Certified Legendary Thread Sack Hinkley 13 - Another Crack At This (Stepping down end of 2025)

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Sadly, Kenny has been the main thing these players have got up for in the last couple years
What a crock of shite. It's a media narrative that some of our supporters have fell for.

It's been known for a while that some players and ex players don't like Hinkley, some don't care and some love him. How many of us have bosses and managers we hate but keep getting paid.
one bald man falls, they all fall. let's hope the others get their departure announcements out there soon so we can be in a festive mood.

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I'm inclined to think this will happen anyway. When you're done, you're done. Move on man. So selfish.
I realise it's a shocking thing to say, and shocking way to think, about a club that's probably been your biggest passion in life outside of family/friends/professional + personal achievements.

Buy yeah, pretty much reached my wits end a long time ago.
Has Ken done any media at all since the Prelim exit?
Pretty sure he did a post-season radio interview on AA with Rowey & Timmy G - the one where he virtually pleaded to be "given another go at this" - then went into hibernation for the summer.

I guess you could count his B&F speech as well, massive waste of time that it was.
I still can't come to terms as to how this administration continues to tread water pretending nothing needs to be changed.

The old Port Adelaide that I grew up with would have told Hinkley to pack his bags immediately if they found out that the current coach was leaving at the end of the year.

Mind you, the old Port Adelaide would have sacked Hinkley many years ago!
Didn’t Richo et all come out recently and say they believe he’s the best person for the job or words to that effect?
Sounds like despite that, they couldn’t convince him to continue on after this year. :'(
What a crock of shite. It's a media narrative that some of our supporters have fell for.

It's been known for a while that some players and ex players don't like Hinkley, some don't care and some love him. How many of us have bosses and managers we hate but keep getting paid.
i dont know about that, im pretty sure i heard Rozee say just before the finals say "he's like a father figure" in a press conference. The question is why would you say it? I was just disappointed because its like its a par-for-course thing you have to say as a player when talking about hinkley. Its just weird that they cant see what a manipulating little groveler he is. I can only say in regards to Rozee that he's spent his life as a prep-school pretty boy so he's most probably easily manipulated but these types and isnt able to see whats really going on. He most probably doesnt even care and they are both playing the game together.
What a crock of shite. It's a media narrative that some of our supporters have fell for.

It's been known for a while that some players and ex players don't like Hinkley, some don't care and some love him. How many of us have bosses and managers we hate but keep getting paid.
I haven't fell for a media narrative, it is just a general observation that we seem to always pull a win or a string of wins out of our arses when Ken is under the most pressure.

Some players love the coach some players don't, sounds like you've explained every single sporting club on earth. From my experiences the ones that don't like the coach are the the ones that aren't getting games or getting played in positions they don't want to play in and feel hard done by.

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Pretty sure he did a post-season radio interview on AA with Rowey & Timmy G - the one where he virtually pleaded to be "given another go at this" - then went into hibernation for the summer.

I guess you could count his B&F speech as well, massive waste of time that it was.
I completely forgot about that 5AA interview. Not a solitary difficult question in there.
I completely forgot about that 5AA interview. Not a solitary difficult question in there.
Yep. The promise of powder puff half volley questions outside off stump is probably the only way they can get him on radio these days. With a list of approved questions to be ticked off by Norton beforehand no doubt. Complete waste of time.
I'll believe it when I see it.

There've been so many false dawns and points where inexplicably he's remained when no one else would've survived his results, that it's hard to take news from any sources, reliable or unreliable, as anything other than pure speculation and false hope.

Him calling time on his own is a good thing insofar as he won't be our coach going forward and we can begin to undo some of the damage he's done - but it'll be wholly underwhelming when he deserves to be unceremoniously sacked.
Until the words come out of Koch's mouth that Hinkley is no longer the head coach of the Port Adelaide Football Club, I wouldn't believe much that is said on the matter especially walking carpets.

Not only is he chronically six years or so over his due date but there has been countless times when he has constantly been poor in finals and many times when he could've been sacked or his contract not renewed.

Not just once or twice but just about any time we needed something from the coach, he rarely delivered and if anything spectacularly underdelivered like Trevor Chappell.

I can't wait till he's gone and I hope the players get a big wind to their game.
Nope. Now that its something Ken wants, it will be full blown love in and how selfless he is and how good he has been blah blah blah.

Will be a sickening stage managed golden parachute.

With all the new facilities and whatnot at Alberton, they’ll probably name something after him too

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Certified Legendary Thread Sack Hinkley 13 - Another Crack At This (Stepping down end of 2025)

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