Play Nice Society, Religion & Politics Thread

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It doesn’t. If you can find the time to repeatedly drop by and post the latest round of conservative talking points, you can also find time to respond to those who consistently find all number of holes in your arguments. I suspect their points are inconvenient to you and hence it’s easier for you to just ignore them.
It's easier to just troll and imagine a world where you've made good points though. You could excuse the lack of immediate responses due to being busy, but the unbridled hubris is a bit rich when they rarely stand by their posts. It's a bit like Paps going the big celebration for a joe the goose goal while we're getting flogged.
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Got to scratch my head looking at some of the contributions here.

Makes me wonder if any of you have a single conservative acquaintance that you could genuinely claim to be a friend. In most cases I suspect probably not.
Most of my large extended family is conservative. Only a couple that I know of are verging on Trumpian nutjob levels, I’m pleased to report, but by and large, I’m surrounded by conservatives (and Christian to boot).
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Are you suggesting that I have been disrespectful to any of you, my fellow Swans members and devoted fans of the Bloods?

I don't spend and never have spent a lot of time here due to work and family commitments. It's been that way for 15 years.

The fact that I appear to be the only conservative voice in an otherwise progressive echo chamber makes it harder to respond on a regular basis or enter into lengthy debates with each individual poster.

I trust this clarifies the matter.
No, you’re not disrespectful, but I agree with Zevon. If a poster is going to make a claim, they get respect if they are prepared to stand and argue that claim.

You scurry.

And then pop up a week later with your next unsupported claim. And say everyone is agin you.
Are you suggesting that I have been disrespectful to any of you, my fellow Swans members and devoted fans of the Bloods?

I don't spend and never have spent a lot of time here due to work and family commitments. It's been that way for 15 years.

The fact that I appear to be the only conservative voice in an otherwise progressive echo chamber makes it harder to respond on a regular basis or enter into lengthy debates with each individual poster.

I trust this clarifies the matter.

you don't really respond ... more like deflect
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same for the religious hard right ... how did such a visibly corrupt, blatantly, proudly "sinful" turd win over the fundamental christians?
I struggled with this for a long time, and then I read a discussion by Australian Christians about this very question, that really clarified it.

Basically, Christians, as a consequence of their belief in a perfect afterlife to come, believe that till then, they have to live in a “fallen” world.

One of the ramifications of such a belief is that they come up against the question of how then to best see god’s will enacted on earth. (As an atheist, I’d say that if this putative god really did create the entire universe, it doesn’t need your help doing whatever the * it wants).

So they perceive they have to work with the ungodly, in those instances where they conclude that that course of action brings about the most godly outcome.

For reasons I can’t fathom, for millions of American Christians, there is no greater crime against their god than abortion.

So they will back the horse most likely to bring about changing the country more to their preference.

When viewed from the perspective of living in a “fallen” world, I don’t think it’s seen as hypocritical at all. I hazard a guess most Christian supporters of Trump would freely admit in private that he’s an immoral disgrace.
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I struggled with this for a long time, and then I read a discussion by Australian Christians about this very question, that really clarified it.

Basically, Christians, as a consequence of their belief in a perfect afterlife to come, believe that till then, they have to live in a “fallen” world.

One of the ramifications of such a belief is that they come up against the question of how then to best see god’s will enacted on earth. (As an atheist, I’d say it if this putative god really did create the entire universe, it doesn’t need your help doing whatever the * it wants).

So they perceive they have to work with the ungodly, in those instances where they conclude that that course of action brings about the most godly outcome.

For reasons I can’t fathom, for millions of American Christians, there is no greater crime against their god than abortion.

So they will back the horse most likely to bring about changing the country more to their preference.

When viewed from the perspective of living in a “fallen” world, I don’t think it’s seen as hypocritical at all. I hazard a guess most Christian supporters of Trump would freely admit in private that he’s an immoral disgrace.
Something I realised even while still a religious conservative, was that the Bible makes no case for enacting God's will for a personal sinless life politically (at least for Christians in the NT and beyond).

So while I was still pro-life and anti SSM for example, I switched from Coalition fanboy (teens to mid 20s) to voting Labor, because I realised that there were things more commonly mentioned for Christians to care about in society (aside from just not doing those "bad" things personally), that were being sacrificed on the altar of those "moral issues". E.g. refugees, the poor, the sick. After leaving Christianity, I was able to move socially left even quicker.

Still, there's plenty of religious folk here in Aus who care deeply about those 1 or 2 moral issues, over anything else (I was wavering in 2010, but still voted Liberal... ugh I know). I have immediate family who are otherwise somewhat left economically, about asylum seekers etc, but can't get beyond being pro-life. I've tried repeatedly to explain it's a non-issue, especially federally (but also biblically), to no avail.
I struggled with this for a long time, and then I read a discussion by Australian Christians about this very question, that really clarified it.

Basically, Christians, as a consequence of their belief in a perfect afterlife to come, believe that till then, they have to live in a “fallen” world.

One of the ramifications of such a belief is that they come up against the question of how then to best see god’s will enacted on earth. (As an atheist, I’d say it if this putative god really did create the entire universe, it doesn’t need your help doing whatever the * it wants).

So they perceive they have to work with the ungodly, in those instances where they conclude that that course of action brings about the most godly outcome.

For reasons I can’t fathom, for millions of American Christians, there is no greater crime against their god than abortion.

So they will back the horse most likely to bring about changing the country more to their preference.

When viewed from the perspective of living in a “fallen” world, I don’t think it’s seen as hypocritical at all. I hazard a guess most Christian supporters of Trump would freely admit in private that he’s an immoral disgrace.

the abortion thing really is one of the great ironies of america ... they believe in "the sanctity of life" ... so they can come into a world where there's every chance they'll be shot at by one of the heavily armed god-fearing brigade
the sanctity of life but don't fckng try to take our guns
the abortion thing really is one of the great ironies of america ... they believe in "the sanctity of life" ... so they can come into a world where there's every chance they'll be shot at by one of the heavily armed god-fearing brigade
the sanctity of life but don't fckng try to take our guns
No doubt you saw the devastating recent Cathy Wilcox cartoon 338185695_133268679541235_8910534947323311172_n.jpg
Looks like a bad week coming up for Albo:

So....she who repeatedly bullied Kimberly Kitching (to the point that it may have contributed to her death) and then similarly laid into Linda Reynolds (who was forced to take a leave of absence due to mental health issues) now finds herself on the hot seat and doesn't like it. Ducking and weaving like a tail-ender facing peak Mitchell Starc on a greentop.

If you live by the sword... try to get a clunky, divisive referendum rushed through by deliberately hiding the detail and treating the voting public like mushrooms, and then the latest poll suggests you are heading downhill at a rate of knots.

This on top of skyrocketing cost of living issues and a voting, taxpaying public that are running out of patience with this government on training wheels.

Methinks Mr Dutton is really going to take full advantage of the new ball during Question Time tomorrow.

hahahaha ... you want them to be like the previous mob? nine years of jamming this country into a sh1thole this "government on training wheels" is trying to get us out of
nine years of stubborn refusal to even attempt a climate policy that isn't dictated to by fossil fuel giants ... of ignoring any potential business/economic opportunities offered by investment in clean-energy alternatives
nine years of fearmongering ignorance, of kowtowing to the dinosaurs of corporate self-interest (cashing in on jobkeeper billions, for example)
nine years of criminal incompetence (robodebt, for example ... you focus on the faults of this "government on training wheels", where do you stand on "brother stuey" robert? on angus taylor and barnaby joyce rorting water markets? on scott morrison's cowardly duplicitousness? on the gutless hypocrisy of mathias cormann, now apparently a great champion of saving the planet but who refused to utter a word of it during his parliamentary career?)
nine years culminating in the worst government in the nation's history, a prime minister reviled by even his own people, yet who was installed specifically to prevent the unelectable dutton becoming pm ... yet now your man dutton is the "best" of what's left!?!
dutton, who is determined to shame us, again, on indigenous relations, a man who condemned black african migrants, but thought it appropriate to propose we offer sanctuary to white african farmers ... and bring in a couple of white au pairs

and still you refuse to directly answer questions (such as several you've been repeatedly asked about the voice), just continue to deflect to these "talking point" issues being driven by the australian newspaper's commentators and the assorted ugly clowns on sky

i keep telling myself not to respond to you, you're like one of the thunderbirds, wooden-stubborn, all strings attached, mouthing the words of others

but as someone else has pointed out, the worst of it is the smug self-satisfaction you seem to revel in with each post, and now with added cringeworthy cricket references

you can spin it any way you like, and it's clear you do, but your politics is, quite frankly, disgusting, shameful, you and your ilk ...

and by the way, neither side of politics has bathed themselves in glory over the higgins debacle, i'm not going to defend any of them ... but it's both amusing and quite alarming that you can somehow pick a way through to criticise one over the other ... but then, that's been your nature since i started to notice your posts in this thread ... ignore and deflect, ignore and deflect
Looks like a bad week coming up for Albo:

So....she who repeatedly bullied Kimberly Kitching (to the point that it may have contributed to her death) and then similarly laid into Linda Reynolds (who was forced to take a leave of absence due to mental health issues) now finds herself on the hot seat and doesn't like it. Ducking and weaving like a tail-ender facing peak Mitchell Starc on a greentop.

If you live by the sword... try to get a clunky, divisive referendum rushed through by deliberately hiding the detail and treating the voting public like mushrooms, and then the latest poll suggests you are heading downhill at a rate of knots.

This on top of skyrocketing cost of living issues and a voting, taxpaying public that are running out of patience with this government on training wheels.

Methinks Mr Dutton is really going to take full advantage of the new ball during Question Time tomorrow.

and while i'm this friggin angry ... let's not forget, the higgins affair started as a potentially criminal, personal issue between two liberal party staffers, in the office of a liberal minister, out of parlimentary hours ...
it was not a political matter, and certainly nothing instigated or created by anyone from the labor party
it has since been politicised, in a particularly grubby way, by representatives on both sides, but the original incident was nothing to do with politics

from a purely political perspective, it was and continues to be a secondary issue ... it has been seized upon by certain right-wing political writers and commentators (who have been desperate to ride any backlash against such "leftist movements" as #metoo and #black lives matter) because it's all they've got in the way of giving the (i'll say it again) unelectable dutton and his droogs something to fire up about
it's a distraction in the way certain hard-right elements are campaigning on the issue of transgender rights (katherine deves, moira deeming, et al), and which eventually takes us down the path of those fckwits banning books in florida ... a serious social issue, to be sure, but hardly a policy issue of global significance such as climate, economy, etc

policy and values wise, dutton remains bereft, apart from continuing to "just say no"

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Looks like a bad week coming up for Albo:

So....she who repeatedly bullied Kimberly Kitching (to the point that it may have contributed to her death) and then similarly laid into Linda Reynolds (who was forced to take a leave of absence due to mental health issues) now finds herself on the hot seat and doesn't like it. Ducking and weaving like a tail-ender facing peak Mitchell Starc on a greentop.

If you live by the sword... try to get a clunky, divisive referendum rushed through by deliberately hiding the detail and treating the voting public like mushrooms, and then the latest poll suggests you are heading downhill at a rate of knots.

This on top of skyrocketing cost of living issues and a voting, taxpaying public that are running out of patience with this government on training wheels.

Methinks Mr Dutton is really going to take full advantage of the new ball during Question Time tomorrow.

and here's your linda reynolds

the abortion thing really is one of the great ironies of america ... they believe in "the sanctity of life" ... so they can come into a world where there's every chance they'll be shot at by one of the heavily armed god-fearing brigade
the sanctity of life but don't fckng try to take our guns

Sums up American Republicans on the abortion debate, imo
and while i'm this friggin angry ... let's not forget, the higgins affair started as a potentially criminal, personal issue between two liberal party staffers, in the office of a liberal minister, out of parlimentary hours ...
it was not a political matter, and certainly nothing instigated or created by anyone from the labor party
it has since been politicised, in a particularly grubby way, by representatives on both sides, but the original incident was nothing to do with politics

from a purely political perspective, it was and continues to be a secondary issue ... it has been seized upon by certain right-wing political writers and commentators (who have been desperate to ride any backlash against such "leftist movements" as #metoo and #black lives matter) because it's all they've got in the way of giving the (i'll say it again) unelectable dutton and his droogs something to fire up about
it's a distraction in the way certain hard-right elements are campaigning on the issue of transgender rights (katherine deves, moira deeming, et al), and which eventually takes us down the path of those fckwits banning books in florida ... a serious social issue, to be sure, but hardly a policy issue of global significance such as climate, economy, etc

policy and values wise, dutton remains bereft, apart from continuing to "just say no"

as i posted earlier, neither side of politics comes out of this higgins affair with any honour
and both sides have been manipulated by their various media barrackers
as much as i might generally agree with the politics of lisa wilkinson and her obnoxious, attention-seeking husband, she's basically a tabloid journalist out to score points against her opponents and critics

the whole thing has become an indictment on the state of the media, and the weakness of politicians, with individuals preferring to sling sh1t over secondary issues rather than try to resolve the very serious issues the country (and the world) are facing
as i posted earlier, neither side of politics comes out of this higgins affair with any honour
and both sides have been manipulated by their various media barrackers
as much as i might generally agree with the politics of lisa wilkinson and her obnoxious, attention-seeking husband, she's basically a tabloid journalist out to score points against her opponents and critics

the whole thing has become an indictment on the state of the media, and the weakness of politicians, with individuals preferring to sling sh1t over secondary issues rather than try to resolve the very serious issues the country (and the world) are facing
Labor is not looking great here, but what ***** me is that this all started because Reynolds and Cash wanted to sweep the allegations under the carpet and now we'll never know what happened. Yet no one is reminding anyone of this.
Looks like a bad week coming up for Albo:

So....she who repeatedly bullied Kimberly Kitching (to the point that it may have contributed to her death) and then similarly laid into Linda Reynolds (who was forced to take a leave of absence due to mental health issues) now finds herself on the hot seat and doesn't like it. Ducking and weaving like a tail-ender facing peak Mitchell Starc on a greentop.

If you live by the sword... try to get a clunky, divisive referendum rushed through by deliberately hiding the detail and treating the voting public like mushrooms, and then the latest poll suggests you are heading downhill at a rate of knots.

This on top of skyrocketing cost of living issues and a voting, taxpaying public that are running out of patience with this government on training wheels.

Methinks Mr Dutton is really going to take full advantage of the new ball during Question Time tomorrow.

this would be your mr dutton taking the new ball ...

as i posted earlier, neither side of politics comes out of this higgins affair with any honour
and both sides have been manipulated by their various media barrackers
as much as i might generally agree with the politics of lisa wilkinson and her obnoxious, attention-seeking husband, she's basically a tabloid journalist out to score points against her opponents and critics

the whole thing has become an indictment on the state of the media, and the weakness of politicians, with individuals preferring to sling sh1t over secondary issues rather than try to resolve the very serious issues the country (and the world) are facing

You make it sound like a no-fault divorce where one party shagged a hundred partners whilst the other stayed home and looked after the kids.

Newsflash - if Gormless Gallagher cared a jot about Higgins and her situation then she would have advised her to report the matter to the police. Like any rational individual with no hidden agenda. But no - she saw an opportunity to weaponise the situation and score cheap political points against the coalition and in particular Scott Morrison. That was the end game.

Now she has been caught in a horrific lie and it's about to bite her on the backside!

And it's so typically socialist of you to play the "they're all equally at fault" card - equally my foot!

There is one side of this sorry debacle that scraped the bottom of the barrel. The other was merely a deer in the headlights. Any other attempt to portray a different narrative here is utter bollocks - and deep down you know it.

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Play Nice Society, Religion & Politics Thread

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