Monash - or ScoMo’s a campaigner

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Not rip funding from the federal fire fighting budget for a start, and not refuse to meet with the state fire chiefs for months when they were openly saying this season would be horrendous.

This policy would have been good too:

Now, for the actual fires. No, he can’t put them out, but sneaking out of the country wasn’t a good start. When he finally realised maybe he should be around, show some empathy rather then blatantly using it as a photo op. Forcefully grabbing people’s hands to shake them is ridiculous. Spend 5mins hearing their concerns, some of these people have just lost everything.

Scotty from Marketing should know that.
Yeah, I get it, but he’s really no different from the rest of them. Useless. Honestly I think it’s even more pathetic when they try and empathise. I agree with you on the handshake, it was a bit weird.
I just shake my head and laugh when morons plead with Scott Morrison to show some leadership when its not in his character to do so.

He's an ad man for chrissakes, a slimy weasel who brought a lump of coal into parliament as a PR stunt that tells us all we need to know about where his loyalties lie on the global warming debate, yet people expect him to act like a savior when catastrophic fires that result from it are burning half the country?

Wake up sheeple, he's part of the problem not the solution. Why should he even care when he'll be long dead before the worst effects of global warming are realized and he knows it, so why not take the shekels from the big polluters now and feather the shit out of that nest? Humanity's holding its collective breath until the Boomers finally die off, then my generation will set things right.

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Israel Folau told you all this burning was coming. Guess people now understand the power of a hetero god.

I'm just glad that Dan Andrews has personally put all the Victorian fires out. What a leader he is.
Well for starters he should not be complaining about coming back from Hawaii early to support the country he was elected to lead. 🙄

FFS Berlin was in flames but even Hitler still stayed and encouraged his people in saving the place.

Hitler was great man with no knowledge of the holocaust. Himmler and Heydrich the true architects
After too much to drink tonight I started reminiscing on a book I read 10-15 years ago. Monash - the outsider who won a war (by Roland Perry).

At school history and in particular Australian history was by far my first choice of the humanities. Yet never before had even heard the slightest whisper of John Monash. For me reading this book gave me a brand new perspective and pride of our history.

Monash, a Colonel in Gallipoli and who at the end of that campaign was moved to the Western front. He was promoted to General and where for the first time in our history Australian troops were rallied and fought together under Australian leadership.

Monash, an engineer, was a meticulous planner. He thought outside the box and wasn’t constained by the British old boy network. His planning and the battles launched by Australian troops on the Western front broke the English / German trench deadlock.

William (Little Billy Big Ears) Hughes, Australia’s incumbent PM was also in London. The career politician who initially lobbied long and hard for Australian rights and Australian recognition suddenly became paranoid.

Understanding the love the Australian troops held for Monash, he rushed home at the end of the war and started to white ant Monash. The slimy little c.nt was shit scared a successful general returning home would pose a threat to his power. Worse still, in his mind, tens of thousands of soldiers returning after years abroad fighting completely loyal to Monash could overthrow the government.

Hughes was a c.nt, and a politician. Monash had no such aspirations.

So anyway, funny how, I think anyway, Scott Morrison is a complete c.nt. And the leaders of our emergency services are suddenly emerging as organised, efficient, competent and decent people.

There is hope.


ScoMo is a useless c.nt. As are most of our career politicians. Fortunately, we still have leaders who do stand up in times of need

And John Monash is a dead set legend
Carn, surely you by now you realise that snake boi, electric marv and marv boi were the creation of a bored poster from another mother ..

Clearly, it was briefly amusing watching Tuggers swallow hooks left right and centre

So which bet did you squib on in round 1 last year?
Carn, surely you by now you realise that snake boi, electric marv and marv boi were the creation of a bored poster from another mother ..

Clearly, it was briefly amusing watching Tuggers swallow hooks left right and centre

So which bet did you squib on in round 1 last year?
You tell me bud
HAHAHAHAHA... haters gunna.. well you know what haters do.

Still 10000% better than Kock Head Kevin and Juliar

Good article by Andrew Rule in the paypa today about the consequences of abandoning bush burning off practices over the last 30 years (as Indigenous groups used to do). Practices abandoned by the holier than thou green left from their concrete castles.
Practices abandoned by the holier than thou green left from their concrete castles.

Amazing how much power a party that’s never had power can swing it around and stop back burning. Truly remarkable.

See Mofra’s earlier post linking Greens policy

Also, ok Boomer
HAHAHAHAHA... haters gunna.. well you know what haters do.

Still 10000% better than Kock Head Kevin and Juliar

Good article by Andrew Rule in the paypa today about the consequences of abandoning bush burning off practices over the last 30 years (as Indigenous groups used to do). Practices abandoned by the holier than thou green left from their concrete castles.

The old drunk Uncle argument, surely being in govt 17 of the last 23 years would've been sufficient time to repeal this "Green" policy.

Another one brainwashed by Barnaby.

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Wow so much rain currently pouring in my leftest province of Melbourne. Thank god I don't live in a rural shithole where we let our farmers suckup our water

I think I'll go outside and take a walk in it.
I believe it was the great philosopher William Connelly that said: "Anyone stating a desire for a career in politics should be automatically excluded from doing so."
Amazing how much power a party that’s never had power can swing it around and stop back burning. Truly remarkable.

See Mofra’s earlier post linking Greens policy

Also, ok Boomer
Schrodinger's Greens - simultaneously inner city latte sippers who hate the bush, and controlling every rural council in the country.
Good article by Andrew Rule in the paypa today about the consequences of abandoning bush burning off practices over the last 30 years (as Indigenous groups used to do). Practices abandoned by the holier than thou green left from their concrete castles.
Mining more coal to ship overseas like Scotty from Marketing & Josh "Rio Tinto" Frydenberg want is sure to fix things ay teach? So long as its burned outside Australia the pollution doesn't count - everybody wins!! :drunk:
HAHAHAHAHA... haters gunna.. well you know what haters do.

Still 10000% better than Kock Head Kevin and Juliar

Good article by Andrew Rule in the paypa today about the consequences of abandoning bush burning off practices over the last 30 years (as Indigenous groups used to do). Practices abandoned by the holier than thou green left from their concrete castles.
Most of these fires have started off in National and state parks and reserves. I had no idea the Green Party was in power. Prime Minister Di Natale will feel my wrath!
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