The BigFooty Club Championships

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Everyone is taking eachother to seriously in here. I mean all it was was a bit of banter between rota and edt and now its turned into rota vs the mob....rota ran this competition very well last year and deserves to continue what he started

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Rota, first of all, i'm sure most would agree that you did a great job on the DT leagues last year.

However, I'd like to say mate, that the longer you continue to post self validating comments the more of your hard earned respect will be lost.

Sort of like fitness I guess, you would need to work for years and years and years to become an able marathon runner but with one or two years off all your hard work could instantly be undone, it's a shame something similar has happened in this instance.

What i really don't understand is why you have continually sought self-gratification in this thread, mate, i will say that before this thread i'm quite sure you would have been respected by much of the BF public, those that didn't respect you or at least acknowledge your work in setting up the leagues would have been a minority.

Now unfortunately mate, i can see that in an effort to prove yourself to a minority(EDT mainly?) you have lost the respect of the majority.

Simple fact is that everyone would have to acknowledge you have done a good job of setting up the BF leagues and i'm sure Kildonian would be very appreciative of your work but unfortunately that (work you did in the past) will only be a side thought in many peoples' minds now.......

(Please don't reply with a who are you question, i'm just trying to help you out mate)

Many faults in this, such as most of the people who have been against me on this forum are from EDT or not part of the bigfooty leagues. Also believing im looking for "gratification" and trying to "Prove" myself to people is so far from what is actually going on. If you really think im trying to prove myself to edt by bagging them of their horrible result last season then i think we have different views. My goal is to further promote the bigfooty leagues, this year i will again try to make the leagues more sucessful then last year and hopefully with new ideas and innotiatives it will be great fun for everyone on the bigfooty community. I do not go out of my way to earn respect from people on an interent forum and dont really care if i lose it, my job is to work on the bigfooty leagues and make them great. I am getting extremely bored of this thread and everything is going in a circle, so i will finish with this, all bigfooty members who are in the bigfooty divisions there will be a discussion thread opened soon to discuss the leagues for next year and can i ask for edt to not troll the board as they did with this one. Also a last note for edt before the season starts, actions speak louder than words, you guys can tell me im hopeless at dreamteam, edt is the best, but last year you lost and it is now your turn to try to regain your spot. Good luck your going to need it.
Many faults in this, such as most of the people who have been against me on this forum are from EDT or not part of the bigfooty leagues. Also believing im looking for "gratification" and trying to "Prove" myself to people is so far from what is actually going on. If you really think im trying to prove myself to edt by bagging them of their horrible result last season then i think we have different views. My goal is to further promote the bigfooty leagues, this year i will again try to make the leagues more sucessful then last year and hopefully with new ideas and innotiatives it will be great fun for everyone on the bigfooty community. I do not go out of my way to earn respect from people on an interent forum and dont really care if i lose it, my job is to work on the bigfooty leagues and make them great. I am getting extremely bored of this thread and everything is going in a circle, so i will finish with this, all bigfooty members who are in the bigfooty divisions there will be a discussion thread opened soon to discuss the leagues for next year and can i ask for edt to not troll the board as they did with this one. Also a last note for edt before the season starts, actions speak louder than words, you guys can tell me im hopeless at dreamteam, edt is the best, but last year you lost and it is now your turn to try to regain your spot. Good luck your going to need it.
Okay just to clarify a few things then I will leave this alone as well:

- I think you will find that you trolled EDT which got the unpleasantness started. Further no-one from EDT has done a single thing to disrupt the BF teams and I can't see that they would. A number of them participated last year as I understand it and it was a good idea to promote BF who as you can see EDT use and participate in.

- no-one said you were hopeless at DT in fact it is obvious that you are quite good. There has been some dispute about how well you actually did.

- no-one has said that BF1 did not beat EDT1 overall. You seemed to be the one who wanted to make a point of it and the EDT guys pointed out that they did pretty well in other competitions which you did not want to know about. I doubt EDT1 was particularly happy about their overall result but they have done pretty well over the years and seem to be looking forward to the new year and relishing the competition that BF undoubtably offers. I haven't seen anyone from EDT saying they didn't want the competition although I am sure they would have liked it to be a bit more good natured.

Just thought a few facts had to put down in case people had not been reading from the start.
Rota, now let me make a few comments of my own.

Firstly, I challenge you to find a post that shows I have disrespected you and am against you as you claim that all of EDT have it in for you.

Secondly, we had a bit of a PM conversation last year or the year before, don't quote me and you were threatening to tank in the SC league. We spoke in great depth and you saw the logic in what I was saying and from memory, you went on and performed quite well. I am sure I still have that conversation if you would like me to forward it to you. Personally, like yourself I couldn't really give a shit about what people think of me over an internet forum as it is the real world that counts. That is where you want to be respected as it is in this environment people really get to know you. Having said that, the way you conduct yourself over an internet forum can be demonstrative of what your persona is like in reality. Anyone can put up a facade behind a computer screen, but elements about certain behaviours that are portrayed, would remain the same.

As much as you feel you have been hard done by here and been attacked by the masses, I am going to be straight up and say you have put it upon yourself. Now, although I do not know you in real life, I get the impression that there is a humble side to you (although this may not apply when it comes to revealing your DT ability ;)).

As already mentioned, you have done a phenomenal job with the BF leagues and have great incentive and motivation to progress and make it even harder for EDT to reclaim their mantle. Quit the crap, apologise for some of the unnecessary remarks and get on with the job.

It is quite simple mate ... I am not against you.

... oh and our bet, I mentioned that when you establish the inticacies of your original bet with FL we could then discuss our little side bet.:cool:
Rota, now let me make a few comments of my own.

Firstly, I challenge you to find a post that shows I have disrespected you and am against you as you claim that all of EDT have it in for you.

Secondly, we had a bit of a PM conversation last year or the year before, don't quote me and you were threatening to tank in the SC league. We spoke in great depth and you saw the logic in what I was saying and from memory, you went on and performed quite well. I am sure I still have that conversation if you would like me to forward it to you. Personally, like yourself I couldn't really give a shit about what people think of me over an internet forum as it is the real world that counts. That is where you want to be respected as it is in this environment people really get to know you. Having said that, the way you conduct yourself over an internet forum can be demonstrative of what your persona is like in reality. Anyone can put up a facade behind a computer screen, but elements about certain behaviours that are portrayed, would remain the same.

As much as you feel you have been hard done by here and been attacked by the masses, I am going to be straight up and say you have put it upon yourself. Now, although I do not know you in real life, I get the impression that there is a humble side to you (although this may not apply when it comes to revealing your DT ability ;)).

As already mentioned, you have done a phenomenal job with the BF leagues and have great incentive and motivation to progress and make it even harder for EDT to reclaim their mantle. Quit the crap, apologise for some of the unnecessary remarks and get on with the job.

It is quite simple mate ... I am not against you.

... oh and our bet, I mentioned that when you establish the inticacies of your original bet with FL we could then discuss our little side bet.:cool:

Allthough i said id leave this thread alone i would like to clarify a few things.

Yes, of course i made some stupid remarks, im not here pleading my innocence, im guilty! i started the banter but this was to start a semi friendly rivalry between the two leagues. But to be honest some of you, some edt members take an internet forum fight very seriously, allthough my view has changed on you but people like statsman74, footylover need to take a breath. As i said my job is to organise the bigfooty divisions and i will do so and hopefully there will be a great contest beween edt1 and bf1.
The rivalry is there, very strong and healthy. Let's leave it at that. No need to persevere with the bullshit and more importantly no need to single anyone out.

Like you said earlier, let our performances do the talking.
I just took an hour to read this entire thread to understand what is going on.

So can someone confirm that we are making divisions again or are we still doing bigfooty club sides.

Im lost

Also can someone confirm the bets made between Rota and others, just for my entertainment to watch. I reckon that it should be more individual Rota vs Nebula ($500 each in) and Rota vs FL18 (500 in each).

Maybe a bet between leagues but its unfair how it could be bringing others into the argument. Maybe a bet of $500 who finishes higher out of EDT1 and BF1. Maybe Rota puts in 1000 and Nebula and FL18 put in 500 each. This would make it very interesting.

Also if i was Rota i would be getting Stormer, Baxters, Skankdanker and DW into my team quick fast and also try and bring the number 1 mantle holder (convicts) into it aswell.

This thread turned out to be a good read for others not involved in the argument. I am not on any side.
I just took an hour to read this entire thread to understand what is going on.

So can someone confirm that we are making divisions again or are we still doing bigfooty club sides.

Im lost

Also can someone confirm the bets made between Rota and others, just for my entertainment to watch. I reckon that it should be more individual Rota vs Nebula ($500 each in) and Rota vs FL18 (500 in each).

Maybe a bet between leagues but its unfair how it could be bringing others into the argument. Maybe a bet of $500 who finishes higher out of EDT1 and BF1. Maybe Rota puts in 1000 and Nebula and FL18 put in 500 each. This would make it very interesting.

Also if i was Rota i would be getting Stormer, Baxters, Skankdanker and DW into my team quick fast and also try and bring the number 1 mantle holder (convicts) into it aswell.

This thread turned out to be a good read for others not involved in the argument. I am not on any side.

Mate, let it go. It's all sorted. Bets are a private matter unless it's Div1 vs EDT then it only affects those in both. Don't inflame it anymore.

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Now that this had finally died down I think there is merit in discussing what is going to happen with the BF leagues this year (not including the club championships which are an entirely different matter). However perhaps this is not the place for this discussion.

There is a leagues thread on the main board now Ausyid.
I'm interested in joining for Hawthorn both DT and SC, but there seems to be nothing regarding this on the Hawks Board, any ideas guys?
Kildonan, I have compiled each club's organizers so that you have a good idea of who is running along smoothly, and which clubs are struggling at the present time.

Adelaide - James23
Brisbane - ?
Carlton - Cruiser?
Collingwood - Didakfan88
Essendon - Ben the Gooner / GreaT SourcE
Fremantle - Latro / MadMac
Geelong - ?
Hawthorn - noosa hawk mad
Melbourne - Ausyid
North Melbourne - ?
Port Adel. - ?
Richmond - Realistic Tiger
Sydney - ?
Bulldogs - ?
West Coast - Juddy88?

So as you can see, might need to get on top of the clubs that haven't as of yet got an organizer so all things can be sorted effectively. Which at this point in time, as you would expect this time of year, there are quite a few clubs that need a little nudge.
Kildonan, I have compiled each club's organizers so that you have a good idea of who is running along smoothly, and which clubs are struggling at the present time.

Adelaide - James23
Brisbane - ?
Carlton - Cruiser?
Collingwood - ?
Essendon - Ben the Gooner / GreaT SourcE
Fremantle - Latro / MadMac
Geelong - ?
Hawthorn - noosa hawk mad
Melbourne - Ausyid
North Melbourne - ?
Port Adel. - ?
Richmond - Realistic Tiger
Sydney - ?
Bulldogs - ?
West Coast - Juddy88?

So as you can see, might need to get on top of the clubs that haven't as of yet got an organizer so all things can be sorted effectively. Which at this point in time, as you would expect this time of year, there are quite a few clubs that need a little nudge.
I Believe Didakfan88 will be doing ours
our numbers are very low atm
Go on the WCE's board insid3r, and have a look in the DT/SC dedicated thread. Express your interest in that thread.
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