Competition The McInnes Prize For Season 38 - The Horrie Edition

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The McInnes Prize For Season 38 Is Open For Business
mcinnes header.JPG

Greeting all you patrons of the Arts. And the rest of you, why not? It is I, Curator Bob here to kick off the seventh edition of the McInnes Prize!

Of all of the awards that can be bestowed upon a person of Sweet, the McInnes Prize sits somewhere between the beez trophy and the Golden Shittruck. It is awarded to the person who submits an original picture which is adjudged by the reigning McInnes Prize winner as the best Photoshopped image (or shoop) of the season. It is named after sports journalist Shane McInnes, who was famously described by TheInjuryFactory lookalike Ross Lyon as being "quite brilliant", with previous winners including such maestros of the visual arts as TheInjuryFactory Hate manangatang Elton Johns Wig Kennedy Parker CursingFijian Falconista JoshWoodenSpoon and the reigning McInnes holder, the one and only Mobbs.

Here's what the McInnes Prize has delivered in seasons past...

mcinnes entries.png
mcinnes winners.png
s32 winner.png
s33 winner.png
s34 finalists.JPG
s35 entries.png
s36 entrants.png
s37 entries.png

Like everything in Sweet, the McInnes Prize has rules. Plenty of rules. Here they are:

  • The competition will be open to receive entries as of now (the Riviat rule) until the conclusion of the Sweet FA home and away season for season 38 (i.e.: after round 18 games finish);
  • Entries are to be sent via DM to myself;
  • The judge for the competition is the reigning McInnes Prize winner, which in this case is Mobbs and the adjudication period will run from the conclusion of the Sweet FA home and away season for season 38 (i.e.: after round 18 games finish) until the conclusion of the third round of finals for season 38 (i.e.: after the preliminary finals finish);
  • Results will be announced at the conclusion of the adjudication period (i.e.: when I get around to it);
  • There is an entry limit of one (1) picture per person, which must have an accompanying description of 50 words or less;
  • You may change your entry during the period that entries are still open to be received, however the entry submitted as of the conclusion of the home and away season will be considered as the final entry;
  • It must be a still picture that is digitally created (that means on a computer, not a finger painting like Koko the gorilla) of a size that can be successfully attached to a BigFooty post, preferably .jpg or .png format (no gifs still sorry Bonz), but WITHOUT THE ASSISTANCE OF ANY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOL (any use of AI will deem the entry invalid and the entrant disqualified);
  • The picture shall be created using the theme specified below. How you interpret the theme is up to you, however please ensure that the description describes the picture according to the theme because that's what descriptions do, they describe;
  • It must be an original picture that you have created by whatever non-AI means that are available to you, and the more original the picture the better;
  • Your entry needs to have been created during the current Sweet FA season. You can enter a picture that was used in another thread within the Sweet FA forum over the course of the season, or you can create one specifically for the contest;
  • Entry is open to any poster who has been a part of the Sweet FA, in season 38 and/or in previous seasons;
  • The winner of the McInnes Prize will receive a badge that will look something like this: 1728199355254.png
I've left the naming of the theme to the end (as long as you disregard the thread title that is). At the beginning of the season we learned of the tragic passing of Grand Uncle Horace, so in honour of the old codger I'm making him the them of this season's McInnes Prize. Whenever I shooped Horrie I used one of these two headshots which are based on an old avatar of his:

1728200642309.png 1728200674406.png
With that in mind, as part of your entry for this season's McInnes Prize my request is that you use one or both of these headshots. So as I officially open the call for entries for the Season 38 McInnes Prize I ask that you get shooping not only for youerselves, your clubs or for the whole of Sweet, but get shooping for Horrie - a most delightful curmudgeon you would be hard pressed to meet.

Red hot regards,


Sweet Municipal Art Gallery.

art gallery sfa.png
Index Of Entrants
Entrant One - DemurePrincess
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #3
Demure s38.jpeg

The Creation of Grand Uncle Horace
by Demurangelo

On the 8th day…
God looked around and He was pleased with His work BUT He felt something was missing!
He scratched His head! He searched under rocks! He scoured the mountains and navigated the seas….He opened a can of Bud!
Yet something was still missing…
He sat down for a minute and as He did He kicked a stone… Doh!!
All of a sudden He had a light bulb moment….
And so…. On 24th May 2017….. Grand Uncle Horace was created!
God was NOW pleased with His masterpiece…. fondly known as GUH


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  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #5
Gentle Reminder
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #6
A Man’s Best Friend

View attachment 2154450

Grav has beautifully managed to integrate the impossible beauty of two very different creatures.

Times was stated as saying “Masterpiece “
amy sedaris ah106 GIF by truTV’s At Home with Amy Sedaris
Entrant Two - Elton Johns Wig
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #9
Wigs s38 - Reqiuem.png

Requiem For A Grand Old Man

A reflection piece about the hole Horrie leaves behind. Sitting, thinking, listening, remembering. The Grand Canyon doesn't do the hole justice.
Always remembered friend. Oh to hear you play your quirky, offbeat tune one more time.

Elton Johns Wig
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #10
Going Crazy GIF

Does Tonga Bob need more for the above submission?
Willing to write more of an essay if I have to but one of the things I loved about GUH was his pithy repostes and idiomatic language.

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  • Thread starter
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  • #14
Going Crazy GIF

Does Tonga Bob need more for the above submission?
Willing to write more of an essay if I have to but one of the things I loved about GUH was his pithy repostes and idiomatic language.
I mean it is simultaneously hilarious and poignant, but you've unfortunately fallen into the Bonz trap of trying to enter a gif. Moving images are verboten in the McInnes Prize.

EDIT: I now see your earlier picture. I need more coffee.
I mean it is simultaneously hilarious and poignant, but you've unfortunately fallen into the Bonz trap of trying to enter a gif. Moving images are verboten in the McInnes Prize.
No my entry is above that post.
  • Thread starter
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  • #16
No my entry is above that post.
Apparently I read BF threads like I read Japanese or Hebrew... the wrong way around and very badly.
  • Thread starter
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  • #17
Entrant Four - p4p1
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #18
p4p1 - Ali Foreman.png

A Grand Ol' Fall

October 30 1974, Kinshasa, Zaire.
2 Avatars face each other in in the early hours of morning. Both willing to go life and death to be the undisputed champion Grand Uncle Horace's Avatars.
At 2:58 in the 8th round a knockout victor emerged.

Final Reminder
  • Thread starter
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  • #19
Entrant Five - Falconista
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #23
s38 mcinnes - falconista.png


This piece acknowledges Horrie’s strong thoughts on The Bison, as we in the Sweet FA collect our thoughts and find our own way of saying, “bye, son”.

Entrant Six - spudmaster
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #24
spud McInnesPrizeS38GUH.png

Qooty Guess Who?

Grand Uncle Horace eliminating Coney Island Graveyard from his selection panel during a game of Qooty Guess Who? with Kenny Williams, while the two of them no doubt chat about their beloved Bloods.
Forever missed, ol' fella.

Entrant Seven - tony
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #25
tony s38 - GUH.jpg

My Favourite Things

Grand Uncle Horace and his 3 loves; medieval torture devices, The Simpsons and PMBangers.


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Competition The McInnes Prize For Season 38 - The Horrie Edition

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