Multiplat Fallout: New Vegas

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the only advice I would give is to pick 3 or 4 skills and focus on leveling those up. If you spread your points everywhere you might become a jack of all trades. Also, some of the best perks in the game are unlocked when you get your skills in the 70 + range.

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the only advice I would give is to pick 3 or 4 skills and focus on leveling those up. If you spread your points everywhere you might become a jack of all trades. Also, some of the best perks in the game are unlocked when you get your skills in the 70 + range.
With the level cap @ 40 you can afford to be a little more frivolous
Had this for a while but just started playing it. Great game, especially with mods.

Obsidian are so much better at writing than Bethesda are it's scary. How is it a big developer like Bethesda continue to write shitty uninteresting story after shitty uninteresting story, yet a smaller developer like Obsidian can write a really good one?

Playing as a Demolition Expert that specializes in going invisible and reverse pickpocketing mines & grenades into people, which is now viable with the Project Nevada mod that adds Cybernetic Implants to the game (have the ability to turn invisible without stealth boys).
Strength 7
Perception 7
Endurance 4
Charisma 5
Intelligence 7
Agility 4
Luck 5

How'd I go?

Edit. Just met yes man. Now I'm thinking about taking vegas for myself and killing mr house. Good idea ?

For me I would usually go:
STR: 6
PER: 6
END: 6
CHR: 1
INT: 8
AGI: 7
LCK: 6

Plus all the implants (except Charisma), + 2 intense training for END, LCK. That can get your luck to a maximum 9 with Naughty nightwear where you can earn a truckload of caps from casinos & caravan.

Of course this differs between play styles. Snipers would prefer to develop PER & LCK, melee characters STR & END.
Unfortunately you also need strength if you're going to use the antimaterial rifle. Unless you take the perk which reduces weapon strength requirements by 2.

As for perks I always take Finesse, Sniper etc

The medical implant for regen is useless IMO, but the endurance one is pretty good.
Obsidian are so much better at writing than Bethesda are it's scary. How is it a big developer like Bethesda continue to write shitty uninteresting story after shitty uninteresting story, yet a smaller developer like Obsidian can write a really good one?

Obsidian Entertainment have a pretty impressive pedigree when it comes to plot-driven games. They used to be Interplay/Black Isle Studios (Fallout 1 & 2, Baldur's Gate series, Planescape: Torment).

All absolute belters:thumbsu:

They were actually developing Fallout 3 when Bethesda took over.
Clocked it. Can't say I'm overly impressed with the finish. In fact, I'm a little pissed off.

All the promise of being Absolute Ruler of New Vegas, not bowing to either the Legion or the NCR. With a securitron army that can shoot shit out of the sky as well as vaporise ground targets.

All that just f*cking ends?


I beat the crap out of the Legate, then massacred the NCR General and his entourage. I was all ready to get smashed with Yes Man back at the 38 and beat back periodic assaults from the NCR and the Legion for however long I could be arsed playing with a vast robot army and crazy kids flying a B-29. The potential was there for a f*cking masterpiece.

But the game ends.

What an absolute BUM NOTE to end it on. There's no option to continue except via a pre-Hoover Dam Battle save. This is Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate Edition???? Really? You can't rule New f*cking Vegas!!! Broken Steel was a good add-on for Fallout 3. You continued the game. In The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion you were free to pissfart around after you beat the main storyline. I'd imagine Skyrim is the same. Post-game fun in New Vegas? Dream on.

This really bummed me out. I haven't been this disgusted by a game ending in years!

Not happy, Jan.
Do you want to know why? Because Obsidian were rushed by Bethesda, Bethesda acted like an evil dictator and forced them to rush the game out.

I can only image how good New Vegas would've been if Obsidian had the resources and money to make their own instead of being forced to piggyback off Fallout 3.
Yeah. Looks like Bethesda f*cked things up royally. The bitterly ironic thing is that Obsidian were Black Isle who were Interplay who were the developers of the original Fallout. Imagine being contracted to work on a game whose gameworld and concepts you originally developed - and then being forced to deliver a sub-par product!

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Also, Obsidian were promised a pay bonus if New Vegas received an 85% on Metacritic (which is a bizarre method)
They recieved 84, a lot of problems being "The amount of bugs in the game"

Yet the bugs were barely mentioned in the Fallout reviews.*

*I may have already told this story.**
**I just really like Obsidian and hate to see them hard-done by.
The game became unplayable on my first run through due to bugs.

It appears they are taking their time with Fallout 4 so fingers crossed, it should be amazing.

(I'm one of the few people who preferred Fallout 3 to NV)
I reckon a Fallout tv show would be amazing. So much good story to delve into.

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Actually thought of this the other day too. It would be interesting to see the formula where there's a different story each episode, but all set in the same world.

Just keep Bethesda's crappy writers away from it.
Bump. Who's still playing this? I just finished it myself. Decided to go independent. Reckon I chose well overall, after watching the other endings on Youtube.

I should probably play it again as I never got around to finishing it, last time I managed to make it unplayable by not visiting Caeser when I was meant to.
Bump. Who's still playing this? I just finished it myself. Decided to go independent. Reckon I chose well overall, after watching the other endings on Youtube.

Pulled out my copy once FO4 was announced and played it through again. Bought the DLC too so I'm working my through that for the first time.

Yes Man is usually considered the best ending, which is a bit strange considering its the 'you ****ed up and killed everyone ending.'

I should probably play it again as I never got around to finishing it, last time I managed to make it unplayable by not visiting Caeser when I was meant to.

AFAIK know, the game cannot be made unplayable by this. You should always have access to the Yes Man quest line
AFAIK know, the game cannot be made unplayable by this. You should always have access to the Yes Man quest line

I kind of gave up after I tried to visit Caeser to get to the bunker on the island, and they all tried to attack me. When the guy bumps into you in New Vegas and gives you a pardon from the Legion, I never got around to visiting Caeser. Never thought to go back to Yes Man but I always thought that part of the game was required. Either way, I reckon my saves are gone now, so unless Steam saves them in the cloud I'd have to start again anyway.
Yes Man is usually considered the best ending, which is a bit strange considering its the 'you stuffed up and killed everyone ending.'

I originally liked the NCR, but my rep with them got to low and some of their secrets were coming out, so I made the decision to side with Mr House. That was all well and good until he wanted me to wipe the Brotherhood of Steel out, who I was rather fond of. So I completely back flipped and went and killed him instead, and thus the dynamic duo of Yes Man and the Courier took over New Vegas.

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