Mystery The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx

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How do they know how many stones it has? Can they see inside?
The top is missing, so how do we know it has perfect dimensions? Looking at a photo, the stones are uneven, different shapes and not perfectly aligned. The perfect geometry claims could all be fallacy.
Thinking about the numbers in my head. 2.3 million stones approx in the great pyramid. If they worked 60 hours a week, for 20 years and worked all year, that's about 3.7 million working minutes. So, a block roughly every 1 min 40 seconds, constantly for 60 hours a week every week for 20 years, using ropes and manpower. Even if they had ten teams of men working all this time each team needs to get a block up there every 1000 seconds, or about every 16 minutes.

Added to this, they aren't just piling blocks on top of one another in a great heap, they are fitted together (especially inside the pyramid) exactly, snugly, perfectly, as you can see with the blocks inside the Kings chamber below -


5000 years later and they're still a tight fit.

Added to that, the pyramid is of course not just a solid block - it has chambers and tunnels within. Therefore you can't just steadily pile block upon block, you need to follow intricate architectural plans as to where a block is required and how it is to be positioned so as to build a tunnel or chamber. This requires overseers - at least one for every team - who have a perfect knowledge of what goes where. They, of course, report to another man higher up who is the big boss of the project.

Further, it's not like building today where a truck comes along and delivers materials all exactly the same size, cut in a factory, these are quarried stones. They are different sizes. The overseers have to make them all fit together, somehow. It's like a 2.3 million piece jigsaw puzzle containing chambers and tunnels inside using blocks that weigh up to 80 tonnes, all done with ropes, and all just to house a dead King.

Come on. That's the best explanation they've got?

And what evidence do they have for this? Because there's a small inscription referring to Khufu inside? So if I go and scratch my name on the Eiffel Tower will people in 500 years think it was built for me, too?
Oh and I forgot another important point... NOWHERE in the great pyramid is there a single depiction of Khufu, or of any of the Gods. In a society where the afterlife was so crucial and the Gods who ruled equally as crucial, and one in which the dead go as far as they can in visual praise of the Gods in order to ensure their immortality, in a society in which the standard is for a Pharoah to at all times depict himself as on an equal footing with the Gods, in this society they want us to believe that Khufu built this ENORMOUS tomb, then had not a single reference to himself drawn?? What the actual ****??

Further, his name is NOWHERE to be seen, except in an inscription by a team of workmen?? Really??

Come on. The Egyptians fell over themselves to depict themselves with Anubis firstly after death, then of course Osiris, Horus and whichever God they felt they needed to. They drew servants with beer and food, women, weapons, everything they'd need in the afterlife.

But not Khufu. Not one single drawing. He spends 20 building the biggest funerary tomb of all time (of all time Kanye!) - and never even has his name put on it, nor a single drawing.

Come on.

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No great mystery. Egyptians were masters at pyramid building. Every bit as advanced as we are today. Just used different tools and methods.

Even house construction has changed dramatically in the last hundred years. Mate bought a terrace house built in the 1880's, at great expense I might add. I went over there the other week to have a look see. Mate reckons part of the house was built with blue stones. Not wrong. Dirty great big brick shaped things.

Apparently they delivered these things by horse and cart. I'm assuming they used a team of Clydesdale. Either that or there was one very tired donkey.

Walking in was a very weird experience. For starters, I looked up and the ceilings were 5 metres tall. Must have had giants living in there, and yet the door frames were so low you almost had to duck your head to get through.

Almost shit bricks at the sight of these huge ornate things attached between the walls and the ceilings. Mate reckons they are called cornices. It had a curve in them you could have stuck your head in.

"How the **** did they get them up there in the 1800's"

"Used a ladder mate!".

"How the **** do you paint the ceilings son?

"You use a dirty great big pole on the end of the roller dickhead"


I tapped the walls and almost broke me knuckles. Solid as a rock. I was too scared to ask about that as my mate was getting visibly annoyed with me.

I'll be honest, building isn't my forte. They must have been on some serious drugs back in the olden days. Went home to my McMansion. Not a cornice or solid wall in sight. Felt better.
No great mystery. Egyptians were masters at pyramid building. Every bit as advanced as we are today. Just used different tools and methods.

Even house construction has changed dramatically in the last hundred years. Mate bought a terrace house built in the 1880's, at great expense I might add. I went over there the other week to have a look see. Mate reckons part of the house was built with blue stones. Not wrong. Dirty great big brick shaped things.

Apparently they delivered these things by horse and cart. I'm assuming they used a team of Clydesdale. Either that or there was one very tired donkey.

Walking in was a very weird experience. For starters, I looked up and the ceilings were 5 metres tall. Must have had giants living in there, and yet the door frames were so low you almost had to duck your head to get through.

Almost shit bricks at the sight of these huge ornate things attached between the walls and the ceilings. Mate reckons they are called cornices. It had a curve in them you could have stuck your head in.

"How the **** did they get them up there in the 1800's"

"Used a ladder mate!".

"How the **** do you paint the ceilings son?

"You use a dirty great big pole on the end of the roller dickhead"


I tapped the walls and almost broke me knuckles. Solid as a rock. I was too scared to ask about that as my mate was getting visibly annoyed with me.

I'll be honest, building isn't my forte. They must have been on some serious drugs back in the olden days. Went home to my McMansion. Not a cornice or solid wall in sight. Felt better.

Your friends house will still be standing in 100 years. Yours won't.
This is very interesting if you've never seen it before..

Summary: many of the sacred ancient sites around the world shared similar architectural concepts in stone mason and shared those intricate details, so this assumes a globalised intelligent civilisation back then, all of those sites draw a line through the equator and the pyramid of Giza is the centre of those sites and the earth.

Giza shows that the Egyptians already knew the concept of measuring in metres, Pythagoras and the golden number.

They knew the positing of the pyramids to be perfect in relation to the Equinox and the stars and the earth.

My theory is that in those times there was an advanced civilisation that were sophisticated in maths and engineering and had knowledge perhaps more advanced then even today.

Alien assistance?? Perhaps...that's a theory that isn't backed by any written evidence but then a lot of what you see around the pyramids looks like it's been used with help by machinery..

There are carvings that indicate flying machines and so forth..

One thing is for sure, it's very, very, very interesting...

It could just be that we assume the past as dumb cave men was in fact cycles of intelligent civilisations that came and left..
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The pyramids also could be much older than people think. Some pyramids are tombs, no doubt. Especially obviously tombs are the ones decorated heavily with artworks inside about the deceased and Osiris and Anubis, etc. that's a tomb.

Giza? Not a single drawing. Not one piece of artwork depicting Khufu's ascension to the afterlife. Not a single mention of his death anywhere and no artwork whatsoever.

So, the pharaoh has the greatest funerary tomb ever in the history of mankind built, and yet does not have any artwork whatsoever added, when their culture was obsessed with adding artwork to funerary tombs? They believed that the drawings accompanied him to the afterlife, and as such would depict all the things he would need, as well as making sure to drift him with the Gods, and boats for the trip and most importantly the necessary spells to defeat certain purgatory like demons and such. So, in a society obsessed with this, Khufu has the greatest tomb ever built and neglects all art work?

Come on. Come the **** on. Yes, some (a lot?) of pyramids are tombs. And they're easy to identify. The great pyramid does not fit the bill as a tomb for a pharaoh.

Personally, I liked the quote of one scientist I saw somewhere, who said, "I don't know what it was, but I wouldn't want to be standing inside it when they turned it on."
This is very interesting if you've never seen it before..

Summary: many of the sacred ancient sites around the world shared similar architectural concepts in stone mason and shared those intricate details, so this assumes a globalised intelligent civilisation back then, all of those sites draw a line through the equator and the pyramid of Giza is the centre of those sites and the earth.

Giza shows that the Egyptians already knew the concept of measuring in metres, Pythagoras and the golden number.

They knew the positing of the pyramids to be perfect in relation to the Equinox and the stars and the earth.

My theory is that in those times there was an advanced civilisation that were sophisticated in maths and engineering and had knowledge perhaps more advanced then even today.

Alien assistance?? Perhaps...that's a theory that isn't backed by any written evidence but then a lot of what you see around the pyramids looks like it's been used with help by machinery..

There are carvings that indicate flying machines and so forth..

One thing is for sure, it's very, very, very interesting...

It could just be that we assume the past as dumb cave men was in fact cycles of intelligent civilisations that came and left..

We seem to be on the same page :)

I look forward to checking out this doco... I posted a similar (sans aliens) called the pyramid code... Defs worth checking out.
An interesting discovery: Mysterious 'big void' in Great Pyramid revealed by cosmic rays

A cosmic camera that uses high-energy particles from outer space to see through stone has given us a tantalising glimpse of an undiscovered space in the Great Pyramid of Giza. The work, published in Nature today, harnessed the penetrating power of subatomic particles called muons to give the massive ancient Egyptian structure an X-ray of sorts. The images showed a 30-metre space dubbed the "big void" — the first major structure to be discovered in the inner pyramid since the 19th century. But exactly what the space is, or why it was built, remains a mystery.

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