Rick Aylett has to be sacked

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Premiership Player
May 20, 2007
AFL Club
North Melbourne
The Gemba report gets released this afternoon to members, 5 hours before the members forum.

What a load of crap.
I want my membership money back.
This club is being run by clowns.
not hard to see how we have got into this mess with our previous administration. You can't help but see the release of the Gemba report today by the club is intentionally half assed.

Rick has to go.

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It's unbelievable. The stealth with which they operate must be exposed.

Fairdinkum.............I wouldn't be surprised if Rick was hoisted up into a ceremonial "Wicker Man" and bloody torched :mad:


We are strong, loud, and bloody proud, and we FIGHT in the face of adversity...........not roll over FFS!:mad:

The sooner this club gets some brains and spine the better.

I admire Rick for taking on the job, but at the end of the day, he is directed and pulled from pillar to post from a divided board. A board which we now know some members have been in secret negotiations with the AFL etc.
It would have to be a no win situation for him. Add to this his father's obvious agenda in cohorts with the AFL and Carter, Head and Dawson.
I admire Rick for taking on the job, but at the end of the day, he is directed and pulled from pillar to post from a divided board. A board which we now know some members have been in secret negotiations with the AFL etc.
It would have to be a no win situation for him. Add to this his father's obvious agenda in cohorts with the AFL and Carter, Head and Dawson.

Given the massive amount of info he would have compared to most of us shouldn't he have resigned? What has kept him there in such a shitfully compromised position?

It could be argued that he's spent 12 months trashing his own brand:eek:.
I admire Rick for taking on the job, but at the end of the day, he is directed and pulled from pillar to post from a divided board. A board which we now know some members have been in secret negotiations with the AFL etc.
It would have to be a no win situation for him. Add to this his father's obvious agenda in cohorts with the AFL and Carter, Head and Dawson.

Therein lies the key to our problems. The arrogance of these people is sickening. They operate as if they feel "Don't worry about the members........what would they know? We're the only people smart enough to decipher where we're at as a club, and the only people strong enough to lead us into the future!"

How they could possibly have given US their best shot whilst flirting with the idea of moving up there is beyond me. Imagine keeping an employee who you discover is going to interviews with competitors behind your back! You'd be bloody sure they're not putting in 100% in your business so you'd get rid of them on the spot!

I'm sure Rick would've been in a no win situation but I have to keep reminding myself that he was raised by a father who's the architect of the VFL becoming the AFL, and one who 100% believes the clubs should be dispersed around the country, including ours and his. He would've been brainwashed since birth FFS, so at the very least he'd have a weak spot for his father's views. That, at a time like this, isn't good enough!

I have spent the whole year struggling with what the F.. is wrong with our club.
I had decided not to join at the start of this year because of the whole GC crap, but eventually did join up to support the players.
In the last 5 years we have survived in spite of the loony rats running the club. Into the ground.
The admin has been treating supporters like idiots.
Abusive, lying, lack of information, underhanded dealings.
Work for the club or f..k off or tell us to f..k off
No more rubbish. Hope JB gets up and sacks the lot of them.
Given the massive amount of info he would have compared to most of us shouldn't he have resigned? What has kept him there in such a shitfully compromised position?

It could be argued that he's spent 12 months trashing his own brand:eek:.

A sound argument at that, add the faceless Duffman before him, and Rick's old man before him.

Proud, passionate and vocal boardmembers are vital to us staving off every public attack from here to eternity.

JB, Arch and Pagan should be certs!
Rick is no Greg Swan or Brian Cook. But he took on a job that nobody else wanted. He's had to work with a divided board and with the AFL breathing down the club's neck. Personally, I think he's out of his depth, but by the same token, I think that even the likes of Swan and Cook would have had trouble dealing with the situaiton that Aylett faced.

When he took on the job, he was open to members. The Cold War between the fans and Geoff Walsh seemed to be long gone. His sudden clamping down and closing off of communications seems to be out of character. I just think that he's not the one making the decisions, but he's the one that has to carry them out.

If we're going to bag the crap out of anyone, I'd be looking for the people behind the scenes.
Rick has to go...Just reading the "Summary and Regulations" for tonight's meeting demonstrates their arrogance towards members..."No recording of the meeting"...It is as if they are scared of us members...Just reading the BF posters here shows the amount of untapped passion that any good manager would try and leverage for club's benefit..Instead they try and put us - the key stakeholders - in a cage...Bloody idiots...Rick has to go !

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Try being the CEO of an organisation with a SPLIT board.

Try being the official mouthpiece for a club that doesn't officially know what it wants (until recently of course).

Try doing it when your father is a club legend and is making public comments that are completely contrary to the views of the members of the very club you are trying to run.

Like Brayshaw said of Magowan's role as stand-in Chairman: it was a poisoned chalice.
Try being the CEO of an organisation with a SPLIT board.

Try being the official mouthpiece for a club that doesn't officially know what it wants (until recently of course).

Try doing it when your father is a club legend and is making public comments that are completely contrary to the views of the members of the very club you are trying to run.

Like Brayshaw said of Magowan's role as stand-in Chairman: it was a poisoned chalice.

I am not going to dump on Rick anymore than I have, we just need a good CEO with strong skills and experience. He just doesn't have the skills/experience/contacts to do the kind of job that Cook or Swann or the other top class CEOs can do.

JB in a matter of weeks did more for this club than our CEO has done all year and it is not JB's job to do the CEO's role.
Interesting that as CEO, Rick played absolutelly NO part in last nights proceedings. He was not mentioned by John McGowan or James Brayshaw. He was there at the side of the stage to start then sat on the other side with the media. I wonder if he has been told his time is limited?
I feel sorry for Rick, he has been caught in the middle of all this.
He genuinely loves the club, but at the end of the day he also has to do what the board instructs.
I expect he will be a casualty, but he doesn't deserve to be ridiculed.
I feel sorry for Rick, he has been caught in the middle of all this.
He genuinely loves the club, but at the end of the day he also has to do what the board instructs.
I expect he will be a casualty, but he doesn't deserve to be ridiculed.

I agree SW and that why I have avoided this subject in general.

He has had a very difficult task. Lets not forget that he works for the board and is expected to drive their policy. That for the last two years has been the Gold Coast relocation.

Now is Rick's chance. Step up and be a leader. You will have a united board and the money and opportunity to build a strong executive team - JB promised that last night.

I hope Rick gets the chance to lead the first united board since he arrived, but like SW I have my doubts.
I agree SW and that why I have avoided this subject in general.

He has had a very difficult task. Lets not forget that he works for the board and is expected to drive their policy. That for the last two years has been the Gold Coast relocation.

Now is Rick's chance. Step up and be a leader. You will have a united board and the money and opportunity to build a strong executive team - JB promised that last night.

I hope Rick gets the chance to lead the first united board since he arrived, but like SW I have my doubts.

You're probably right. A good united board is probably a big factor in why Cooky and Campbell Rose have done such a great job in recent years.

The fish rots at the head, so to speak, and now we have lopped off what was holding us back, it will be interesting to see how he goes.

Personally though, if we had the opportunity to recruit someone better I'd go for that.
I apologize to RA about my harsh words to start this thread.
I was totally pissed off yesterday arvo about that email.
I agree that he has had a tough job and is probably the fall guy for the rats.

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