Roast Better get yourself a lawyer son

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My unsolicited opinion as a Richmond fan who has seen the footage is that Wicks was a bit stiff to cop 4. Looks like Wicks and the bloke he tackled tripped over another fallen player, which resulted in a bit of a head knock.

Anyway, back to the Richmond board.

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We need a new club psych more than a new lawyer.
This guy

Enough of the namby pamby "you all tried hard and that's what matters" rubbish and more of Roy's philosophy.

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Good call by the Swans to not waste their time and money this evening. Every other bloke got done tonight and McInerney unfortunately hit a bloke who’s susceptible to concussion. There is no way we could’ve turned this one over or had it downgraded sadly. I agree with a punishment in the modern landscape of football but I think 2 games is more reasonable when it appears more like a football act rather than an intentional/malicious act.

Obviously that’s murky and subjective territory but 3 games is crippling when you have an injury list like ours.

Ironically, if you had a young list with a lot of injuries/suspensions you could actually be subjecting a developing young player who’s not quite ready for senior footy to a greater risk of injury by putting him up against hardened professionals. Imagine if we had to blood McAndrew in his first season after our ruck stocks were all wiped out with suspension (lol Peter Ladhams).

Bit of a stretch of the imagination I know (pun slightly intended) but I think it’s always important to tease out the possible consequences of the AFL’s knee jerk manner of operations.
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Good call by the Swans to not waste their time and money this evening. Every other bloke got done tonight and McInerney unfortunately hit a bloke who’s susceptible to concussion. There is no way we could’ve turned this one over or had it downgraded sadly. I agree with a punishment in the modern landscape of football but I think 2 games is more reasonable when it appears more like a football act rather than an intentional/malicious act.

Obviously that’s murky and subjective territory but 3 games is crippling when you have an injury list like ours.

Ironically, if you had a young list with a lot of injuries/suspensions you could actually be subjecting a developing young player who’s not quite ready for senior footy to a greater risk of injury by putting him up against hardened professionals. Imagine if we had to blood McAndrew in his first season after our ruck stocks were all wiped out with suspension (lol Peter Ladhams).

Bit of a stretch of the imagination I know (pun slightly intended) but I think it’s always important to tease out the possible consequences of the AFL’s knee jerk manner of operations.
Questions absolutely have to be asked whether Starcevich was actually right to be on the field in the first place.
Good call by the Swans to not waste their time and money this evening. Every other bloke got done tonight and McInerney unfortunately hit a bloke who’s susceptible to concussion. There is no way we could’ve turned this one over or had it downgraded sadly. I agree with a punishment in the modern landscape of football but I think 2 games is more reasonable when it appears more like a football act rather than an intentional/malicious act.

Obviously that’s murky and subjective territory but 3 games is crippling when you have an injury list like ours.

Ironically, if you had a young list with a lot of injuries/suspensions you could actually be subjecting a developing young player who’s not quite ready for senior footy to a greater risk of injury by putting him up against hardened professionals. Imagine if we had to blood McAndrew in his first season after our ruck stocks were all wiped out with suspension (lol Peter Ladhams).

Bit of a stretch of the imagination I know (pun slightly intended) but I think it’s always important to tease out the possible consequences of the AFL’s knee jerk manner of operations.
Afl is over reaching hard. I don't get why it's so difficult for them to differentiate between different actions with reason. The MRO would gain more respect if they based part of the suspension on the eye test. In other world sports they hand down what they believe is a reasonable penalty and call it a day.
Afl is over reaching hard. I don't get why it's so difficult for them to differentiate between different actions with reason. The MRO would gain more respect if they based part of the suspension on the eye test. In other world sports they hand down what they believe is a reasonable penalty and call it a day.
Three words:

Fear of litigation.

An overly conservative blanket policy mitigates the risk of a class action.
As an officiating umpire - i saw not much issue live with what McInerney did. When i saw it was Starcevic my initial thought was - he’s susceptible to it and it didn’t even look like he got hit high.

I had an Uncle (now passed) who was a very good league player back in the 60’s in the Brisbane Comp. He played in the Centres but was very lightly framed and got targeted and knocked out a few times. He was forced into premature retirement by his Doctor who basically said each time he got knocked out his recovery time was longer and longer and if he kept happening he couldn’t guarantee that the next time he’d wake up.

It’s a nightmare to navigate now, contact below the knees is very hard to adjudicate and the Archer one is your classic example. He could have easily ended up like Gary Rohan.

Similarly there are two players in my local league that are always getting knocked out. Do I treat them differently to everyone else just because i know they are prone to head knocks?

Pandoras box is wide open

Very stiff IMHO
I’m not sure why anyone is questioning the three weeks. He did elect to bump and he did make contact with the head. You might want to argue that the rule and punishment are flawed (but given the focus on concussions I don’t think the AFL has much choice) but given that the rule is written as it is then he was always going to be found guilty and cop the three weeks.
JMac has been asking for that for a long time. He has a history of dirty hits but has been lucky enough to get away with only frees against. Sooner or later he was going to do someone real damage. He owes the team big time
Three words:

Fear of litigation.

An overly conservative blanket policy mitigates the risk of a class action.
I totally agree with this country being a litigation fest, but in this case who is the one ultimately determining whether or not a punishment is considered inadequate in the eye of the law? Footy is an independant thing, there is no legality set around what constitutes a lawful penalty other than if an intentional assault occurred. Let's say the AFL set their rules in a way where the mcinerney incident constituted a 1 week penalty instead of 3 - what difference would that make in favouring a class action?

Litigation becomes a likelihood if players are getting off completely after a concussion incident. But if a penalty of any sort is handed down doesn't that cover their arse whether it's considered a small penalty or a harsher one? Just make it an automatic 1 game penalty if an unreasonable act results in a concussion, with remainder of the penalty based on the eye test.

I'm absolutely all in for reducing concussion incidents and penalising even the smallest discretions that result in head knocks, but penalties like this are an overcorrection and ultimately not achieving any further reduction in incidents.

Without wishing ill will on anyone I'm yearning for the day Naicos is caught up in one of these just to watch the AFL attempt to squirm a way out of it. I would be so confident he would get off on all 4 incidents we saw this weekend.
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Roast Better get yourself a lawyer son

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