Scandal Joffa Corfe facing child sex charges (board rules apply)

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The article said , it was not supplied for sentencing purposes. The only reason references are supplied in court are for sentencing purposes. They have no impact elsewhere in a trial. I read it as a reference given without the court case in mind.

I have to be clear that as a victim myself I (see my posts in SRP) i detest child abuse . I am a huge fan of broken rites and a hater of the church but to say Bob is s**t bloke defies logic. You’re just amassing your hate and downloading on anyone you can associate with the church and their shocking history of peodophila. Bob was a shining light in the church and to say he is a s**t bloke shows how out of touch you are.

Your selectively chosen links there was only one where he offered a reference in court to a priest he had known for ages. I can live with that, he knew him on a personal level albeit not aware of his abuse. This is not a person who cranked out a letter to save someone’s skin he had barely known. Abusers lie to all around them and they are good at it. It’s not a crime to have been duped by an a abuser. It’s not a crime or morally wrong to offer the court a reference for what you have seen in a person no matter what the crime is. That is why they are accepted by the court to show the other side of the person other than the criminal aspect.
As for other abusing priests like Risdale, again just because he was in a seminary with him means nothing.

All the other links there is nothing that indicates he supported peodophiles. They were all irrelevant filler.

Bob has come out against the church and its actions, here he even discusses the fact that he was unaware of individual priests committing these crimes. He singles out the bishops for mention , they are the ones who had the knowledge and shuffled the priests around .
The biggest issue facing the church in recent times – perhaps in its entire history – is paedophilia in the church. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse saw thousands of appalling incidents revealed, and a culture of cover-up, victim-blaming and abrogation of responsibility of the worst kind. "It's a chain of command from the top down," he says. "All round Australia the bishops have got to make up their mind about what they're going to do to offset the damage done by the sexual abuse of children. I think it's too much for them, poor devils, because they've all become 'let us not say anything much about this because we'll put our foot in it as sure as God'. They could've said we will repent, we will sell the cathedral, we will all go and live on the street and we'll live in the backpackers'."

Recognition of the issue and an apology would've been a first step. Was he aware of any such behaviour in fellow priests? "Oh God no. We were the field officers, we were in the field."

This was paywalled from the sun in 2017, Fr Bob Maguire wants officials and bishops to work out a formula for apprehending paedophiles

Here Bob discusses that if a person confessed to child abused in confessional he would report it to police against church rules. Another priest discusses the burden but would still say quiet.

There is no mention at all of what Bob did or did not do, just that it was mentioned to him.

He was in the same parish for a short time but again it says nothing of what Bob knew or did not know Or events there.

He was supporting the individual, not his crime or actions.

Your decision to slur McGuire was naive , ignorant and some internet chest beating you did to make yourself feel good, nothing more.
Happy to join you in bashing the church on the SRP but leave the misguided Bob bashing out here. He is not representative of what happened in the church for all of these years.
What a load of crap.

These are facts:

He gave a person-facing child molestation charges a personal reference saying he was of good character.
A man told Bob that Gerore Pell molested him. Bob did not report this to the police.
Bob has given a reference to a child molester for the purpose of helping him avoid gaol.
During a court case in which one of his friends was found guilty of raping a child, he stated that he supported the priest rather than the victim.
A subordinate of Bob's was molesting children, the church moved the rapist to the other end of the continent to hide it.

He has a long history of supporting people that rape young boys. That's not a slur - those are undisputed facts.

This is opinion but highly likely;

I don't believe that is is possible that Bob did not know that his subordinate was accused of these crimes. How else would it be reported up the chain of command? And if Bob didn't report it, surely he would ask why his staff member was being moved. Or was it a case of don't ask questions because they all know the answer?

He is a shit person.
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What a load of crap.

These are facts:

He gave a person-facing child molestation charges a personal reference saying he was of good character.
A man told Bob that Gerore Pell molested him. Bob did not report this to the police.
Bob has given a reference to a child molester for the purpose of helping him avoid gaol.
During a court case in which one of his friends was found guilty of raping a child, he stated that he supported the priest rather than the victim.
A subordinate of Bob's was molesting children, the church moved the rapist to the other end of the continent to hide it.

He has a long history of supporting people that rape young boys. That's not a slur - those are undisputed facts.

This is opinion but highly likely;

I don't believe that is is possible that Bob did not know that his subordinate was accused of these crimes. How else would it be reported up the chain of command? And if Bob didn't report it, surely he would ask why his staff member was being moved. Or was it a case of don't ask questions because they all know the answer?

He is a s**t person.

I tend to lean towards this pov. I think most people would be aware of the ‘mounting toll’ of accused sex offenders coming to them, asking for references.

If I was Bob I would have started asking myself - is this normal?

The fact he hasn‘t taken a step back from handing these things out smells - looks to me he’s overplayed his hand.

But its all circumstantial.
Alex is the Victim here, and he is the person people should be talking and thinking about.

One thing I have noticed as this has run its course is a reluctance of the various pies forums and FB groups to allow free and open discussion about it. Locked and deleted discussions are the norm, in my admittedly biased opinion it seems he’s still being protected.

But Alex is the person deserving our thoughts.
The now convicted and self confessed pedophile can live out his days being watched and recognised for being just that!

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Taking advantage of and abusing a young and vulnerable child like that.
What a pig
Another alleged victim has gone to the police
That's weird, because this is what the judge said regarding his sentencing:

"He can call on his good character and in his case his significant contributions to the community in asking for a merciful sentence for what was a one-off event," Judge Gerard Mullaly said last week.

Turns out it may not have been a one-off event and maybe the judge shouldn't have assumed that when allowing him to not spend a single day in prison for his first conviction.
That's weird, because this is what the judge said regarding his sentencing:

"He can call on his good character and in his case his significant contributions to the community in asking for a merciful sentence for what was a one-off event," Judge Gerard Mullaly said last week.

Turns out it may not have been a one-off event and maybe the judge shouldn't have assumed that when allowing him to not spend a single day in prison for his first conviction.
He should have gone to jail for that one. This one is still alleged so he's still entitled to the presumption of innocence. If it gets to court and he's found guilty again, they should throw away the key.
He should have gone to jail for that one. This one is still alleged so he's still entitled to the presumption of innocence. If it gets to court and he's found guilty again, they should throw away the key.
Agree. My point is that, IMO, it was ridiculous for the judge to declare the first indirection a "one-off event" when he couldn't possibly have known that, and subsequently give him a lighter sentence for it.

It's far from uncommon for new allegations to surface after a first trial. At this stage they are only allegation but it certainly puts into doubt the judges confident declaration of the first one being a "one-off".

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