Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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Aug 12, 2012
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The parallels are, quite frankly terrifying. If Trump had been a handsome 50 year old, good Christian family man, who was a genuinely a successful businessmen, a champion footballer college and served in the marines - we'd be looking at our 3rd Trump term by now.

Instead he's a lying, fat, 77 year old, orange freak who rambles out word salads like an old demented uncle. His mis-management of the Covid epidemic probably doubled the death toll. Shows you can sell anything to these morons.

All these greedy old grifters need to p*ss off and let younger people have a turn. That applies to both sides and all over the world.
There've been a couple movies that covered the subject. The one I remember best was Bob Roberts. It hit home for some reason at the time. Charisma can be dangerous. HTF Trump charmed people will forever be a mystery.

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Sure, the words "catch and kill" were not used, but an agreement to interfere with the election was discussed.

We know that tightwad Trump never agreed to reimburse his mate, that’s why he stopped doing it, declaring that "he was not a bank"

No doubt he does, but Mr perfect phone call and biggest crowd ever can hardly whine, but he will.

Non-Prosecution agreement, sounds like a crime might have occurred, in fact Pecker knew he had committed a crime because he had been investigated before for election inference.

Could have, so what, unless there is evidence that this occurred and has some relevance, meaningless drivel.
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She knows where the bodies are buried, so Trump is buying her continued silence. The prosecution has forced her to give evidence regarding particular documentation. Trump is ensuring, they find nothing else they do not already know.

Evidence of contact between Trump and Stormy.

Pecker has already linked him to election interference, Cohen has not even given evidence yet and just whom did Cohen lie for and why if there was no crime did he need to lie?

This is a good example of why witnesses pledge to say “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”. These posts state a truth, but a carefully crafted one that is nowhere near the whole truth, designed to mislead.
Well if maddow is unbiased and fabulous, here’s another take on the Stormy times for Trump trial -

Fox news, the organisation that admitted in court when sued for lying about election machines that it was not a news organisation at all but an entertainment company that said whatever it thought its viewers wished to hear.

The prosecution gets first swing and it appears to be going to plan, not hard when you have had many months to prepare. So, the case is not flat lining but the difficult part is to come. Will the prosecution succeed? No idea.

The crime appears to require that there be a conspiracy to interfere with an election by illegal means.

I have heard lawyers opine that Pecker by admitting he posted and killed stories to aid the campaign committed a crime. But for unexplained reasons nobody is suggesting that this is the basis of crime Trump is charged with.

Instead, it appears to rely on the false business records re the reimbursement of Cohen, and upping this misdemeanour into a felony due to the illegal reason for the payment. The main weakness in the case appears to be that the prosecution must prove the hush payment was due to the election, not the many other reasons a married man may wish to hide a sexual encounter with a pr0n star.

The defence has not impressed me, they seem to have adopted a deny everything, throw as much mud as possible and hope some sticks approach. The problem with this is the prosecution will almost certainly prove the sexual encounters did occur, so the defence will be shown to have lied. So far it’s the defence that’s flat lining.
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There've been a couple movies that covered the subject. The one I remember best was Bob Roberts. It hit home for some reason at the time. Charisma can be dangerous. HTF Trump charmed people will forever be a mystery.
He was on TV. He built a facade of bullshit unopposed, then traded off that.
There've been a couple movies that covered the subject. The one I remember best was Bob Roberts. It hit home for some reason at the time. Charisma can be dangerous. HTF Trump charmed people will forever be a mystery.
That film was so good I saw it twice in cinemas, best film of the 90s for me. Robbins called MAGA nearly twenty five years before before it happened and in Jack Black's character we saw the prototype Trump voter. I loved Gore Vidal too although I suspect he didn't have to act all that much.

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How does this fit in?
Your wouldn't get it from that X account but prosecution got from her that:

Trump signed cheques, both women were in his personal contacts and knew both women.

She seemed a reluctant witness (loyal to Trump of course).

Perhaps background confirmation to the lies Trump tells. 'I hardly knew them'.
Your wouldn't get it from that X account but prosecution got from her that:

Trump signed cheques, both women were in his personal contacts and knew both women.

She seemed a reluctant witness (loyal to Trump of course).

Perhaps background confirmation to the lies Trump tells. 'I hardly knew them'.

also how he tried to approach and hug the witness as she was leaving, and security had to stop him.

I saw some MAGA on social media say that Trump paying her legal fees shows how kind and loyal Trump is.😮
She clearly felt it to be inappropriate. It wasn’t a family BBQ and he no longer ‘owns’ her. Trump’s leadership method was condescending, infantilising, and patronising.

Any half decent leader realises that the troops get the job done in spite of your leadership - totally at odds with Trump’s view of himself.
all empires eventually crash and burn. removing basic democratic rights is an early sign. trumpists are leading the charge


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