Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 3

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Not entirely true, you and I have had legit debates here! Why is it always assumed that anyone who supports Trump is just trolling? He did win the election...

False, we deal in logic and facts. You deal with memes and gifs. I respect that, but hope you will launch a real argument some day!

He has fulfilled over 100 promises, including some that were dubbed "impossible", like bringing back manufacturing! How many things has he done "the opposite of" what was promised?


C'mon Larry, you're not fooling anyone, not even yourself... :D
Not entirely true, you and I have had legit debates here! Why is it always assumed that anyone who supports Trump is just trolling? He did win the election...
Your lack of attention to detail in reading one post I guess is an indicator of how you could be so woefully wrong on POTUS.
All of FK's posts on this page are essentially 'I'm bored, if I say X maybe someone will argue with me.'
What Trumpians ignore isn't just the contradictions in what Trump says, they ignore the fact he's the embodiment of everything he claims to be against.

Like with immigration. His wife entered the country illegally initially to work, ended up getting a green card, then got citizenship by marriage. Not only that his "chain" immigrant in-laws live in his apartment!

Not to mention too the cheap labour visa his companies apply for every year.

FMD, how gullible do you need to be to believe this guy means anything he says?

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I “heard” Calvin Klein is going to distill some of Trump’s shit to make their new spring fragrance,

“...for those who brown-nose Trump without any of the associated benefit...”
You have to love Fox News. Talk about a dog with a bone. :D


Trumpians can never get too much Clinton.
Has Obama been arrested yet as the result of the Memo?

Funny how the Trump fans jump on the Memo (without any credible reports) yet completely reject any thought of Russian interference. Go figure...
He won't get arrested, but Mr. Scandal-Free Barry has had his legacy ruined.

The Trump/Russia collusion thing is over, we've moved on. Yes he made financial deals with people from Russia. No he didn't do anything illegal.
He won't get arrested, but Mr. Scandal-Free Barry has had his legacy ruined.

The Trump/Russia collusion thing is over, we've moved on. Yes he made financial deals with people from Russia. No he didn't do anything illegal.
Don't you ever get sick of being mislead by conservatives?

When was the last time they ever succeeded in any of their culture wars?

I get it makes you feel good hearing people publicly say the things that make you feel adequate, but surely there comes a time when you stop believing the propaganda and start facing that reality?

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So is it a Schumer shutdown or a Trump shutdown?
He won't get arrested, but Mr. Scandal-Free Barry has had his legacy ruined.

The Trump/Russia collusion thing is over, we've moved on. Yes he made financial deals with people from Russia. No he didn't do anything illegal.
You use the word 'collusion', I used the word 'interference' and it is still ongoing.

Why is it only the conservative media that is discussing the 'memo' and why haven't they released it? #fakenews?
You didn't answer the question.

House conservatives are demanding the public release of a memo spearheaded by Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, detailing allegations of FBI missteps during the 2016 election -- a move that Democrats say is an effort to torpedo special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into the Trump campaign by discrediting FBI work central to his inquiry.
So is it a Schumer shutdown or a Trump shutdown?
I would think that given that the Republicans control all three - White House, House and Congress it would be Republicans and the inability of "I am the best at making deals' leader.
House conservatives are demanding the public release of a memo spearheaded by Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, detailing allegations of FBI missteps during the 2016 election -- a move that Democrats say is an effort to torpedo special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into the Trump campaign by discrediting FBI work central to his inquiry.
That's right.

It's a memo written by Republicans for Republicans in their attempts to discredit the FBI.

Like all such Republican stunts, there'll be zero evidence and plenty of supposition. Ho hum.
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