Rumour Adelaide Crows camp

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What would constitute proper closure for the players? I'd say at least a cash settlement given that those involved haven't lost their position or suffered in any way. Surely the most affected would try for a class action otherwise this will eat away at them forever without proper closure.

What a crock of sh!t and low bar this is.. Collingwood are 17th to 2nd from last to this year, McRae could start a side hustle lol

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The funniest thing is that this “equal 8th” must be referring to 2016, when they finished 9th. Perhaps we should have been saying EqualEighthmond all these years?

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Take a look at this segment from last night's Footy Classified where Caro showcases David Penberthy - former newscorp journalist and co-host of Adelaide's FiveAA breakfast radio program - taking a juvenile and vindictive on-air snipe at Wilson and Sam McClure's pursuit of the camp story. That was just 3 months ago and Penberthy is now saying he is disgusted what happened at the camp and didn't know.

BTW. David Penberthy is the parter of Crows Board member and former Adelaide Federal MP and Minister Kate Ellis. The person giggling in the background is the program's co-host Will Goodings, the son of Crows Director, gameday MC and former Channel 7 Adelaide News presenter Graeme Goodings.

What an incestuous little city Adelaide is.

good on her, but gee whiz they deserved more than that. Spineless cowards the pair of them.
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The cover up is what it is, but I wonder if this type of brutality camp could even get up these days, post-covid, where half the industry began questioning what they even do each week and the other half got sacked.
What's the ongoing theme of Watergate, Camp-gate and every other scandal? the cover-up is almost always more damaging than the actual indiscretion itself.

Football clubs or no different to most organisations, they like to come out ''strongly'' and deny wrongdoing, chuckle to themselves in front of the camera about whatever allegations are being made and how far off base they apparently are.

If the Crows had acknowledged the problems of the camp at the time, yes it would have been damage control, but you wouldn't then have players like Sloane being forced into these cringe-worthy interviews, saying the camp made them ''a better father and husband'' (how the **** would a football camp do that btw?). The Chairman saying its nothing he wouldnt do at a business conference. All either lies or wilfully ignorant. Now the club not only looks outrageously foolish, they've exposed themselves to legal action, because of the cover-up. Otherwise I think any action would have been confined to the facilitators.
The whole SA shoulder chip t
Indeed dude, no amount of hyperbole can go far enough, even those departed should raise from the grave to make their contribution. Caro shouldn't be forgotten either. A statue should be erected in her honour along side Colonel William Light.
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. G Cornes campaigner

Right I guess now I understand where all the Vic bias stuff comes from, the inferiority complex here is out of control

Really the SA media can be classified in one of two ways. Either they run a protection racket for the powers that be at the crows or they are just all incompetent hack journalists

Because either they knew what happened at the camp and didn’t report it to protect the higher ups or they are so shit at their jobs that despite their proximity and contacts they had no idea what happened and got scooped by someone in a totally different city

And don’t give me the ‘we didn’t want to be sued’ BS. The media has to have the guts to report the truth (and it’s been proven true) otherwise they’re all totally useless campaigners
Really the SA media can be classified in one of two ways. Either they run a protection racket for the powers that be at the crows or they are just all incompetent hack journalists

Those 2 propositions are not mutually exclusive. They are both correct. And calling them 'journalists' is a shameful indictment on the profession.

Cornes and Rowe are of course - former footballers and employees of the Crows. With zero background or training in the journalist profession - unlike the 2 journalists from the Age they seek to ridicule.

They owe their jobs in the Adelaide media post their football career for ONE reason only and it has nothing to do with journalism or integrity.
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Either they run a protection racket for the powers that be at the crows or they are just all incompetent hack journalists

You know that ad for the taco shells? Well...

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Right I guess now I understand where all the Vic bias stuff comes from, the inferiority complex here is out of control

Really the SA media can be classified in one of two ways. Either they run a protection racket for the powers that be at the crows or they are just all incompetent hack journalists

Because either they knew what happened at the camp and didn’t report it to protect the higher ups or they are so s**t at their jobs that despite their proximity and contacts they had no idea what happened and got scooped by someone in a totally different city

And don’t give me the ‘we didn’t want to be sued’ BS. The media has to have the guts to report the truth (and it’s been proven true) otherwise they’re all totally useless campai
they are scared to take on the Crows
Blame the victim
Dont use”it came across my desk”, thats a cowardly option to voicing your own thoughts.

It’s not my own thoughts. It was suggested by someone on Sam Newman and don Scott’s podcast.

Fwiw i hope the crows pay big time for what’s transpired. Doubters of Eddie are Harbouring malicious intentions.
It’s not my own thoughts. It was suggested by someone on Sam Newman and don Scott’s podcast.

Fwiw i hope the crows pay big time for what’s transpired. Doubters of Eddie are Harbouring malicious intentions.
Your first line says it all - bigoted old fools
Your first line says it all - bigoted old fools

relistening to that part of the episode it was don who said it, suggesting that he's bringing it up now because of a book launch.


but because we disagree with their POV we're "woke"
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It’s not my own thoughts. It was suggested by someone on Sam Newman and don Scott’s podcast.

Fwiw i hope the crows pay big time for what’s transpired. Doubters of Eddie are Harbouring malicious intentions.
So without considering of what it indicates you thought you would throw it out there as a discussion point….. without saying how poor it is????
You read like a book.

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