NSW Covid outbreak

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Thousands of cases a day? Seems unbelievable but here we are.

& Gladys was talking about what freedoms fully vaxxed ppl will have from next month.
As if the unvaxxed ppl won’t head out for a picnic
I understand that.

But given every living human has been under another's control, or the control of their community since Day 1 - I don't really understand what you're hoping to achieve or see or what the end game looks like?

There have always been rules. No one ever has just been able to do whatever they want. There have always been consequences of actions.

Those rules and consequences always impact some more than others, and suit some more than others.

It's very hypocritical too. The 'freedoms' some people want, directly impact the freedoms of others in many cases.

Freedom to not be locked down, fu**s with the freedoms of health workers and other front liners. Also vulnerable people.

The 'freedom' to say what you want about someone publicly, fu**s with their freedoms.

Same as the freedom to build a 4 storey house on my block of land fu**s with my neighbour's freedoms.

I get the concern of government overreach. But it's a far more complicated issue than the poorly thought out and articulated arguments put forward by these dimwitted 'freedom fighters'.
People that talk endlessly about freedom always mean theirs. Even when arguing about someone else's freedoms, they are really arguing about theirs.

And their freedoms always Trump everyone else's.

The same people that think they should have the freedom to own a gun to defend their property, think that the owner of a property cannot require them to wear a mask on it.

I have the right to do what I want, you have the right to suck shit.

On moto g(6) plus using BigFooty.com mobile app

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People that talk endlessly about freedom always mean theirs. Even when arguing about someone else's freedoms, they are really arguing about theirs.

And their freedoms always Trump everyone else's.

The same people that think they should have the freedom to own a gun to defend their property, think that the owner of a property cannot require them to wear a mask on it.

I have the right to do what I want, you have the right to suck sh*t.

On moto g(6) plus using BigFooty.com mobile app

^^ this

"businesses should be run however they want!"
<businesses enforce mask/vaccination rules>
"not like that!"
.... and houses prices still going up (silly world we live in)
This is something that doesn't get spoken about enough in my opinion. Banks recording record profits also.
This is something that doesn't get spoken about enough in my opinion. Banks recording record profits also.
I think we maybe in a slight false economy - with such long lock downs.Just cant see how things can be still buoyant. Though well, time will tell.
I think we maybe in a slight false economy - with such long lock downs.Just cant see how things can be still buoyant. Though well, time will tell.
Indeed. I'm also surprised that banks are profiting so much when all signs were supposed to be pointing to crisis. It also would have been possible to become a multi-millionaire via the stock market over the past couple of years if you knew where to invest your money.

Fair few things aren't adding up imo.
Indeed. I'm also surprised that banks are profiting so much when all signs were supposed to be pointing to crisis. It also would have been possible to become a multi-millionaire via the stock market over the past couple of years if you knew where to invest your money.

Fair few things aren't adding up imo.
Yeah, Im pretty sure its all to do with quantitative easing, simply speaking "pumping more money" into the system, banks can then lend on the cheap, punters buy assets (houses, shares etc). Has to be paid back though one day. Feels like we are in a bit of an asset bubble.

Who knows.

Its OK can get my hair cut soon and houses keep going up - all must be good (jokes)
Indeed. I'm also surprised that banks are profiting so much when all signs were supposed to be pointing to crisis. It also would have been possible to become a multi-millionaire via the stock market over the past couple of years if you knew where to invest your money.

Fair few things aren't adding up imo.

That is true of every point in time that the stock market exists in. If you knew ahead of time what the market would do you would have made a lot of money.

Secondly, bank profits were down nearly 40% in 2020 so the profit this year will be a huge percentage increase. Try not repeating bullshit you heard without taking a look into it.

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Bank profits are doubling because they had halved.

The RBA comment is not related to profits.

US banks are not Australian banks.
That's not the case everywhere.

The RBA discusses the strong position banks are currently in.

I didn't realise we're just talking about Oz.
^^ this

"businesses should be run however they want!"
<businesses enforce mask/vaccination rules>
"not like that!"
my favourite is how the libs wont subsidise green energy etc because 'market forces should decide'

then when theres a community campaign to boycott businesses that use coal power, institutions (banks, super funds etc) pull funding from coal and into renewables, and power companies themselves are closing coal stations because theyre unprofitable, they kick up a stink and bang on about activists ruining things.

every single free market/civil libertarian does not actually want true freedom, they want freedom within the boundaries they set to benefit themselves only
The NSW virus is way ahead of the vaccinated.....as has been said many times, far too late to get it under control, should've been hard lockdowns from the start..

...people here (including media) in Vic are whinging about our lockdowns and want DD to open up.......while I cant stand Daniel Andrews, he is right to keep extending our lockdowns until this outbreak is under control. If we open up any time soon we will end up just like NSW......not enough people are vaccinated yet to do so.

Can you imagine if we opened up, allowed people to travel wherever they want, those carriers (NSW and Vic) will join up and then we'd be in a right pickle!
The NSW virus is way ahead of the vaccinated.....as has been said many times, far too late to get it under control, should've been hard lockdowns from the start..

...people here (including media) in Vic are whinging about our lockdowns and want DD to open up.......while I cant stand Daniel Andrews, he is right to keep extending our lockdowns until this outbreak is under control. If we open up any time soon we will end up just like NSW......not enough people are vaccinated yet to do so.

Can you imagine if we opened up, allowed people to travel wherever they want, those carriers (NSW and Vic) will join up and then we'd be in a right pickle!
yeah but then the truckies would have an easier job going between states and they wouldnt have to go on strike...
The NSW virus is way ahead of the vaccinated.....as has been said many times, far too late to get it under control, should've been hard lockdowns from the start..

...people here (including media) in Vic are whinging about our lockdowns and want DD to open up.......while I cant stand Daniel Andrews, he is right to keep extending our lockdowns until this outbreak is under control. If we open up any time soon we will end up just like NSW......not enough people are vaccinated yet to do so.

Can you imagine if we opened up, allowed people to travel wherever they want, those carriers (NSW and Vic) will join up and then we'd be in a right pickle!
Allegedly melbourne people are gettin g their vaccinations in country victoria , making a day of it and potentially making those in the line sick
Allegedly melbourne people are gettin g their vaccinations in country victoria , making a day of it and potentially making those in the line sick

Apparently so, but how are they getting out of melbourne I would like to know......if checked on the outskirts, doesn't it seem strange and unlikely to the police or whoever that it is probably not correct if they have a melbourne address.....just an excuse?

I can't get out to go see my family who are spread all around country vic.
They don't need to go to the country to get vaccinated. That's rubbish.
have you tried booking a vaccination? theres months long waiting lists. if someone can get a jab in the country in 3 weeks instead of in the city in 8, then big deal. as long as there are boomers/antivaxxers/country bumpkins/conspiracy theorists with access to the jab refusing it, i dgaf about anyone putting in the effort to 'cheat' the system and get it. especially if its a young person faking being a boomer.

besides, theres nothing to back up that people are doing that anyway, except for the heresay of some guy on an internet forum.

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