Multiplat Fallout: New Vegas

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Aug 8, 2007
AFL Club

Fallout New Vegas was announced moments ago during a Bethesda press conference in London.
The new game was revealed by Bethesda's Pete Hines who said that the publisher is working with Obsidian Entertainment on the title.
It will be coming out next year for the PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
"It is not a sequel to Fallout 3," Hines said. "It's simply another Fallout game in that universe."
It will be the same sort of role-playing game experience seen in Fallot 3, he said. The game's official reveal, with more details and a look at the game down the line.
Hines added that this title will have no impact on what Todd Howard and his team are working on.
Obsidian Entertainment is the development studio that rose from the ashes of Black Isle Studios, responsible for developing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Neverwinter Nights, Alpha Protocol, and Sega's Aliens: Crucible RPG, which is currently on indefinite hold.
Interesting, just saw it was announced and was coming here to put it up.

Interesting that it isn't a sequel, but then again they might just be talking a carry on of stories type sequel, seems like it will be a bit like the GTA series in terms of a 'sequel', in that you have the main GTA's(GTA 1, 2, 3 & 4) set in Liberty City, then the technical spin off's set in a brand new setting but still with the main core gameplay/look/feel etc.

I'll get around to buying and then playing Fallout 3 someday, that might get some anticipation for me going for this new title and there's plenty of time with this new game not coming until 2010.

I have to say it is weird that this is announced now, especially with E3 only a couple of weeks away, however in saying that, the article does say "The game's official reveal, with more details and a look at the game down the line." so we should probably expect some screenshots or just a basic run-down of the games details at E3.

Also it's worth noting Obsidian who be making this game(different to Bethesda who both developed and published Fallout 3, but will be publishing this and no doubt working with them too, as said) have a direct link to the Fallout series, in that Interplay(Publisher of Fallout 1 and 2) shut down Black Isle Studios(Developers of the original Fallout games/series), the key Black Isle employees later went on to found Obsidian and had many of the former Black Isle employees join Obsidian as well, so this game could very well harken back more to the style of Fallout 1 & 2, rather than stay with the new style that Fallout 3 had, or it could go for a hybrid of both previous styles with the new Fallout 3 style.
I'm reaaaaallly looking forward to this. Loved Fallout 3 and can't wait for it.

If only they would release another Elder Scrolls game.

Log in to remove this ad. haven't played Fallout 3 yet HB? :eek:

Continued playing it last night, after a long break. So easy to get back into!

I wonder what this new one will include. No doubt it'll be epic! haven't played Fallout 3 yet HB? :eek:
Not yet anyway, have never been an RPG fan so it was lower on my list of games to get pretty much right from the start, have gone close to buying it, but have gone for other games I know I would like before it, there's still plenty of games that I am yet to get but really want to try, I still want to get COD:WaW, Prince of Persia, Mirror's Edge and there's numerous others, just having the time and money to get them is the tough part.
HBK the hardcore gamer would much rather play a game involving a pretty flower.
I'm a hardcore gamer now? Have you even played Flower? :rolleyes:

I've already had my spiel about you and your seeming hate of anything without guns and macho bullshit, but seriously, how can you have a go at someone for it? Both LBP and Flower are amazing games, I'm not someone who really cares what they might look like, because I know a good game if I'm playing it.
Great news!

I am about (i think) halfways through Fallout 3 right now and am loving it. There are a bunch of small things that I'm not so crash-hot on, but it's largly VERY good IMO. Some things I would like to see in the new game are:

*A more streamlined inventory/map/hud etc
*Maybe rare items that are not initially important (like those neo nuka colas, purified waters) could be signposted so you don't use/sell them before you know how useful they may be
*Better hookers. I was gutted when I hit up a bird in Megaton for some hot lesbo action, and when i got to the bedroom she was already asleep! I tried to talk to her and she wanted another 100 dollars or i could just leave her. Too much like real life IMO :(
*Make the thirdperson view not be shit
*Better haircuts. They all look rubbish. PS I'm not gay

Other than that, with the combat engine, so long as the atmosphere, humour and imagination remains intact, it should be another corker!
I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love with a wonderful guuuuuuy!

Great news!

I am about (i think) halfways through Fallout 3 right now and am loving it. There are a bunch of small things that I'm not so crash-hot on, but it's largly VERY good IMO. Some things I would like to see in the new game are:

*A more streamlined inventory/map/hud etc
*Maybe rare items that are not initially important (like those neo nuka colas, purified waters) could be signposted so you don't use/sell them before you know how useful they may be
*Better hookers. I was gutted when I hit up a bird in Megaton for some hot lesbo action, and when i got to the bedroom she was already asleep! I tried to talk to her and she wanted another 100 dollars or i could just leave her. Too much like real life IMO :(
*Make the thirdperson view not be shit
*Better haircuts. They all look rubbish. PS I'm not gay

Other than that, with the combat engine, so long as the atmosphere, humour and imagination remains intact, it should be another corker!

And he finally arrives :swoon:

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Obsidian Entertainment is the development studio that rose from the ashes of Black Isle Studios

I wonder how many of the original Fallout 1+2 guys will be involved? I love Fallout 3, but I still enjoyed the earlier ones more.

Sounds fantastic though :D

What We Know So Far
Fallout: New Vegas was announced for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on April 20, 2009 at a press event in London. Very few details were given at the time and the game was not shown in any form. The target release date is 2010 and Bethesda has said that you can expect the "same type of game" as Fallout 3, though this is not a direct sequel. That means that New Vegas will indeed be a true role-playing game and not an action title like Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. It won't, however, continue any storylines from Fallout 3. In fact, Todd Howard, Design Director for Fallout 3, has told IGN that nothing in that game hints at anything in New Vegas.

Interestingly, after successfully reviving the franchise, Bethesda's internal studio led by Todd Howard will not be in charge of developing New Vegas. Those duties have been handed off to Obsidian, the studio that made Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords and Neverwinter Nights 2 and is currently working on Alpha Protocol.

Familiar Faces
Obsidian obviously has a tradition of working with the role-playing genre, but its past has more to do with Fallout than you might initially think. Its history dates back to the creation of the original Fallout. A team of developers at Interplay created the first entry in the franchise and their group was later turned into Black Isle Studios. The development house went on to make Fallout 2, amidst other projects such as Icewind Dale and assisting on Baldur's Gate, before being disbanded amidst Interplay's financial trouble.

This wasn't the end of the road, though. Many members of the group then went on to form Obsidian Entertainment. The head of Obsidian is Feargus Urquhart, who lead Black Isle. After Bethesda acquired the Fallout license from Interplay and brought Obsidian on board to work on New Vegas, Urquhart's and many other coworkers' careers came full circle. Fallout 3 may have been the first introduction to the franchise for many, but Bethesda's first spin-off will take it back to its roots.

Atomic Future
Fallout's game world is built on the concept that the future as imagined during the post-war 1950s in America came true…shortly before a massive nuclear war destroyed civilization as we know it. This was an idyllic view of the future filled with atomic cars, robot servants and wholesome family values. As we know now, it's a far cry from reality, but this space age future filled the pop air waves a half century ago.

The prostitution side of things is perhaps the most intriguing. Las Vegas has long been known as a den of sin, and not just in terms of gambling. New Reno featured places like the Cat's Paw Brothel run by Miss Kitty and the Shark Club where you could actually try your hand as a stripper. All of this is, as our PC Editor-in-Chief Jason Ocampo so elegantly puts it, is a lot kinkier than what you get in Fallout 3.

It will be interesting to see the route Bethesda and Obsidian take in this regard. Traditionally, Bethesda has shied away from sexual content. In Fallout 3, you can meet a hooker and pay her for services. Unfortunately, she turns out to be the worst hooker in the entire universe. All you do is lie down next to her for a nap. Even in games that Bethesda didn't make but is publishing, sexual overtones are avoided. In A2M's upcoming Wet, Bethesda has repeatedly mentioned at preview events that the sultry and strong Ruby is not a sex object. Will the conservative publisher buck the trend and push just as much sex as it does gore in this next game? With Obsidian at the helm, perhaps we'll see a bit more skin in New Vegas.

Playing the Role
Other facets of Fallout 3 have also been mainstays of the franchise. Vegas bookies likely wouldn't take bets on whether the Pip-Boy will be back in New Vegas. It's too sure of a bet. You'll use it to manage your stats and inventory, another system that likely will stay the same. The S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system -- which stands for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck -- was invented for Fallout. This system of role-playing goes beyond just the base attributes that make up its acronym. It also is defined by skills, perks, and traits (though traits disappeared when Bethesda took over).

Whether or not Fallout: New Vegas uses the same game engine as Fallout 3 remains to be seen, but it seems likely. Putting together a game of the size and scope of Fallout is no easy task. Building a new engine and set of game mechanics on top of it might make the ambitious 2010 release window impossible, though we don't know how long Obsidian has been at work on this project. Even if the team did have the time, Bethesda might be unwilling to let Obsidian make drastic changes to the new Fallout formula. Fallout 3 was a massive hit and the group now has a successful franchise to manage. Fears of driving it into the ground or confusing new fans might take any big changes off the table.

Hard Info?
When Bethesda first announced Fallout: New Vegas, those in attendance were told that the game would be shown publicly when Obsidian was ready. Hopefully those preparations will allow them to avoid things like having URL's scooped. Until that time, we'll just have to sit back and do more speculation. Feel free to add your hopes, expectations and fears for Fallout: New Vegas in the comments section below.
Fallout: New Vegas

Didn't really get into Fallout 3 myself, but my friends did and I know some of you guys did too, so here's the debut trailer for you :).

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Search function n00b.

Good enough teaser and looks like it will no doubt 100% follow on from Fallout 3, which was what everyone was wondering.

IGN have a rewind theatre for it which will help those who aren't in the know find out a few little tidbits.;jsessionid=9qrr0lr3rqn6p

And that "War. War never changes" voice sounded very Ron Perlman like to me, could be wrong though.
Re: Fallout: New Vegas

I actually did use the search before I made it so it's not my fault the thread wasn't named correctly and considering the last post was in JULY, I'd say you should shut the hell up.
Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout 3's biggest problem was the weak dialogue and characters. That, and it played best when you were early off in the game, scrapping for survival. Once you got so powerful, the game became way too easy and lost one of the best aspects of it's gameplay. The latter was fixed nicely by the modding community, and now that it's in the hands of the guys who wrote planescape and nwn2: Mask of the betrayer (not too mention Fallout 1 and 2) I think we're going to see some Bioware level characters and dialogue. At least I hope so.

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