Multiplat Fallout: New Vegas

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Looks like more of the same, a few different monsters. I'm happy with that, I couldn't think of anything I would change about the game (except maybe have the game playable after the storyline ends - too many places left unexplored!)

DLC fixes that issue
Anticipating this game more than I anticipated Super International Cricket on the NES in the pre-pubes stage of my life.

Soon as a release date is annouced, I will be taking atleast 3 weeks off work and will be turning my phone off.

No wonder I have committment issues. Oh well, I will be content being an old lonely man as long as I have my PS20 (by that stage).

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Interesting read. Previews the upcoming Fallout Vegas.
Is a very good read (the vid interview provides a few things too). Some of the places in New Vegas sound fantastic. Can't wait to have a look at the Hoover Dam, that will be so epic and going down the Vegas strip will be a sight to behold.

Also some good improvements coming in the form of that companion wheel thing and a few other nice details like mods for weapons.

I personally hope the gunplay has been polished up to a level that most FPS/TPS's are at (at least you can aim down the sights of guns), as that will basically be the icing on the cake.

Hardcore mode sounds INSANE, no way will I be trying that.:p
Fallout: New Vegas Adds Hardcore Mode, Weapon Mods & More
Specifically, for the serious Fallout fan, New Vegas introduces a Hardcore option from the get-go, allowing them to bypass early tutorials and live a more difficult post-nuclear life. Players opting to go hardcore will have to stave off hunger and dehydration, and will be required to visit doctors for more serious injuries. Hardcore also more harshly limits the amount of ammo one can carry, applying weight to bullets. Stimpacks won't heal instantly, but will heal over time.

More info:
How long do you need to start playing Fallout 3 again with it being fresh? A year?

GOTY with trophies gets very old once you have completed the game as a good guy, neutral guy, and bad guy and have done all side quests and trophies.

I won't be playing it again. Having said that I will keep it and my PS3 in storage and when I'm an old retired man I will whip out all my old consoles and favourites and go through it all again. That's the plan anyway.
never played fallout 3, as open world games were never my cup of tea. played a bit of far cry 2 and just couldnt get into it. is it worth me playing fallout 3 or this one?? because it does seem pretty appealing.

I was never into those sort of games either until I borrowed Fallout3 off a mate who insisted I played it. I thought it wasn't all that great to be honest, but the first moment I escaped the vault at the start and seen the open land in front of me I was blown away by the fact that anything as far as the horizon in front of me could be explored to no end and I was hooked!

Terrific game
New info and finally some shots of the Vegas strip and it's insides!

(Screenshots at source)

New information (many spoilers!):
- Vault 21 is an underground vault and lies under New Vegas.
- The NCR has lost contact to the west and is demoralized and underequipped due to the war with Caesar's Legion.
- Caesar's Legion dominates New Vegas.
- The NCR was fighting hard against the Brotherhood of Steel for Hoover Dam. The NCR has won this battle, barely.
- The NCR troops at McCarren Airport lost the contact to Hoover Dam as well.
- The main task of the courier has been to deliver a package to Primm. Then he got ambushed...
- The small and big weapons skills are merged into one weapon skill.
- Every weapon that made some asplozions before (like the rocket launcher or FatMan), are now in the skill category Explosives.
- Repcon, a former rocket factory, is supposedly inhabited by ghouls. As of late, explosions can be heard from there all the time.
- Craig Boon, one of the possible companions, will attack the player, if he sides with the Caesar's Legion.
- The orbital laser Archimedes 2 can only be used once a day.
- New monster: Cacadores, they look like bloatflies with shiny / colourful wings.
- Something like Bobbleheads will be in New Vegas as well and it will boost players stats. What it will be exactly isn't known yet.
hardcore mode sounds good

i just loved being in that mad max 2 style environment, with all those raiders mocking you

the survivalist early game is the best part, nothing like using raw weapons like pipes and baseball bats, while you loot stores

i found once you started getting mini guns, rocket launchers and laser guns it all started getting a bit stale

the survivalist nature of the game should mean you are limited to shotguns, sniper rifles and grenades

hope new vegas has more slaves, hookers and dudes like jericho

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Gameplay Trailer
WOW! Absolutely blown away by that, looks simply incredible.

REALLY hope the gunplay has been improved though as it was terrible in Fallout 3 apart from VATS.

Looks like there will be as much to waste the time as RDR (no doubt even more!) and there looks like there will be a shitload of variation to the locations.
Beautiful. So that equates to November release for Aus?
HAHA nah. We're considered "Europe" so will at least be during that week of the 22nd of October.
WOW! Absolutely blown away by that, looks simply incredible.

REALLY hope the gunplay has been improved though as it was terrible in Fallout 3 apart from VATS.

Looks like there will be as much to waste the time as RDR (no doubt even more!) and there looks like there will be a shitload of variation to the locations.

Agree, looks amazing

I personally found the gunplay in F3 very good (w/out using VATS I mean), as a matter of interest what did you see was wrong with it?
Yeah agree, wasn't much wrong with the gunplay.

Gotta take into account its an RPG, and to start with your stats are crap and as a result, so is your accuracy. Makes it hard as shit to hit anything out of vats.

You could slick it up with a COD like autoaim i guess, but that'd screw this game i reckon

That said, the only thing i didn't use VATS for was big guns and explosives
Yeah agree, wasn't much wrong with the gunplay.

Gotta take into account its an RPG, and to start with your stats are crap and as a result, so is your accuracy. You could slick it up with a COD like autoaim i guess, but that'd screw this game i reckon

That said, the only thing i didn't use VATS for was big guns and explosives

I liked the gunplay as well, as you said it's and RPG first. Where something like Borderlands is a FPS first.

One gun I didn't like VATS on was the sniper
Oh yep that too, and the scoped magnum. Not much point in having a scope if you don't use it however so makes sense

That and VATS seemed to treat it as a no scope and had terrible accuracy. My biggest issue in Fallout was I couldn't let go of guns and weighed myself down too much. :)
Agree, looks amazing

I personally found the gunplay in F3 very good (w/out using VATS I mean), as a matter of interest what did you see was wrong with it?
I just found that if you were near more than 2 enemies you tended to have to really back right the **** off as you just couldn't get the aiming right onto them in quick enough be fair I haven't gone far enough into Fallout 3 to really be able to get the accuracy stats up. I just didn't think there was a huge amount of smoothness to it overall as well, auto-aiming aside MW has the whole pace of FPS gameplay down pat.

In TPS mode I thought the aiming just plain sucked though. Would've liked something more similar to the smoothness of Uncharted 2. But I think that's the compromise made for a dual aiming system.

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