Opinion Sack Hinkley 9 - I Am Become Donuts, Destroyer Of Ports

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We don't need to have stickers made. Just an A4 piece of paper with bold black text is required. Another approach is to pre-organise a Hinkley Get Out chant at the GWS game.

I thought red signs would work well as they'd stand out in our colors. not going at all is the best result but if you have to, the signs would disrupt the telecast which is what you want. protests in sport usually work well with a color contrast in the crowd
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Heard you yahoos were talking about me behind me back on ya blog. You can all get farked especially docter feelbad and powerade 119. sign me petiton ya useless pricks. If i want to fly the flag on me wall I can, its called the constitution and it gives me the right. don't like it then * off - Glennn

bloody well said glenno stick up these youseless flogs

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Like Koch said " we a little battlers club from Alberton"

He knows the base are fickle and are not strong enough to come together to want change.

People are more concerned about capital wording or how things are worded. Yet we looking at beyond a decade of nothing.

Do it better. You are articulate enough to know that how the whole thing is currently presented is subpar.

Listen to feedback. It's constructive and we're on your side. Your response to very basic constructive criticism from people on the same side can't be to get annoyed with it.

You're trying to win people over here. Presentation matters. It has to look professional and not like it was written by a qanon crackpot.
Some of us did offer to help but the guy in question wasn’t interested and threw a bit of a tanty. All there to see if you’re in that group.
I joined the group initially just to see what they were doing. I read Mudie's claims about his previous dealings with people in high places. So I was surprised to see how poorly composed and written the petition was. I also read the posts from people offering advice on how to improve it, and the response from Mudie, even other posters who agreed it needed improving got put back in their box quick smart. So it seemed like a pointless exercise to even try.
This morning’s post from one of their mods suggests they have abandoned the whole lobbying/campaign/petition path and have gone back to being a forum for posters to just express their discontent, bit like here.
Cos Cardone is literally a mole for Eddie McGuire and we still spend more time s**t talking Holly than him. This proves my point entirely.

Please. He’s copped plenty. Ransom gets grief because she’s a pointless human with literally no professional skills apart from promoting herself, much like Koch who also cops it hard for this reason. It’s not because she’s sans dick and the other women on the board who nobody talks about on here are testament to that.
Do it better. You are articulate enough to know that how the whole thing is currently presented is subpar.

Listen to feedback. It's constructive and we're on your side. Your response to very basic constructive criticism from people on the same side can't be to get annoyed with it.

You're trying to win people over here. Presentation matters. It has to look professional and not like it was written by a qanon crackpot.

all that really needs to be said is presenting the facts - e.g. relative success of long tenured coaches. ken is an absolute outlier in that he has achieved nothing.

you can bring in other things like the late season drop offs, and the fact that coaches messages go "stale" after a while... hawthorn ditched clarko after 4 flags. hardwick is gone because he felt his message wasnt getting through anymore. these guys are actually successful.
We used to think being part of the Port Adelaide Footy Club was like family, standing together as a united impenetrable force.
Unfortunately without the support of the ex players and people that were some way involved in the club, we are in for a rude shock.
We have become another AFL franchise and those special things that united our great club have been diluted.
The group name is a complete mess lol
The group wasn't made as a protest group,it was made for people who are against ken and what's happening at the club and chatting about it,like this thread,,the protest stuff is more recent,so the name was and is fine

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Who wants to take one for the team and handcuff themselves to a goal post with a sack Hinkley T-shirt during a game ?
What we need is numbers singing in unison during obvious moments in the game. Our protest needs large numbers to make the point. We have the venue, we have the means but I doubt we have the guts.
Have a listen to everyone complaining about a group that is attempting to stand for something we are all complaining about, yet at the same time, you cant support....
Exactly,is so pathetic,they whine on here for years then bitch when people actually think about doing something, laughable

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all that really needs to be said is presenting the facts - e.g. relative success of long tenured coaches. ken is an absolute outlier in that he has achieved nothing.

you can bring in other things like the late season drop offs, and the fact that coaches messages go "stale" after a while... hawthorn ditched clarko after 4 flags. hardwick is gone because he felt his message wasnt getting through anymore. these guys are actually successful.
Been watching Postocoglou interviews and although I haven't always warmed to him (Melbourne Victory) he is everything that Stinkers is not and success has always followed him.

The contrast is like night and day.

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Heard you yahoos were talking about me behind me back on ya blog. You can all get farked especially docter feelbad and powerade 119. sign me petiton ya useless pricks. If i want to fly the flag on me wall I can, its called the constitution and it gives me the right. don't like it then * off - Glennn
I call bullshit this is the Glenn. Not all capital letters and not enough spacing between sentences.
Wasn't there an anti Hinkley insta or twitter page that was just outlining all the unsuccessful stats and facts of his tenure? Like every game was another record breaking game for longest coach without a GF to his name, the greyhound syndicate etc.

A big groundswell behind a page like that, big enough that it gets traction and his hard to ignore would be good. Doesn't need to be over the top or convoluted, just straight forward "this is everything Hinkley his mates in the media and at the club don't want to talk about".

Granted Hinkley isn't the only problem, Koch and the entire direction of the club, from a proper professional and uncompromising organization striving for continuous on field success to a perfect pear, game-day experience franchise, requires attention and change, but a proper anti Hinkley groundswell can perhaps begin the dominos falling.

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I joined the group initially just to see what they were doing. I read Mudie's claims about his previous dealings with people in high places. So I was surprised to see how poorly composed and written the petition was. I also read the posts from people offering advice on how to improve it, and the response from Mudie, even other posters who agreed it needed improving got put back in their box quick smart. So it seemed like a pointless exercise to even try.
This morning’s post from one of their mods suggests they have abandoned the whole lobbying/campaign/petition path and have gone back to being a forum for posters to just express their discontent, bit like here.
Looks like the petition is still going ahead but Mudie seems to have got over his dummy spit with his response to criticism/advice.
Here's an idea,How about you do something instead of constant bitching about people who are

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It doesn't do the cause well if the frontman looks like an unhinged cooker who can barely put together a coherent sentence let alone clear message

The media and club will either ignore (a la last night CH9) or disregard it as the crazy fringe element it appears

Even when WGT was clear and articulate in his opinions he was given the harsh treatment

A semi-illiterate realtor with some strange ideas about the world will be eaten up and spat out before you can say lol tarps and put the "movement" backwards

Wanna do something, here's some ideas;
  • email/call the club to cancel membership (email better as it's in writing)
  • if you're eloquent, call up or text 5aa, SEN and triple M to voice dissatisfaction
  • Be well researched and have facts on hand to express the same to all your family/friends who are Port supporters
  • Distribute SACK HINKLEY/KOCH OUT stickers everywhere (I don't have the energy at the moment up come up with a design but it's a fairly cheap exercise)
as start maybe
People are more concerned about capital wording or how things are worded.

We're concerned because a loose cannon has declared himself chairman of this thing and just blazed away with no consensus from the group as to what the key messages should be beyond "sack hinkley". When challenged he throws a tantrum and spouts rubbish about being in politics and he knows how its done.

Based on the wording of that petition, its very clear he doesn't know what he's doing.

Some of it was pitiful in how poorly it was written but the worst bit was some of it could be construed as threatening to the directors and staff of the club. Absolutely not on.

Pull Mudie into line and you'll probably find you get a lot more support for the cause.
Sadly though, I think the horse has already bolted.
You're guys are all talk and no action on here. Gutless really, if you all cared so much about the club organise your own petition and see how that goes. But you won't you'll hide and cry and bitch and moan and never do anything that's why the club is in the predicament it is!

Big fan of people with extremely poor communication skills and clearly no understanding of optics with regards to campaigns attacking us for being like "hmm on balance this seems like a bin fire I dont want my name put to."

Very mall preachery.

Hang on, let me check whats going on over there in the PAFC UNCUT UNCENSORED 24/7 LIVE DOGGING facebook group


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