Conspiracy Theory Pizzagate *DEBUNKED

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Thats my point. You cookers parrot antisemtic conspiracies that have been around for centuries not knowing theyre antisemitic.

Qanon for example (which has its roots in Pizzagate) is blatantly antisemitic.

National Socialism is not equal to Marxist Leninism.

Hitler had no problem with private property ownership and didn't exactly nationalise all industries or strip and redistribute/ collectivise land from the wealthy German Junkers to the workers did he?

The 'Socialism' in Hitlers version of National Socialism was pretty token at best.

No they don't get slaps on the wrist, they get extensive prison sentences, and do you think paedos have a fun time in prison?
This is why you are absolutely cooked, any discussion of pedo rings is met with "that's a conspiracy theory, you're a nazi". You know they exist, plenty of evidence has been posted here about high profile individuals who have turned out to be evil nonces, yet you still try to shut down the discussion. You remind me of the guy in the story below, calling it all ridiculous and conspiracy, until he got caught, then it was all about the mental gymnastics.

It should be noted that Jimmy Saville was well known to be a pedo, but nothing was ever said about it until after his death. If he was alive today he would be defended by the miscreants on here.
John Lydon aka Johhny Rotten called out this POS in a 1978 BBC interview. The BBC then banned him.

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John Lydon aka Johhny Rotten called out this POS in a 1978 BBC interview. The BBC then banned him.
Yes, they censored that interview. After his death, the BBC had actually scheduled the release of an investigation into Saville, but cancelled it at the last minute, preferring to broadcast tributes to Saville instead. That's not surprising, considering he was close friends with the royals and Thatcher at the very least.
Didn’t todays Epstein documents confirm this? Or is that completely different to what you’re discussing?
Mal wants to link discussion of things like Epstein with stuff like cannibalism so it can be easily discredited. That's why he is always bringing up nazis as well, just a strawman to deflect attention away from these vile people.

As for the documents released, they weren't the flight logs, just people mentioned in a court case. There isn't really anything new there, most of the names were known already. Steven Hawking apparently had an orgy though.

As for the documents released, they weren't the flight logs, just people mentioned in a court case. There isn't really anything new there, most of the names were known already. Steven Hawking apparently had an orgy though.

Correct, but it was basically a pedo ring, was it not? Maxwell organised the underage women to be there to perform the sexual acts on grown men.
I think it is the tip of the iceberg to be honest and I hope more comes out.
Correct, but it was basically a pedo ring, was it not? Maxwell organised the underage women to be there to perform the sexual acts on grown men.
I think it is the tip of the iceberg to be honest and I hope more comes out.
It was a sex trafficking ring, at least. But as far as I know, beyond Epstein there is only a few names mentioned, like Andrew, who claims innocence but settled out of court. Maxwell I think claimed that she ran an extensive grooming network, but solely for Epstein. There are allegations that Epstein took the passports of the girls so they couldn't escape, but that's all they are. It's just allegations, and considering who the people are who are accused, I'm sure that's all they will ever be. The documents that were just released were from a 2017 court case, and they haven't all been released yet. I'm not sure what type of evidence was presented in the case against Maxwell, but I wouldn't hold my breath that they are ever released. The guy was murdered in prison whilst on suicide watch, i'm sure suppressing a few court documents is much easier.
This is why you are absolutely cooked, any discussion of pedo rings is met with "that's a conspiracy theory, you're a nazi".

No, I said Qanon (which stems from Pizzagate) is a ****ing antisemitic Nazi conspiracy:

QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

QAnon began in 2017, when a mysterious figure named “Q” started posting on the online message board 4chan, claiming to have inside access to government secrets. Since then, QAnon has grown into a conspiracy movement that claims Satan-worshipping pedophiles secretly rule the world. Many of the antisemitic beliefs that lie at the core of the conspiracy echo the dangerous lies espoused in Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

QAnon and Antisemitism: A Dangerous Nexus

“Several aspects of QAnon lore mirror longstanding anti-Semitic tropes,” according to the ADL. “The belief that a global ‘cabal’ is involved in rituals of child sacrifice has its roots in the anti-Semitic trope of blood libel, the theory that Jews murder Christian children for ritualistic purposes. In addition, QAnon has a deep-seated hatred for George Soros, a name that has become synonymous with perceived Jewish meddling in global affairs. And QAnon’s ongoing obsession with a global elite of bankers also has deeply anti-Semitic undertones.”


Surprise blockbuster ‘Sound of Freedom’ echoes antisemitic QAnon conspiracies

Thriller’s ideology draws on blood libel canard, expert says, and star Jim Caviezel has floated anti-Jewish conspiracy theories while promoting the film

Im not making it up or plucking nonsense out of my ass like you blokes do. Qanon (like Pizzagate before it) is ****ing antisemitic. It's just you *********** cookers don't realize it. You've all stumbled on Neo Nazi conspiracies that have been around for literally decades and don't realize the ****ing Antisemitic nature of it.

Like... I'm not saying you're antisemitic or a Nazi. I'm saying the conspiracy is. You conspiracy cookers are all just not smart enough to realize it.

Its the same with virtually all conspiracies. They've all been around for decades, and all are antisemitic in nature:

Why Conspiracy Theorists Always Land on the Jews

“The more conspiratorial discourse your society has, the more likely people will become anti-Semites,” Yair Rosenberg says.

Why Conspiracy Theorists Always Land on the Jews

Understand yet mate? The 'Deep State', the 'Cabal of wealthy elites' and the 'Bankers' and 'Soros' and 'the Rothschilds' etc are all codewords for 'the Jews'.

You're just not smart enough to see it.
No, I ******* said Qanon (which stems from Pizzagate) is a ******* antisemitic Nazi conspiracy:

QAnon explained: the antisemitic conspiracy theory gaining traction around the world

QAnon and Antisemitism: A Dangerous Nexus


Im not making it up or plucking nonsense out of my ass like you blokes do. Qanon (like Pizzagate before it) is ******* antisemitic. It's just you ********** cookers don't realize it. You've all stumbled on Neo Nazi conspiracies that have been around for literally decades and don't realize the ****** Antisemitic nature of it.

Like; Im not saying you're antisemitic or a Nazi. I'm saying the conspiracy is. Youre all just not smart enough to realize it.

Its the same with virtually all conspiracies. They've all been around for decades, and all are antisemitic in nature:

Why Conspiracy Theorists Always Land on the Jews

Understand yet mate? The 'Deep State', the 'Cabal of wealthy elites' and the 'Bankers' are all codewords for 'the Jews'.

You're just not smart enough to see it.
Once again, any talk of organised pedo rings, which have been established to exist, comes back to nazis. Why don't you want people talking about this stuff?
I said the only people who want to distract from the pedo rings are pedos, Mal (and those like him, i.e. you) are the useful idiots who scream "conspiracy theory" whenever they are mentioned. Chuck in some stuff about nazis etc... and it shows how absolutely cooked you are.
Yes, when replying to a post about clear whackjob conspiracies that leverage the topic of pedo rings. I reckon my assessment stands.

Speaking of cooked, you're needed over in the politics thread lol
This is why you are absolutely cooked, any discussion of pedo rings is met with "that's a conspiracy theory, you're a nazi".
Again, you're simply confusing 'shutting down of discussion' with criticism of clearly cooked nonsense conspiracy theories leveraging the topic. Qanon would be the prime example of these.

Discuss all you like, and people are. Haven't seen anyone trying to shut down discussion of the latest Epstein stuff for example.
It should be noted that Jimmy Saville was well known to be a pedo, but nothing was ever said about it until after his death. If he was alive today he would be defended by the miscreants on here.
Unsure about that. Haven't seen too many defend Russell Brand for example (well, apart from Jimmy Dore and a few of the other usual suspects lol).

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Aware of Gibson and Caviezel (with the latter being one of the most cooked proper Qanon nutcases you'll ever come across) - whats the word on Denzel?

Denzel basically fired up at Hollywood for the criticism of the movie Sound of Freedom (sex trafficking movie that Gibson and Caviezel were part of).
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Once again, any talk of organised pedo rings, which have been established to exist, comes back to nazis. Why don't you want people talking about this stuff?

This is a thread about Pizzagate. Which Qanon has its roots in.

And (as I keep bloody pointing out to you) Qanon is an antisemitic conspiracy theory:

A secret cabal is taking over the world. They kidnap children, slaughter, and eat them to gain power from their blood. They control high positions in government, banks, international finance, the news media, and the church. They want to disarm the police. They promote homosexuality and pedophilia. They plan to mongrelize the white race so it will lose its essential power.

Does this conspiracy theory sound familiar? It is. The same narrative has been repackaged by QAnon.

I have studied and worked to prevent genocide for forty years. Genocide Watch and the Alliance Against Genocide, the first international anti-genocide coalition, see such hate-filled conspiracy theories as early warning signs of deadly genocidal violence.

The plot, described above, was the conspiracy “revealed” in the most influential anti-Jewish pamphlet of all time. It was called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It was written by Russian anti-Jewish propagandists around 1902. It collected myths about a Jewish plot to take over the world that had existed for hundreds of years. Central to its mythology was the Blood Libel, which claimed that Jews kidnapped and slaughtered Christian children and drained their blood to mix in the dough for matzos consumed on Jewish holidays.

The Nazis published a children’s book of the Protocols that they required in the curriculum of every primary school in Germany. The Nazi newspaper, Der Stürmer (derived from the German word for “Storm”) spread the Blood Libel. Hitler’s Mein Kampf, his narcissistic autobiography and manifesto for his battle against the Jewish plot to rule the world, copied his conspiracy theories from the Protocols.

QAnon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded

''A secret cabal is taking over the world. They kidnap children, slaughter, and eat them to gain power from their blood. They control high positions in government, banks, international finance, the news media, and the church. They want to disarm the police. They promote homosexuality and pedophilia. They plan to mongrelize the white race so it will lose its essential power.''

Does the above sound at all familiar to you?

Because that's what the Nazis believed was happening, with the 'cabal' being the Jews. That was their justification for the Holocaust.

You conspiracist blokes regurgitate the above conspiracy, without even knowing it's just some Nazi BS.

Note - IM NOT SAYING YOU'RE A NAZI. What I am saying is that you don't even realize what you're doing when you parrot the above conspiracy word for word. You're mirroring a Nazi conspiracy that was used by them as justification for the holocaust, and you're doing so totally unwittingly of the 'conspiracies' roots and origins as a Nazi conspiracy.

I'm just here to explain to you what you're doing. Not to call you a Nazi.

Remember 'Pizzagate' and 'Qanon' were all invented and posted first on 4Chan and then 8Kun, which are both notorious hangouts for Neo-Nazis.

That is not a co-incidence.
The existence of pedo rings involving wealthy high profile people is a fact. But just because the nazis were also against paedophiles, any talk of it becomes nazi adjacent. It's a BS strawman, the nazis were also animal rights activists and socialists. I don't think anyone who promotes either of those things is a nazi, perhaps you do?

Ricky Gervais told a few risque jokes about the movie industry and pedos, is he also peddling nazi conspiracies?
The existence of pedo rings involving wealthy high profile people is a fact. But just because the nazis were also against paedophiles, any talk of it becomes nazi adjacent. It's a BS strawman, the nazis were also animal rights activists and socialists. I don't think anyone who promotes either of those things is a nazi, perhaps you do?

Ricky Gervais told a few risque jokes about the movie industry and pedos, is he also peddling nazi conspiracies?

The nazis weren't against paedos mate. That's not the ****ing point I'm making.

Jesus. How are you finding this so hard?

The Nazis hated Jews and used the exact same Qanon fake bullshit to go after them.

Qanon is a Neo Nazi conspiracy theory. Global elites (the Jews) are farming out children for ritual sexual abuse and 'blood libel'.

Qanon was invented on 4chan, a notorious Neo Nazi cesspit. This is not a coincidence.
Honey traps are a thing, it appeared that Epstein was running a honey trap to Aquire compromising material, probably for the mossad,( and maybe for other powerful backers)the agency his co conspirators father worked for. The soviets called the tactic “ Kompromat”. This isn’t needing to be anti semitic, it’s logical analysis.
Honey traps are a thing, it appeared that Epstein was running a honey trap to Aquire compromising material, probably for the mossad,( and maybe for other powerful backers)the agency his co conspirators father worked for. The soviets called the tactic “ Kompromat”. This isn’t needing to be anti semitic, it’s logical analysis.

Epstein imo, would have worked for anybody at the right price provided it didn't cross Mossad/intelligence agencies and get him killed. I don't think he was working exclusively for Mossad, Ghislaine may have been steering him for Mossad.

Edit: To include other intelligence agencies
The nazis weren't against paedos mate. That's not the ******* point I'm making.

Jesus. How are you finding this so hard?

The Nazis hated Jews and used the exact same Qanon fake bullshit to go after them.

Qanon is a Neo Nazi conspiracy theory. Global elites (the Jews) are farming out children for ritual sexual abuse and 'blood libel'.

Qanon was invented on 4chan, a notorious Neo Nazi cesspit. This is not a coincidence.
You are fair dinkum obsessed with nazis. No one has mentioned Jews in this thread but you. Are you worried that all the talk around the world about pedo rings will result in some sort of action against pedos?
You are fair dinkum obsessed with nazis. No one has mentioned Jews in this thread but you. Are you worried that all the talk around the world about pedo rings will result in some sort of action against pedos?

No, I'm saying the 'paedo ring' conspiracy itself that Qanon and Pizzagate are founded in are Nazi conspiracies used to discredit Jews.

And that by regurgitating them, you're simply regurgitating Nazi conspiracies that have nothing to do with actual paedo shit.
No, I'm saying the 'paedo ring' conspiracy itself that Qanon and Pizzagate are founded in are Nazi conspiracies used to discredit Jews.

And that by regurgitating them, you're simply regurgitating Nazi conspiracies that have nothing to do with actual paedo s**t.
Oh, you mean like how the commies used antifa to go around calling everyone fascists. Got it.
No, he's saying there's already a thread elsewhere about Epstein and pedo rings.
This thread is about Pizzagate and Qanon.
It's not that hard to understand is it?
Pizzagate is about pedo rings. Originally it was about Hilary Clinton, although she's not Jewish, nor is the guy who owned the pizza shop.
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