Movie Oppenheimer

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As it's a film for thinkers and not a superhero, sci-fi type actioner, it's going to get some kick back.

Glad you enjoyed it.

I don't think peoples issues with the film stem from the superhero/action culture. The movie has a huge amount of issues that stem from the overload of dialogue (which is difficult to hear at times), the abundance of characters with little to no introduction/importance, a lot of us watched this movie with little to no knowledge of Oppenheimer and we were at a massive disadvantage (the movie wasn't friendly for people who weren't aware of Opp and the book it's based on) and a lot of us had no idea what the black and white scenes meant.
I thought it was brilliant myself. Nolan is a masterful director and you can see his passion on the screen.

As it's a film for thinkers and not a superhero, sci-fi type actioner, it's going to get some kick back.

Even sci fi/superhero movies receive criticism.

I enjoyed it.

Glad you enjoyed it.

I don't think peoples issues with the film stem from the superhero/action culture. The movie has a huge amount of issues that stem from the overload of dialogue (which is difficult to hear at times), the abundance of characters with little to no introduction/importance, a lot of us watched this movie with little to no knowledge of Oppenheimer and we were at a massive disadvantage (the movie wasn't friendly for people who weren't aware of Opp and the book it's based on) and a lot of us had no idea what the black and white scenes meant.
I think these are all valid points.
Glad you enjoyed it.

I don't think peoples issues with the film stem from the superhero/action culture. The movie has a huge amount of issues that stem from the overload of dialogue (which is difficult to hear at times), the abundance of characters with little to no introduction/importance, a lot of us watched this movie with little to no knowledge of Oppenheimer and we were at a massive disadvantage (the movie wasn't friendly for people who weren't aware of Opp and the book it's based on) and a lot of us had no idea what the black and white scenes meant.
I had little knowledge of him but didn't find it hard to follow. I accept what you say in regard to the multitude of characters being a bit hard to follow at times (particularly their names) but it didn't detract from the story.

Do you mean that you didn't understand what that the black and white scenes meant in regard to the point in time of the story, or what they were talking about (i.e. the Senate hearing and the Soviet discussions)?

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The Apple and injection of cyanide represents the atom bomb and moral conflict
To me it represented his struggle with having the power to kill someone, as well as the power to stop it. Hence his internal battle throughout the film.

I thought it was ok without being great. Kept my interest for the 3 hours without feeling long or checking my watch. Far from Nolan's best work though, which for me is still Inception.
This was such a well-made and acted film. Jumping around the timeline to tell the story was a pain to watch but I got used to it in the end. But there's no doubt this was an extraordinary movie. The complex character of Oppenheimer was beautifully portrayed. Fine performances by Cillian Murphy (J. Robert Oppenheimer), Matt Damon (General Leslie Groves), and Robert Downey JR. (Lewis Strauss). Emily Blunt (his alcoholic wife, Kitty Oppenheimer) also has an incredibly strong performance overall in the film. I couldn't see any weak link in the casting here. This movie will clean up at next year's Oscars. 9/10 (Excellent)
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Underwhelming, but to be fair, I never really had high expectations of truly enjoying this. But I went in, stayed in the movie, understood what was happening for the most part, but don‘t have any real desire to watch it again. I totally appreciate the film, the acting, the visuals, but I just didn’t really ever get immersed in it.
In a way yes, because it gets so much correct, but I feel the falsehoods that exist are rather extreme if that makes sense and that if you add in the 2 realities they ignore, it just makes a enormous difference to the whole story

The movie is very Pro-US and doesnt want to admit otherwise

It's a film that depicts the US dropping atomic bombs on a defeated enemy to kickstart a conflict with the USSR and shows Oppenheimer as being crushed by the US war machine he belatedly tries to challenge.

It's not exactly radical politics, but by Hollywood blockbuster standards it's significantly more cynical about America's place in the world and its history than most I have seen.

Surprised by the lukewarm response in this thread, I thought it was one of Nolan's better films.
It's a film that depicts the US dropping atomic bombs on a defeated enemy to kickstart a conflict with the USSR and shows Oppenheimer as being crushed by the US war machine he belatedly tries to challenge.

It's not exactly radical politics, but by Hollywood blockbuster standards it's significantly more cynical about America's place in the world and its history than most I have seen.

Surprised by the lukewarm response in this thread, I thought it was one of Nolan's better films.

Not enough action and atomic explosions

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Surprised by some of the criticisms here, thought this was Nolan's most straightforward film, even if he still tinkers a little with the structure. I found it informative and entertaining, don't think the plot was difficult to follow at all. The performances were excellent across the board, the dialogue snappy and quite funny at times for a Nolan film. Lays out the story of his life perfectly while exploring some very powerful ideas and themes. Nolan is possibly the best blockbuster director of modern times, a successor to Spielberg. Was a 9/10 film for mine.
Was this a great film? Absolutely. I love Nolan. Wonderfully acted, shot, script, everything was first class. Would I watch it again? Doubtful. Its just too long. Didn't need to be 3 hours. First two acts were amazing. The tension building in the 20-30 mins before the bomb was arguably the best tension building cinema i've ever seen, the score was absolutely ****ing amazing. About 20 minutes after that I checked my watch expecting there to be 10 mins left and there was 50 minutes still to go. heck, ok. The last act, whilst I appreciated it, I can sit through dialogue-fests anyday, but it just went too long. It went from what felt like a 10/10 movie halfway to a 8/10 because it lost its tightness, lost its flow and to be honest, it dragged.
List of things I didn’t like about it:
  • It has some shocking performances. Emily Blunt was especially cringeworthy to watch
  • I think this is trying to be an intellectual film, but it felt very Marvel with its cliches like Matt Damon saying “and try not to blow up the world” or something. One scene where Cillian Murphy and Emily Blunt are riding around on horses saying cliches at each other is especially bad.
  • Nolan tries to capture some of the tension in a Dunkirk sorta way with the dundundundun music building up to the trinity test. It sorta worked but sorta didnt
  • The movie peters out after the trinity test. I’m sorry but if the only thing at stake is his security clearance then that’s not enough
  • There was an opportunity to impart the overwhelming horror of a nuclear bomb in this film, but that didn’t happen. It just wasn’t scary in the way that Chernobyl was
  • The whole “ommggg what did he say to Einstein” thing was lame and the reveal at the end was so cringe and sh*t
List of things I didn’t like about it:
  • It has some shocking performances. Emily Blunt was especially cringeworthy to watch
  • I think this is trying to be an intellectual film, but it felt very Marvel with its cliches like Matt Damon saying “and try not to blow up the world” or something. One scene where Cillian Murphy and Emily Blunt are riding around on horses saying cliches at each other is especially bad.
  • Nolan tries to capture some of the tension in a Dunkirk sorta way with the dundundundun music building up to the trinity test. It sorta worked but sorta didnt
  • The movie peters out after the trinity test. I’m sorry but if the only thing at stake is his security clearance then that’s not enough
  • There was an opportunity to impart the overwhelming horror of a nuclear bomb in this film, but that didn’t happen. It just wasn’t scary in the way that Chernobyl was
  • The whole “ommggg what did he say to Einstein” thing was lame and the reveal at the end was so cringe and sh*t
Those are all fair criticisms and a reason why the movie was good not great.
It's a film that depicts the US dropping atomic bombs on a defeated enemy to kickstart a conflict with the USSR and shows Oppenheimer as being crushed by the US war machine he belatedly tries to challenge.

That's very charitable to the USSR, given their behaviour across Europe throughout the War, and towards/following it's conclusion.

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Movie Oppenheimer

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