Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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Aug 12, 2012
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Trump would often call for people to be executed, but it's ok because he was always talked out of it and it never eventuated...

What an absolute pussy and intellectually dishonest individual, but par for the course conservative
What an absolute pussy and intellectually dishonest individual, but par for the course conservative
He had some people to talk sense into him back then. This next time he will appoint sycophants to do his bidding eg Mike Flynn.
Any of his previous cabinet with any ethics will not vote for him this time. He would demand absolute loyalty. Quite scary when he has zero moral compass. Let’s hope the captured SCOTUS grow some balls and do the right thing about his immunity request.
He had some people to talk sense into him back then. This next time he will appoint sycophants to do his bidding eg Mike Flynn.
Any of his previous cabinet with any ethics will not vote for him this time. He would demand absolute loyalty. Quite scary when he has zero moral compass. Let’s hope the captured SCOTUS grow some balls and do the right thing about his immunity request.

Scotus wont save him, cause if they do, they are cooked......
Best to do their actual jobs, and send it back down to DC, as not granted.
Trial to begin inAugust thanks.

or, being a nasty cow, I am waiting for stress to take its toll on No45.....
If you don't buy this Vice President we'll shoot this dog (apols to National Lampoon)...

View attachment 1972370

She’s been touted for months as one of the contenders to be Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate.

But the political ascension of South Dakota’s first female governor, Kristi Noem, is now under scrutiny after she outed herself as something unconscionable to many voters: a puppy killer.

Known for her love of guns and hunting, the popular Republican used her forthcoming memoir to boast about killing her 14-month-old dog, Cricket, claiming it had an “aggressive personality” and wasn’t particularly good at chasing down pheasants.
“I hated that dog,” the governor wrote.

According to the story, outlined in an excerpt obtained by The Guardian, Noem had taken the female wirehaired pointer out for a hunt with older dogs in the hope of teaching it how to behave.
Unfortunately, little Cricket “went out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life”.

Worse still, Noem wrote, on the way home, she behaved like “a trained assassin” and attacked chickens belonging to a local family.

Noem says that when she tried to grab the puppy, Cricket “whipped around to bite”. The 52-year-old mother-of-three later shot Cricket in a gravel pit.

“It was not a pleasant job, but it had to be done,” she is quoted as saying, pointing to the experience as a measure of her ability to do “difficult, messy and ugly things”.

A perfect running mate for Trump then.

add being a shill for some Texas dentist, she's all class

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Sad that so many Americans will vote for a Fascist. Fascism is never been far away from the American right. They had a lot of support pre WWII, same punchline 'make America great', more or less the same policies. If those polls turn out to be correct, this time the Yanks will choose the dark side.

The Project 2025 by the Heritage Institute is terrify. A militaristic dystopia.
Some folks need to watch Starship Troopers again.
Maddow has a very good podcast on the pre-War US fascist movement. It was real and there were parallels with today's uber-conservatives.
He had some people to talk sense into him back then. This next time he will appoint sycophants to do his bidding eg Mike Flynn.
Any of his previous cabinet with any ethics will not vote for him this time. He would demand absolute loyalty. Quite scary when he has zero moral compass. Let’s hope the captured SCOTUS grow some balls and do the right thing about his immunity request.
What would scare me more, is what those campaigners would do on their own. Its a mob of loony loose cannons.
Maddow has a very good podcast on the pre-War US fascist movement. It was real and there were parallels with today's uber-conservatives.
The parallels are, quite frankly terrifying. If Trump had been a handsome 50 year old, good Christian family man, who was a genuinely a successful businessmen, a champion footballer college and served in the marines - we'd be looking at our 3rd Trump term by now.

Instead he's a lying, fat, 77 year old, orange freak who rambles out word salads like an old demented uncle. His mis-management of the Covid epidemic probably doubled the death toll. Shows you can sell anything to these morons.

All these greedy old grifters need to p*ss off and let younger people have a turn. That applies to both sides and all over the world.
What is it with MAGA people. If there not stealing from dog charities they are shooting a puppy because it refuses to hunt. Vile despicable human beings.

If I said what I wished would happen to that dog killer I'd probably get banned from this site and investigated by the relevant authorities so I'll just say I would hope that at least half of MAGA supporters would disavow her. Yeah, only half...the bar is low for them.
If I wanted to read blatant propaganda I'd go to that cesspool of a website.
That’s the way, ignore the content. I’m sure Pecker didn’t say those things (which is why i put it in here, because we can all see others won’t). Cheers to balance. Have a great night.

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