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mine would be...and this is considering or opinion that JYD's going to implement more speed and youth into out squad

FF: Jones, Rocca, D.Motlop
HF: Grant, Morrell, Harding
C: Makepeace, Stevens, Harvey
HB: Baird, Colbert, King
FB: S.Motlop, Brown, Archer
R: Porter, Robbins, Simpson

I: Petrie, Teague, Sinclair, Harris

E: D.Smith, Rawlings, Watt, Hale

of course this is all speculative considering we haven't signed up colbert, grant or sinclair....soooooooooo
Rnd 1

B: Makepeace Brown Baird
HB: Archer Colbert Sinclair
C: S. Motlop A.Stevens King
HF: Jones Petrie Harvey
F: Morrel Rocca Harding

R: Porter Robbins Simpson

I: Hale Grant Harris Watt

E: Teague Burton D. Motlop Clayton

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Tashibatts, i take it that you dont know too much about footy?
where is david king? he is 5 times the player os both motlops at this stage and yet u get rid of him that easily :\ not even an emergency...a bit over the top
LMAO Leigh Harding as an emergency, you would have to be kidding me, he is the only small forward who looks like kicking a goal. Now that Byron left he must be left inside 50 all year.
Hale, Petrie, Burton, Porter, Rocca? a bit to top heave dont you think :| wealready have for and arecalled slow, why do we need another one?
why should ashley watson deserve a go before Colbert, Morrell Or Daniel Harris in the starting line up? he hasnt proven anything.

Why does Baird deserve a game before Morrell both big and not ultra quick, but we saw what diggers can do on a number of occasions this season, one that comes to mind is against sydney were he kicked 5 and played well, taking strong marks.
Shannon Grant is a midfielder not a hff, we saw how he can play 99 granny, 2000- 01 seasons from a wing / ruck roving role, he played well in 1998 on a hff because Carey and McKernan were there to feed him the play, he is a waisted talent for a permanent hff, Brent Harvey is a starting rover, not troy makepeace.... although boomer can also play in a forward pocket and you would have him line up in a fp on the line up on paper but on match day youd have to chuck him into he guts... Makepeace is more suited to a back pocket, wing type of game....perhaps 5 out of 22 games Makey can play in the guts, and a burst in the finals if we make it.

Dylan smith should not be started on the ground on a wing, he is too small for a wing and will get beaten by more elite players.

Colbert will be in the team barring injuries, all coaches love him and i for one arent that big a fan of his but he can hurt players and is a good tackler...... his kicking and pace is lacking but you cant fault him for effort and the last 2 years he hasbeen top 10 b and f so he is getting more consistent, you need him in the team to function better to help brown, crowe etc etc... and plus i dont want to just kick him out after we invested in him greatly for players like Mooney, Welsh who have both developed into key players for there respective teams.
who ever else leaves out David Teague.... obviously doesnt know a thing about footy and isnt called a north supporter. Sorry but its friggen true, 5cougars thanks!! you would have shannon Watt in ahead of Teague? come off it mate, Watt is a hack and a never has been or never will be. you cant just play Teague with archer and that for 2 years then nick him off, whats the point in having a youth policy if your leavin him out and putting blokes like shannon watt, motlop, etc etc in theteam who havebeen given chances and have failed. Motlop was lucky to get a premiership and didnt deserve it. Teague is a major contributor to our team and puts his body on the line and has developed into a reliable back pocketer / flanker.
I am confident that daniel motlop can possibly take over byrons role in the f.50 hopefully him and lethal leigh can kick some magic goals, say 60 goals between them.... 70 between sav and petrie..and 20-35 from diggers

B:Archer Brown Baird
HB:Teague Colbert Sinclair
C:Grant Simpson Makpeace
HF:Harding Morrell King
F:petrie Rocca Harvey
R:Burton Stevens Robbins
I:Jones D.Motlop Porter Harris
E:Hale Clayton Crowe
Originally posted by SkARkS_69
Tashibatts, i take it that you dont know too much about footy?

B:Archer Brown Baird
HB:Teague Colbert Sinclair
C:Grant Simpson Makpeace
HF:Harding Morrell King
F:petrie Rocca Harvey
R:Burton Stevens Robbins
I:Jones D.Motlop Porter Harris
E:Hale Clayton Crowe

I take it you don't know much about peoples rights to post what they want!
Some of your points are relevent but guess what........ your full back line is too slow.........Half back to small............Grant doesn't play well in defence, which he would have to do on the wing......
........Kingy is too lazy when playing as a full time forward......
........Harvey should be on the ball all the time..............Hale has done nothing to earn a spot in the 25 nor has Crowe............
Which Stevens is that?.......
I reckon we now have enough depth to warrant quite a few different variations in our lineup, therefore all of the lineups listed so far have some merrit.
That's why I am going to do something different and simply list contenders that we have for each position in order of preference:

The FB position: 1. Watt, 2. Brown, 3. Colbert, 4. Archer

I think Watt has more speed and given confidence, could beat Brown to the position, which would leave Brown to play on the second tall.

The CHB position: 1. Colbert, 2. Archer. 3. Watt 4. Crowe

Assuming McCartney won't be able to play much of a role this season, Colbert is by far our best option, with Arch likely to be used as a spare parts player again.

Flankers: Anyone from this list: Baird, Makepeace, Sinclair, Teague, Motlops, King.

Centre/onballers: Simpson, Harvey, A Stevens, Grant, Harris, Smith, Robbins.

Wings: right-footed: M Stevens, Rawlings, Clayton
left-footed: S Motlop, Sinclair

Tall forwards: Rocca, Morrell, Petrie, Hale with Archer being used there occasionally.

Small/Medium forwards: Harding, Jones, D Motlop, Harvey

Ruck: Porter, Burton
The encouraging thing about this post is that while other people are writing us off for next year we have enough talented players at the club for us to argue about the teams make up (good sign).

Add upto another 6 young players from the draft, hopefully 1 or 2 of them can press for senior selection next year and we sart to look like a young team with a lot of options, i think that bodes well for the future.







Melly, our back up is weak, and the rest stop kidding yourselves into thinking that we have good back up now because we dont.....they are not much to get excited about and they havent exactly brought the house down now have they? they`ve given nothing back to the club...and we saw exactly what happened to Daniel Pratt didnt we?
And Melly most posts that you read on here have Brent Harvey selected in a forward pocket but are smart enough to know that he will start in the guts on match day....its a tactic to have him there so it looks like we have good small forwards.
Since when has David King been too lazy? or have i been watching the wrong games over the past 7-8 years?
The only thing that will lack with him in the near future is his pace!! therefore give him a chance on a forward flank and see what he produces...... he has awesome goal sense ... and this is also just a case of him being selected on a hff but lining up on a wing. You know who is a lazy footballer? Byron Pickett .... he has the abilitiy to be a superstar but just bludges around thinkin he owns the joint, but im not talking about him anyways.

I know that the backline would be too slow, its always too slow but the reason i had Baird there was just because i was trying to select a backline big enough and strong enough to run with a tall forward line and then obviously if there are some small forwards which there most likely would be then you throw Makepeace back into the b.pocket and Baird to the bench....and whoever else onto the wing.
I fail to see what you are on about with the shannon grant / wing saga.... i mean i would not have him as a centreman, rover, ruck rover ahead of simmo, robbo, or stevo (ANTHONY) and i wouldnt have on a hff because like i said for the 4th friggen time, he is not a HFF..... and if you call David King to lazy to play there what about this lazy hooer, he is the ultimate of laziness.
Therefore playing him on a wing allows him to roam the ground and yes ever run up and kick some goals..... you dont have to be a defender if you play on a wing you just have to follow your opponent down to attack, you could also argue the point of if Grant was to run into his forward 50 how could the opposition wingman defend if hes so dangerous around goals?

The reason why i had David Hale on the emergency list is just incase a tall forward gets injured or does not perform then he can have a crack, but if your saying to me he hasnt done anything to deserve a spot in the team... then neither does Harris, D.Motlop, Smith, Watt etc etc because they havent proven anything. And as for Crowe well i dont really care about that factor to be honest, if he plays then he plays if he doesnt well then so be it.
Why do alot of people on this forum keep putting Watt in there 22? thats crap seriously!! and even if Laidley does select him in the line up... why the fu*k would you use him as a key defender, he said it himself he wants to be given a go on the forward line and obviously he is quick off the mark and would be better off being used in attack. He is not a full back or centre half back and is too stiff when running and going for marks, like he is afraid of body contact or something.

Hrmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - - - - - i cant really think of anything else to say in relation to the DAVID BOURKE matter

:mad: :mad:

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Backs talls, Arch, Brown, Colby, spare Crow on bench
smalls, Jess, Teague, King

Forwards talls Sav, Petrie, spare, Hale on bench
smalls Turtle,
med Junior, Jones

Ruck Porter

Runners in&unders A. Stevo, Simmo, Robbins, spare Harro on bench
outside Harvs, Grant, Dylan, spare S.Motlop/Troy on bench

Mix & match fwds when Drew goes on the ball, hale cna come on or we go small.

Sorry no Diggers, tries hard great second efforts but either too small or too slow
B: Archer Brown Makepeace
Hb: Teague Colbert Sinclair
C: King Robbins Grant
Hf:Harvey Morrell Jones
F: Harding Rocca Petrie
Fol: Burton A.Stevens Simpson
Int: Porter M.Stevens D.Motlop Crowe
Emg: Harris S.Motlop Watson

there could be a likely line up for next year with the current list at the moment but once we see who we pick up in the draft u can add them in sumwhere.brown gets the nod at fb ahead of arch cause of the height advantage browns 193cm and arch is only 182cm but both r able to play strong and tall defenders with makey takin the small forward.colbs gets chb bcause we hav no one else besides brown or arch to put there bcause no one is tall or strong enuf to play there the only querys i hav of colbs is his kicking and pace plus we hav to persist with him bcause of the amount it took to get him teague and sinclair take hbf bcause they can both attack if sinclair doesnt push forward inside 50 to get goal hungry sav peachy and hardo will do the job.kingy and shagger r on the wings bcause kings got the long bomb and ability to kick goals from 55-60 and also be able to get to the backline and help out when needed couldnt find a spot for shagga in the guts bcause he is soft and doesnt like the hard ball and may not even be there next year.robbins is in the center for his in and under work around the packs.boomer is named on the hff but would more than likely start in the guts on most occasions while jones is a smart footballer and has the ability to kick the odd long goal and take a big grab when needed and can also play taller than he is while morrell gets the nod at chf ahead of petrie bcause of his upper body strength he also plays much like carey in the way he can bust a pick with a big grab.harding is the small forward for the year and should kick another bag of goals this year lets between 50 and 60 for the year peachy gets tall fp but could also be used at chf but he has a strong lead and big grab that is useful around goals and with sav should kick say 45-50 between them mayb even 65.burton gets the job in the ruck cause of his ability to get first use of the ball and feed it to stevo robbins and co in the guts.a.stevens we dont need to say anything about.simpson is on the ball bcause he really cant play anywhere else besides a wing or a loose hb alls he needs to work on is his kicking and he will be an even more quality player.porter is the back up ruckman for spider.jnr stevo is on the bench and can b used on a wing for his pace and skill level.danny motlop can cum on as hb or hf and use his speed and ability to kick sum goals for us and crowe is on the bench bcause he plays alot taller than what he is and is much like archer in the way he goes for the ball and will eventually take colberts possy.emg harris watson and shan motlop are there bcause they hav paceand can b used in the midfiled or down back except harris who is a nutty midfielder who will go and get the ball rather than let it cum to him.
let me no ur thoughts on the team.
Guys, some of u people need to learn a: how to express your idea in less than 5-00 words and b: Let people be free to their opinions eg. Tashi is just a young girl who appriciates some of the more attractive members of our team, dont grill her for having a say!!!
This is a team that i can see.P.S how smith and Harris play more and the draft picks espno.4 arent flops
B:Teague, Brown, S.Motlop
HB: Makepeace, Colbert, Sinclair
C:King, Simpson, Grant
HF:Jones, Archer, Morell
FF:D.Motlop, Rocca, Harding
R:porter, Stevens, Harvey
B:petire, Robbins, Smith, M.Stevens
E: Hale, Watt, Harris, Clayton
I seriously thought I was seeing things when I opened this thread:eek:

It certainly illustrates how big the changes have been at the club. Surely then we can't be said to have avoided a rebuild as such. If we haven't gone down the rebuilding path then we've certainly gutted the place and given the joint a complete overhaul, renovation style.


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