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Why the hell do foxtel bother having 2 footy channels and only showing programs on one Channel in the off season why don’t they play classic games on the spare channel instead of saying thanks for watching see you next year what a crock of shit

the second channel is just to show live games with ads without going against the "foxfooty plays all games ad free" slogan since that second channel isn't technically "foxfooty" ****en shit campaigners qints **** campaigners

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At the moment the lefteis keep going on and on about the drop in tafe and apprenticship numbers, bagging Scott Cam (with some very vile comments on twitter by people who have probably never done a hard days work in their lives)) but at the same time batchelor degrees (many totally useless) have gone through the roof. No one has missed out, its just through labors policies they have dumbed down atar and shifted the goal posts for many who once didnt have the scores for uni and went to tafe. Now they are straight in doing some meaningless batchelor of arts degree.

This thread needs a poll, publicly visible of course.

Uni degree
TAFE qualifications.

Would be interesting to get some perspective.
Night Shift Maintenance fitter/fitter and turner, working 6 nights a week. Barely missed a days work in 35 years, despise RWNJs calling me a lazy lefty.
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Brexit and the US election are odd ones though cos they don't have mandatory voting.

The US election had less people vote for Trump yet because of the way the electoral college is set up he still won easily. They also have some incredibly disgusting gerrymandering which is undemocratic yet their system is so corrupt it stays. And the republicans are always passing new bills to make it harder and harder for people to vote, knowing that they are targeting communities that traditionally vote democrat.

Brexit is just an absolute shit show. The yes vote passed with what I feel is way too slim a majority to make such a major change. But apparently a lot of protest votes (similar to Trump) who are sick of the corruption and greed in politics. Either way the parliament was meant to do the will of the people. Then they had an election in which they lost major seats and so now you have a parliament made up of people meant to represent all the no voters who have now voted them in. Absolute mess.
I bet there are people who didn’t bother voting now complaining.
The thing I really don’t understand though is the reaction? You can see what’s happening the swinging voter teetering on the edge doesn’t like it. It was forecast before it happened and even here the ALP ended up losing the unlosable election not entirely through Shortens indecisive ways but also people getting tired of having views shoved down their throat in the very same manner..
Apart from those doing the protesting and so on who is it winning over? Nobody.
They need to change or it’ll just keep happening.
I bet there are people who didn’t bother voting now complaining.
The thing I really don’t understand though is the reaction? You can see what’s happening the swinging voter teetering on the edge doesn’t like it. It was forecast before it happened and even here the ALP ended up losing the unlosable election not entirely through Shortens indecisive ways but also people getting tired of having views shoved down their throat in the very same manner..
Apart from those doing the protesting and so on who is it winning over? Nobody.
They need to change or it’ll just keep happening.

I was in a ski town in Canada during the Brexit vote and all the Brits were moaning about the result but none of them voted (though in fairness being overseas is slightly different to just not bothering at home).

I'm not sure what you're saying with the rest of it though. I wasn't in the country for the last election but I don't remember hearing about protests beforehand? Or have their been protests since? Or do you mean the recent climate protests?

As for the protests overseas, a lot of people assumed Brexit would be voted down and Trump would lose and so apathy set in and they didn't bother. Same happened in Aus. Pretty sure I saw something about it being the lowest voter turn out (not sure if ever or just in a long amount of time). That's on the back of huge voter registration among young voters cos of the plebiscite. So when those 'upsets' happened it galvanized a lot of people. Like I said, to leave the EU on a 52% majority seems crazy to me so I can understand the reaction. For such a slim majority it's potentially (and has turned into) a pretty major disaster. And in fairness to them, it was built on the back of lies during the campaign that no one thought they'd have to live up to (like putting an extra 500M a week or whatever the figure was into the NHS (which had been going to the EU) which they immediately reneged on).

The thing that's been lost is critical thinking and civil discourse. People more than ever just side along party lines for every issue with no critical thought about why or what the truth may be. The regressive left is no better than the far right. You go too far on either political spectrum and you'll find extremists. But I bet based on just this recent talk on climate change, how certain posters would vote and feel about 10 other issues. And when that happens there's no room for nuance, it's just us vs them.

I'm not sure if I've gone completely off topic or not so apologies if I have haha.
It’s only going to get worse too because it seems the way to react if you don’t get something now is to spit the dummy.
Well the way I see it is the Powers that be currently have control of all the narratives at the moment...their is no discussion/debate only what my side thinks/says and you listen!
In that sort of lock down climate the only way to raise any issue and be heard about it, raise awareness about to hit the streets!
And I for one applaud them for doing so...kudos to them all! Spit the Dummy?!? More of it!!!
Hell If we only had polite discussion do you think we would be eating 'free-range' eggs or 'battery'...?!?
Currently in Hong Kong the protesters are in/on the streets...and I/we applaud in good old Oztraylia we want to denigrate and jail them!

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Well the way I see it is the Powers that be currently have control of all the narratives at the moment...their is no discussion/debate only what my side thinks/says and you listen!
In that sort of lock down climate the only way to raise any issue and be heard about it, raise awareness about to hit the streets!
And I for one applaud them for doing so...kudos to them all! Spit the Dummy?!? More of it!!!
Hell If we only had polite discussion do you think we would be eating 'free-range' eggs or 'battery'...?!?
Currently in Hong Kong the protesters are in/on the streets...and I/we applaud in good old Oztraylia we want to denigrate and jail them!
Can't get the ABC on your telly?
Here in good old Oztraylia we fly the Chinesev flag over our police stations**

**well, one police station**

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Can't get the ABC on your telly?
Here in good old Oztraylia we fly the Chinesev flag over our police stations**

**well, one police station**
And the town hall
Well the way I see it is the Powers that be currently have control of all the narratives at the moment...their is no discussion/debate only what my side thinks/says and you listen!
In that sort of lock down climate the only way to raise any issue and be heard about it, raise awareness about to hit the streets!
And I for one applaud them for doing so...kudos to them all! Spit the Dummy?!? More of it!!!
Hell If we only had polite discussion do you think we would be eating 'free-range' eggs or 'battery'...?!?
Currently in Hong Kong the protesters are in/on the streets...and I/we applaud in good old Oztraylia we want to denigrate and jail them!

Not so. Here in Australia we are applauding the peaceful mainstream protesting in Hong Kong, and the majority of Australians (excluding you going by your comment of support) are opposing the violent anarchist element thats making the news every night.
Remember when Achtung Baby was released.
Masterpiece song from the album.
Wasn't even released as a single.

Strange album. Some cracking songs but some absolute drivel mixed in as well. (That’s coming from someone who had one of the first 500 singles ever released by U2 in the 70s.)

Achtung for me was a signal of the end for U2. Yeah I’m an old Red Rocks, War, October, Boy guy.

Until The End of the World is certainly better than Who’s Gonna Ride your Wild Horses (absolute sh**t) which was released as a single but Fly, Mysterious, Even Better etc all go ok still.
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