Conspiracy Theory World Economic Forum

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Another thing I’m right about ✅

There you have it sdfc

And you know that twitter account from a retired military officer and former political advisor to a NATO 3 star general is legit - profile pic is Captain America's shield and they just made a few posts about Biden and his master Moloch's scheme to destroy America, what more proof could you possibly need. Definitely no chance he's a Q-tip LARPer, no siree bob :tearsofjoy:
First of all the nazis were socialists, the commies were their political rivals. They appealed to the same voters.

What a simplistic understanding of those two political positions.

National Socialism is a Far-Right wing political position. Communism (the Socialists of Hitlers day) is a Far-Left political position.

They were rivals, but they were on different ends of the political spectrum.

National socialism (and its sister doctrine Fascism) is not the same thing as Communism. The National socialists didnt do away with private property, nationalize all industries, and totally seize control of Germanies means of production. The wealthy Prussian Junker class and German industrialists (who Hitler relied on for his support) would never have supported the Nazis if that was the case.

Those same wealthy industrialists and Prussian Junkers opposed Socialism (and Communism) for the same reason. If the Socialists had won, and Germany went to full blown Communism, it's their money, property and land that gets confiscated and redistributed among the workers.

There was a section of the Nazi party that wanted to go full blown State control of the markets and property, and to confiscate lands and seize property from the wealthy, but Hitler had them all killed in his first purge during the Night of the Long Knives.
Second, did i mention socialism?

Yeah, you said 'that' (Socialism) is what the WEF want.

What's hilarious is you've actually identified the issue (wealthy billionaires like Trump, Murdoch and Rineheart etc exert undue influence on governments). You just haven't been able to zero in on what they actually want from that influence (deregulated free markets, and more capitalism).

You also didnt answer my 3 questions above. I'll start with 1 question.

1) Why would billionaire financiers, bankers, corporate elite, property owners, and people like Rupert Murdoch (who is literally a Chair of the WEF) be actively trying to implement Socialism?

You think Rupert Murdoch of all people is... pushing for a Socialist one world government?

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Another thing I’m right about ✅

You're aware that the account you're posting from is a Russian bot right?

You're reposting deliberate misinformation from a Bot account.

You might want to read my thread about the Russian psy Op and how they use bots, misinformation and metadata to cook you, because you're clearly a victim.
There you have it sdfc

And you know that twitter account from a retired military officer and former political advisor to a NATO 3 star general is legit - profile pic is Captain America's shield and they just made a few posts about Biden and his master Moloch's scheme to destroy America, what more proof could you possibly need. Definitely no chance he's a Q-tip LARPer, no siree


Watch the above video so you know what's been happening to you to turn you into a sophist who reposts disinformation from bots, spreading the lies and helping the Russians cook others.

I’m beginning to think yourselves are bots 🤔

Let’s say for arguments sake Iran 🇮🇷 don’t have nukes.

He did say either Iran 🇮🇷 or China 🇨🇳 will retaliate with nukes
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I’m beginning to think yourselves are bots 🤔

Mate, watch the video above.

You've been following, reposting and sharing a Kremlin bot account, containing deliberate misinformation.

You're effectively helping the Russians cook people (while being cooked at the same time).

Stop for a second and think about it objectively. What you believe to be true, is a lie. You're a victim here, of Russian disinformation tactics.

He did say either Iran 🇮🇷 or China 🇨🇳 will retaliate with nukes

It doesnt matter what 'he' 'said'. It is a Russian Bot, spreading deliberate misinformation, designed to cook vulnerable people like you into warping your worldview into one that does not align with reality.


Watch the above video so you know what's been happening to you to turn you into a sophist who reposts disinformation from bots, spreading the lies and helping the Russians cook others.

Video is awesome lol

That Chinese spy balloon last year was carrying Covid-23 and nukes to rain down on America, thats some legit source you've got there Johnny :tearsofjoy:
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Mate, watch the video above.

You've been following, reposting and sharing a Kremlin bot account, containing deliberate misinformation.

You're effectively helping the Russians cook people (while being cooked at the same time).

Stop for a second and think about it objectively. What you believe to be true, is a lie. You're a victim here, of Russian disinformation tactics.

It doesnt matter what 'he' 'said'. It is a Russian Bot, spreading deliberate misinformation, designed to cook vulnerable people like you into warping your worldview into one that does not align with reality.

I admire you for trying, but the Dunning-Kruger effect is strong with this one. He literally lacks the capacity to understand the points being made.
Mate, watch the video above.

You've been following, reposting and sharing a Kremlin bot account, containing deliberate misinformation.

You're effectively helping the Russians cook people (while being cooked at the same time).

Stop for a second and think about it objectively. What you believe to be true, is a lie. You're a victim here, of Russian disinformation tactics.

It doesnt matter what 'he' 'said'. It is a Russian Bot, spreading deliberate misinformation, designed to cook vulnerable people like you into warping your worldview into one that does not align with reality.
Who are you trying to convince 😅??

Have you entertained the possibility that you’re the victims of propaganda / misinformation? Or it doesn’t go like that ? 😏
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Have you entertained the possibility that you’re the victims of propaganda / misinformation? Or it doesn’t go like that ? 😏

You're literally re-posting a link to a video containing deliberate misinformation designed to cook people into thinking its real, and likely produced by a Kremlin State owned troll farm and asserting that it's real.

Or in other words, you're posting Russian propaganda and misinformation.

That account only exists to convince vulnerable people like yourself that the shit it posts is real, and to persuade you to repost links to it elsewhere, to increase its viral reach and cook other people.

Both of which you're doing.

For the love of God, please stop and think for a second. Be objective. Understand how social media works. Look at the actual facts.

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You're literally re-posting a link to a video containing deliberate misinformation designed to cook people into thinking its real, and likely produced by a Kremlin State owned troll farm and asserting that it's real.

Or in other words, you're posting Russian propaganda and misinformation.

That account only exists to convince vulnerable people like yourself that the s**t it posts is real, and to persuade you to repost links to it elsewhere, to increase its viral reach and cook other people.

Both of which you're doing.

For the love of God, please stop and think for a second. Be objective. Understand how social media works. Look at the actual facts.

i guess agree to disagree then… we’re both calling each other out for disinformation propaganda😎

you're a victim of propaganda, you just dont know it. or maybe you do...

And btw I don’t believe in trump or Q 😜
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What a simplistic understanding of those two political positions.

National Socialism is a Far-Right wing political position. Communism (the Socialists of Hitlers day) is a Far-Left political position.

They were rivals, but they were on different ends of the political spectrum.

National socialism (and its sister doctrine Fascism) is not the same thing as Communism. The National socialists didnt do away with private property, nationalize all industries, and totally seize control of Germanies means of production. The wealthy Prussian Junker class and German industrialists (who Hitler relied on for his support) would never have supported the Nazis if that was the case.

Those same wealthy industrialists and Prussian Junkers opposed Socialism (and Communism) for the same reason. If the Socialists had won, and Germany went to full blown Communism, it's their money, property and land that gets confiscated and redistributed among the workers.

There was a section of the Nazi party that wanted to go full blown State control of the markets and property, and to confiscate lands and seize property from the wealthy, but Hitler had them all killed in his first purge during the Night of the Long Knives.

Yeah, you said 'that' (Socialism) is what the WEF want.

What's hilarious is you've actually identified the issue (wealthy billionaires like Trump, Murdoch and Rineheart etc exert undue influence on governments). You just haven't been able to zero in on what they actually want from that influence (deregulated free markets, and more capitalism).

You also didnt answer my 3 questions above. I'll start with 1 question.

1) Why would billionaire financiers, bankers, corporate elite, property owners, and people like Rupert Murdoch (who is literally a Chair of the WEF) be actively trying to implement Socialism?

You think Rupert Murdoch of all people is... pushing for a Socialist one world government?
So you are just putting words in my mouth. You are absolutely desperate to force your nazo conspiracies in everywhere you can.

I guess you have to, otherwise we would agree in principle and that might open you up to (shock horror) claims that you are a conspiracy theorist.
OK then, tell me.

What is the ultimate goal of the WEF if its not 'imposing socialism on everyone'?

Bear in mind Rupert Murdoch is a member.
Why not quote the second part of my post, then we could have a discussion. You are ok with the idea of evil industrialists exerting undue pressure on govt, yet when i say it you accuse me of being a nazi. The wef is a global lobby group, Murdoch wouldn't be involved if there wasn't anything in it for him. Neither would Gates or the biggest banks and multinational corporations. It's not much of a stretch to think that lobbying could involve things like carbon credits and digital banking, there is lots of money to be made there I'm sure you'll agree.

You need to look beyond partisan politics, i hate them all, not just the "opposing" team. Don't include me in your red vs blue BS.
Why not quote the second part of my post, then we could have a discussion. You are ok with the idea of evil industrialists exerting undue pressure on govt, yet when i say it you accuse me of being a nazi.

Firstly, what makes them 'evil'?

Secondly, no I'm not OK with billionaires exerting their influence on Government, but they do that all the damn time.

They're kept in check by the fact that the workers have the Vote, and form Social democratic parties like Labor, Labour, Democrats etc.

That's how we got the 8-hour work week, OH and S, weekends off, Trade Unions, Welfare State and all the other good shit we have. There is a balance between the Murdochs and Rhinehearts on one side, and the Trade Unions and Labor movement on the other.

They have the money. We have the vote.

Which is why I find it hilarious when most of the blokes on here are anti those very parties that protect their intrests from billionares, and tend to vote for billionaires like Trump, or other members of the Right wing (read: Corporate, white collar) parties.

You know why Murdoch uses his entire Media Empire to undermine those very parties here, in the UK and USA? By pushing right wing pro Republican/ Tory/ Liberal party nonsense to Blue Collar peeps?

It's not because we 'wants socialism'. It's because he's tricking the lot of those Blue-Collar working class to vote for the very parties that will screw them the **** over.

If you really want to get rid of the Billionaires, become a socialist. That said, I partly applaud you for being wary of billionaire corporate ****wits like Murdoch and Trump.

If you want to hurt them, don't vote for the Conservative parties.
Firstly, what makes them 'evil'?

Secondly, no I'm not OK with billionaires exerting their influence on Government, but they do that all the damn time.

They're kept in check by the fact that the workers have the Vote, and form Social democratic parties like Labor, Labour, Democrats etc.

That's how we got the 8-hour work week, OH and S, weekends off, Trade Unions, Welfare State and all the other good s**t we have. There is a balance between the Murdochs and Rhinehearts on one side, and the Trade Unions and Labor movement on the other.

They have the money. We have the vote.

Which is why I find it hilarious when most of the blokes on here are anti those very parties that protect their intrests from billionares, and tend to vote for billionaires like Trump, or other members of the Right wing (read: Corporate, white collar) parties.

You know why Murdoch uses his entire Media Empire to undermine those very parties here, in the UK and USA? By pushing right wing pro Republican/ Tory/ Liberal party nonsense to Blue Collar peeps?

It's not because we 'wants socialism'. It's because he's tricking the lot of those Blue-Collar working class to vote for the very parties that will screw them the * over.

If you really want to get rid of the Billionaires, become a socialist. That said, I partly applaud you for being wary of billionaire corporate *******s like Murdoch and Trump.

If you want to hurt them, don't vote for the Conservative parties.
Sigh. There is no functional difference. You are picking sides when both will **** you.

You are cooked if you think a certain side of politics is going to improve the lives of the citizens.
Mate, watch the video above.

You've been following, reposting and sharing a Kremlin bot account, containing deliberate misinformation.

You're effectively helping the Russians cook people (while being cooked at the same time).

Stop for a second and think about it objectively. What you believe to be true, is a lie. You're a victim here, of Russian disinformation tactics.

It doesnt matter what 'he' 'said'. It is a Russian Bot, spreading deliberate misinformation, designed to cook vulnerable people like you into warping your worldview into one that does not align with reality.

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What a simplistic understanding of those two political positions.

National Socialism is a Far-Right wing political position. Communism (the Socialists of Hitlers day) is a Far-Left political position.

They were rivals, but they were on different ends of the political spectrum.

National socialism (and its sister doctrine Fascism) is not the same thing as Communism. The National socialists didnt do away with private property, nationalize all industries, and totally seize control of Germanies means of production. The wealthy Prussian Junker class and German industrialists (who Hitler relied on for his support) would never have supported the Nazis if that was the case.

Those same wealthy industrialists and Prussian Junkers opposed Socialism (and Communism) for the same reason. If the Socialists had won, and Germany went to full blown Communism, it's their money, property and land that gets confiscated and redistributed among the workers.

There was a section of the Nazi party that wanted to go full blown State control of the markets and property, and to confiscate lands and seize property from the wealthy, but Hitler had them all killed in his first purge during the Night of the Long Knives.

Yeah, you said 'that' (Socialism) is what the WEF want.

What's hilarious is you've actually identified the issue (wealthy billionaires like Trump, Murdoch and Rineheart etc exert undue influence on governments). You just haven't been able to zero in on what they actually want from that influence (deregulated free markets, and more capitalism).

You also didnt answer my 3 questions above. I'll start with 1 question.

1) Why would billionaire financiers, bankers, corporate elite, property owners, and people like Rupert Murdoch (who is literally a Chair of the WEF) be actively trying to implement Socialism?

You think Rupert Murdoch of all people is... pushing for a Socialist one world government?
Agree - the absurd and illogical rantings of these Conspiracy followers have no capacity to understand the Elites have no interest in destroying the Capitalist system that brought them their wealth and power.
Their lack of simple common sense beggars belief.
Sigh. There is no functional difference. You are picking sides when both will * you.

You are cooked if you think a certain side of politics is going to improve the lives of the citizens.

You might want to check with a few of the 1000s of US women forced to carry their rapist's baby to term in the last few years as to whether they think there is 'no functional difference', just as one example :drunk:
Why in the name of living * would/ could the WEF 'plan' for Iran to nuke Israel?

In case you don't realize, the 'WEF' is code for 'the Jews' among conspiracists. Why would 'the Jews' want Israel nuked?
No it isn’t Mal. Stop trying to paint posters you disagree with as antisemitic.

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