Opinion Tattos - A beautiful body turned UGLY

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Team Captain
Apr 23, 2011
AFL Club
Why graffiti a magnificent, muscle bound body.

Nathan Jones

Glad to see the Crows players are not into it,
Yeah... They're shit tats, but Nathan gets internet points for having an illuminati tattoo. Cloke, I'd qualify both "beautiful" and "muscle bound" in your sentence. If an Adelaide player wants to do it, go for it, but get something tasteful FFS, I laugh at the guys who got "tribal" ones nowadays, posers.

Off to google "suicide girls" for research.

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I don't very much like Cloke's piece much, but only in the sense that I wouldn't get anything like that...

some people probably don't like my tattoos either...

now we just need some people to say how they are the real rebels because they don't have any tattoos at all.. .ROFLCOPETER@AOL.COm
One phrase I have found appropriate regarding tats is Rethink your ink. I have 2 and got them through attaching meaning to the designs on a personal level. Not spur of the moment. In the end the person who gets them is doing it for themselves, no considered thoughts to what other people think.

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I really like seeing tatts on young buffs and babes. If only they could say 'barlies' and all the tats would disappear when they turn …ooh, I don't know…35? It's a very sad thing when the colour fades and the tatts start to sag.

Tatts….I said Tatts!
Old school tatts on oldies looks badass though lol
Who cares...
Up to the person themselves, I agree Cloke's doesn't look that great but sleeves like Jones' are great, probably why I want them in a few years too.
Is that a tramp stamp on Cloke?

Personally I don't mind tats but it comes down to the individual, if they are happy enough with it to keep it forever, then kudos to them.

My mate some years back won a big meat raffle in Melbourne but was flying out the next day, somehow exchanged it for a tat of an otter wearing a monocle smoking a pipe on his bicep.......... Thought it was the stupidest thing I had ever heard but I actually don't mind it and he still loves it.

To each their own.
Is this in case he gets lost at the supermarket and cant remember his name. Maybe he should add his mums mobile number somewhere?
LOL, when you put it like that! ;) Being proud of your last name is not a bad nor unusual thing. People have tattoos of family crests (essentially their last name). I have a friend with two sleeves. Both sides depict his life story starting with the Colonel Light statue, the state flag, the crows etc etc. They are magnificently done (his tattooist is a true artist). Would I have it done? Hell no, but I am an admirer of them from afar.

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