telling the whole truth.
So we are here now with BK standing up for his principles and he gives an ultimatum to the BOSS. . Baz or Me.
So when I see a post from the team announcing Barry is no longer team principle .. in isolation .. from outta nowhere I'm thinking that's very odd. Wtf is this about.
Then AVL drops the bomb and it kinda makes sense but not totally. .
BK is reported to not be driving for Erebus and there is no official word and the whole supercars fanbase are clamouring for info.

No info

Just a mealy worded technically correct statement

Yes the sponsors have pulled out cos they don't want their corporate reputation hitched to this current situation.. (I'm not saying from the penthouse to the shit house.. you are)
In my guess.. 😘 the only bombs left to drop are when Brodie gets released from his contract or not. Cos if not the NDA stands which is why we can't hear from him.
And the other one is if Betty has ticked enough bucket list SC .. Bathurst. Drivers and Teams to worry about punching this shitstorm or just take the win and give the team to Baz..

Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.

I will take questions at the bar 🤠

PPS. Everything you've heard about BK baulking for more money or an early release to NASCAR IS WRONG
from what I have verified to my satisfaction:
Adelaide Will was told FK off you're not welcome to the podium.. when the teams trophy was accepted by Brodie.

That night there was a "celebration" at another drivers room that used to drive with us but I'm not naming him cos it might cause a hairmergency and BK didn't take too kindly to his mate WB being treated poorly. (*Since announcement of leaving and that last wknd) Words were said and it got physical. Damage was done to the room. Stuff gets broken when bodies are moving like walls and chairs and tables and s**t. (Dunno if it was a particular wall table or chair) then there was a statement made to the effect of FK U I'm never driving for you ever again. Or words to that effect.
TLDR: Erebus refused to acknowledge Will Brown's part in helping them win the teams championship, Brodie was angry about it and got into a fight with Barry, who went to Betty with a "Barry or me" ultimatum.

The driver in bold is probably de Pasquale
Are you talking drivers leaving Erebus, or leaving Supercars?

I think it's a given that the drivers hate the Gen3 cars. SVG hated them to the extent that he pulled the plug on Supercars while still having 12 months to go on his contract (presumably he was planning on leaving in 2025, but moved the schedule up to 2024 when the Gen3 cars proved to be so shite). I suspect it's also likely a factor in Brodie's moves to head overseas as well, though he hasn't been as public in his thoughts about the machinery.

As for Erebus... the fact that neither of their 2023 drivers will be with them in 2024 is a big black mark for Barry Ryan. It's absolutely clear that Brodie is leaving because of issues with him, and it was almost certainly a factor in Will Brown's defection to 888 as well.
Aren’t “the best drivers in the country” supposed to wrangle the car under them into a drivable/winnable position?
I don’t go with the “G3 shite” arguments.
Plenty of pinnacle F1 cars are shite but the best drivers in the world are expected to turn them into competitive beasts. And some drivers make their name doing just that.
Maybe Australian/Kiwi drivers can do just that.
Aren’t “the best drivers in the country” supposed to wrangle the car under them into a drivable/winnable position?
I don’t go with the “G3 shite” arguments.
Plenty of pinnacle F1 cars are shite but the best drivers in the world are expected to turn them into competitive beasts. And some drivers make their name doing just that.
Maybe Australian/Kiwi drivers can do just that.
They still manage to wrangle them better than the other drivers - you can count on one hand the number of races that were won by teams other than Red Bull & Erebus last year... but that doesn't alter the fact that the cars are pigs, which nobody enjoys driving.

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