News 3 bodys found in house in Kapunda

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Mate some people who try and make a quid out of a "haunted SA" and associated tourism have been building a rep about Kapunda for years , the reformotory, a hotel, a few ex goverment buildings and such being "possesed" , so its put across!
But your right, the town didn't need this hey, well no one did!

Reported the lass was found in her bed, the parents by the backdoor.....on the news today it sounded like quite a little battle went on in a few rooms, an educated guess would say the lass got it in bed either first or as a result of freezing up when the crap went down.
Feel so strongly for the nerigbour who heard abit of a rucus! they'll live with this like innocent motorists do involved in fatals!

I am of the believe that if some pycho did this, the longer its goes without them being suspected, the less likely it was some pyscho.......
So gotta hope there was no warning signs to this happening...........

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ABC reported (and hasn't repeated) that a man on a motorbike visited the house every 3 weeks.

Read between the lines people.

SouthAustralia said:
Perhaps will be more appropirate when the person/s is caught and charged, but this is exactly why we should have capital punishment.

This person will live in a maximum security prison for the rest of their lives costing $200k a year (approx). When you kill three innocent (ill assume) there is no chance of rehabilitation, your just a massive liablity to society.


There are so many reasons why you're wrong but I'm very, very hungover.
ABC reported (and hasn't repeated) that a man on a motorbike visited the house every 3 weeks.

Read between the lines people.

Is that you Mike? They say this sought of slaying was once regular in Puglia!

As time goes by and analising the police reaction, this appears not to be a random event.If there was a knife weilding crazy person on the loose who had done this (don't be fooled crazy people dont just melt into the community after an event like this) it doesnt appear(i'm no expert) to be much inspiration to find them! However it appears alot of effort is being spent building a case for when/if the perpertrator/perpetrators are caught.
Is that you Mike? They say this sought of slaying was once regular in Puglia!

As time goes by and analising the police reaction, this appears not to be a random event.If there was a knife weilding crazy person on the loose who had done this (don't be fooled crazy people dont just melt into the community after an event like this) it doesnt appear(i'm no expert) to be much inspiration to find them! However it appears alot of effort is being spent building a case for when/if the perpertrator/perpetrators are caught.

Oi, no one is more gratified by the High Court decision yesterday than me. Hungover as ****, at work this morning I read all 100 odd pages of the judgment (and Dyson Heydon I'll never understand you).

But still, bikies commit crimes, that doesn't excuse what Rann tried to do (nor his petulant, childish statement yesterday).

But this one has alot of coded police and media talk. It'll all come out in the wash.
I would have to agree..........apoligies for my sarcasm.

More and more this crime is played out , more and more it appears they know what there dealing with. I once learnt that most Murders are solved from a lead they got within 48 hours of the crime.......after that the clear up rates fall away sharply!

On those laws.....I am confused as to where I stand, my understanding is the magistrate said its unconsitutional for a goverment to order a magistrate what to do and that is whats been overthrown, so if I am correct its possibly a power trip from a magistrate?..........but then what is statutory law then?
Isnt that the goverment telling the courts what they got to do?
I would have to agree..........apoligies for my sarcasm.

More and more this crime is played out , more and more it appears they know what there dealing with. I once learnt that most Murders are solved from a lead they got within 48 hours of the crime.......after that the clear up rates fall away sharply!

On those laws.....I am confused as to where I stand, my understanding is the magistrate said its unconsitutional for a goverment to order a magistrate what to do and that is whats been overthrown, so if I am correct its possibly a power trip from a magistrate?..........but then what is statutory law then?
Isnt that the goverment telling the courts what they got to do?

That's a very, very long conversation.

But the gist of the thing is that the Federal Constitution implies Australia has a separation of powers. The Constitution also allows Federal jurisdiction to be vested in state courts.

Then you head into case law where to put it (very) simply only Judges can exercise judicial power and in Federal law they cannot exercise Executive power (except in a multitude of exceptions). As state courts are frequently vested with federal jurisdiction they have to have powers that are "not inconsistent" with that of a Court.

S 14 of the Serious and Organized Crime Act more or less made a Magistrate a rubber stamp after the Attorney-General and Commissioner of Police made a series of findings of fact, effectively giving the Magistrate nothing to do except rubber stamp the decision(there were also alot of procedural unfairness issues).

The High Court has more or less reiterated the fact that you cannot make a Court that can have federal jurisidction exercise de facto executive power.

There were also a shit tonne of other reasons, but that was the heart of the judgment.
may be wrong but its my opinion.

If someone murders 3 or more people, a mass murderer, a serial killer, they don't deserve the light of day. It makes me sick to think that some, like Byrant can kill so many people and be afforded there life.

Or this person who has killed 3 people.

Whats the difference between one life sentence and 26? If you kill multiple people, you have no chance of rehabiliation then whats the point in letting them live, capital punishment should be an option for these people. But instead they will sit in a prison at ourexpense when they never afforded the same opporunity to not one victim but multiple. They are the scum.


I'd rather 100 innocent men be hung than let one guilty one go free.
Nice case in Texas has just popped up, The prosocuter used DNA evidence to show an alledged offender was at the crime scene as part of his case against the alledged person, the alledged person was found guilty and executed.
Its now come to light that DNA was not his........

In a real world those who contributed to this execution, should be executed themselves!

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ABC reported (and hasn't repeated) that a man on a motorbike visited the house every 3 weeks.

Read between the lines people.

Just found this on adelaide now, they say a picture says a thousand words, this one perhaps insinuates 1 thing unfortunatly!

Is this a statement on the effectiveness of our legal system?

If so I agree


If only one 18 year old gets charged his barrister will have a field day with the police.

Going to be tough work to convince a jury that one kid, no matter how crazy could physically overpower and kill three people in such a gruesome manner!

If only one 18 year old gets charged his barrister will have a field day with the police.

Going to be tough work to convince a jury that one kid, no matter how crazy could physically overpower and kill three people in such a gruesome manner!

What? not that hard to believe. At 16, I was 6'1 and weighed 80kgs, at 18 I was playing A Grade footy and was at 90kgs. I started judo when I was 7 and Taekwondo at 12.

No way my old man and brother (2 years younger) could have defended themselves when we mucked about in the bakyeard let alone my mum. Not that I know anything about this 18yo charged.

You only had to watch an episode of Criminal Minds a few weeks ago to get ideas on how to commit acts like that.

I don't find anything that unbelievable in this day and age.
You only had to watch an episode of Criminal Minds a few weeks ago to get ideas on how to commit acts like that.

I don't find anything that unbelievable in this day and age.

The procedural guide they now give judges tells them to specifically explain to the jury to disregard any preconceived notions television crime shows give them for this exact reason.

Obviously all we have is speculation on what happened, i.e whether it was a big all in brawl or 3 separate incidents, but if it was the former I find it hard to believe that anyone could individually do that much damage with a knife, particularly against people presumably defending themselves.

But again this is all pure speculation and one can go to the default assumption that the Police know how to do their job (although I realise on this board that makes you a "yes man".)
The procedural guide they now give judges tells them to specifically explain to the jury to disregard any preconceived notions television crime shows give them for this exact reason.

Obviously all we have is speculation on what happened, i.e whether it was a big all in brawl or 3 separate incidents, but if it was the former I find it hard to believe that anyone could individually do that much damage with a knife, particularly against people presumably defending themselves.

But again this is all pure speculation and one can go to the default assumption that the Police know how to do their job (although I realise on this board that makes you a "yes man".)

I'm fully aware of what the procedural guide is, and it's useless. It doesn't take a genius to work out that in a situation like that, you take the biggest threat first, (the adult male) you can then control the rest, hell you are taught that in any self defence class. If your known to victims, it allows you to get much closer than a stranger, you know habits, what's locked, what's not. As much as you'd like to think that jurors are placed next to a supersized magnet and erase all their knowledge that rarely works.

Mainstream media in the US has caused many issues in law enforcement, from DA's being concerned that CSI shows assist potential criminals in leaving less physical evidence to shows like Law & Order and Criminal Minds that use real incidents.

The FBI sniper who said that video games don't make you kill people it just makes them better at it, game a pretty damning insight on how electronic media has made the world a smaller place and gives access to ideas (good and bad) that we didn't get when growing up in the 70's and before.

It still freaks me out that I have friends who use things like foursquare on facebook to announce where they are and what they are doing.

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