Bumped "Conspiracies" found to be true

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Why do we need the 'authorities' that are behind most of this shit, to come out & openly admit it, for it to be considered confirmed as true?

We all know that WMD was a croc of shite.....Do we really imagine Bush or his fellow establishment cronies will ever cop to it?

Orlando 'Pulse' nightclub is already proven to be a fraud.....All the so-called 'victims' were Puerto Rican immigrants, who were deported out of the country a week prior....Jeb Bush & the Orlando Major (His Mate) were the 'brains'- yes, LOL) behind that one.

Sandy Hook....Ditto.
Berlin Christmas truck....Ditto
Nice truck attack.....Ditto
Charlie Hebdo....Ditto.

And the list goes on: JFK, Pearl Harbor, The Lusitania.
I don't want to be critical. I like you and wish you well, and tell all the others for me that I wish them them well too and thank them for their time and minds.
You just couldn't stay away, could you? :D

Why do we need the 'authorities' that are behind most of this shit, to come out & openly admit it, for it to be considered confirmed as true?
The purpose of this thread is to restore some (much needed) credibility to this board :oops:

We all know that WMD was a croc of shite.....Do we really imagine Bush or his fellow establishment cronies will ever cop to it?
(1) Already noted on page 2 and (2) sadly it looks like they won't be held accountable :(

Orlando 'Pulse' nightclub is already proven to be a fraud.....All the so-called 'victims' were Puerto Rican immigrants, who were deported out of the country a week prior....Jeb Bush & the Orlando Major (His Mate) were the 'brains'- yes, LOL) behind that one.

Sandy Hook....Ditto.
Berlin Christmas truck....Ditto
Nice truck attack.....Ditto
Charlie Hebdo....Ditto.

And the list goes on: JFK, Pearl Harbor, The Lusitania.
Until proven otherwise, those discussions can take place in their respective threads :cool:

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The purpose of this thread is to restore some (much needed) credibility to this board :oops:

In whose eyes?.....If people can't see the truth for themselves, then who gives a toss about their judgements or lack thereof.

In my eyes & to my mind, anyone still claiming 9/11 wasn't an inside job is an utterly brain-washed fool; fully deserving of ridicule.
The purpose of this thread is to restore some (much needed) credibility to this board
Credibility to whom?
What does this even mean? We should discuss conspiracies but be careful not to upset people from other boards if they happen to read it?
For those unsure about how this thread works, here are two examples:

1939: The shelling of Mainila which the Soviets used as a pretext to invade Finland, starting the Winter War

1954: The Lavon affair, where Israeli agents bombed targets in Egypt to dissuade Britain from withdrawing troops
Credibility to whom?
What does this even mean? We should discuss conspiracies but be careful not to upset people from other boards if they happen to read it?

I reckon the Wolf-man is attempting to draw a Mason-Dixon line in the sand here.

And Most of us are due South of it.:)
I actually don't mind the accent. But here's a summary for those who can't stand him:

11:40 – Wresting matches rigged
12:40 – Alcohol poisoned by FBI
14:10 – Bohemian Grove club
15:40 – CIA heart attack gun

The Rock will be the next POTUS, thus making the circle complete.
Credibility to whom?
What does this even mean? We should discuss conspiracies but be careful not to upset people from other boards if they happen to read it?
He means more so that people will enter the board hopefully but not have a pre conceived notion that it's inhabited by a bunch of crazy people.

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The Russo-Swedish War (1788-1790) was instigated by a false flag "attack" on a Swedish border outpost in Puumala (now eastern Finland). King Gustav III of Sweden wanted to gain domestic political support by winning a war against the Russian Empire. However...

War was far from popular, even less so in the eastern part of Sweden (modern day Finland). Even senior military leaders voiced their opposition to the plans to go to war. Especially amongst the officers of the army, unrest spread widely. This could partly be explained by the still remaining supporters of Georg Magnus Sprengtporten's plans for Finnish independence.

A head tailor of the Royal Swedish Opera received an order to sew a number of Russian military uniforms that were used in an exchange of gunfire at Puumala, a Swedish outpost on the Russo-Swedish border, on 27 June 1788. The staged attack, which caused outrage in Stockholm, convinced the Riksdag of the Estates and provided Gustav with an excuse to declare a "defensive" war on Russia. This was important since Gustav III did not have the constitutional right to start an offensive war without the agreement of the estates, who had already made clear that their acceptance would not be forthcoming.

After two years of fighting and many thousands of deaths, a peace treaty was declared without a clear winner on August 14th, 1790.

Things did not end well for King Gustav, who was mortally wounded in an assassination attempt in March 1792.

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