Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

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be embarrasing if it was a false positive...

You would have to hope that they re-tested him before calling it. But yes, it's a strange thing that the AMA has called for mass testing of guards and others at high risk of exposure on a daily basis.
The current false positive rate for the standard COVID test is assumed to be 0.5%. So if there are 100 guards and you test them all for two days, you'll get one false positive. They'd have to make damn sure they are re-testing before calling it if their response to one positive test is going to be so extreme
If you've left the door open for the wild animals to escape into the zoo for ten months and none of them got out, do you get a pat on the back after one of them gets out or do you recognise that you were lucky and make the changes to the system to ensure that the dangerous animals can't get out?

Just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. There was higher standards of protective measures taken for people flying from Albany to Perth than there was people working with the people who have covid.

You're going to find your credability falling apart if you're spending a lot of time pointing at the Ruby Princess (first case of cruise ships to Australia) and ignore the protocols of safety that were followed elsewhere in Australia after they had their own escape of the virus from quarantine and applied changes, but weren't applied here.

It took them ten months to test the staff at the quarantine centers daily. It took ten months plus for the staff to be required to wear masks.

I know you've been very worried about covid-19 and you're in a more at risk group, so you're right to be. Get angry that your safety was handled with such loose protocols and feel fortunate that you were lucky so far for it to only have happened the one time.

When the reviews come the people who made mistakes will be handled much softer than those who watched people made mistakes and carried on doing what they were doing, later leading to a mistake of their own.

This current lockdown was preventable.
I don't this this comrade is worried about covid at all, just marching and chanting with the troops

Bloody hell The local pet store was open and the better half took the dog in for a trim.:)


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On a lighter note, in the presser today I was a bit disappointed not to hear McGowan or Cook declaring they'd found the solutions to our problems in an email from one of our very own on BigFooty yesterday. Clearly the bastards are treating us with the same disdain as when we send our 'suggestions' on how to win footy games to the Fremantle Football Club.
On a lighter note, in the presser today I was a bit disappointed not to hear McGowan or Cook declaring they'd found the solutions to our problems in an email from one of our very own on BigFooty yesterday. Clearly the bastards are treating us with the same disdain as when we send our 'suggestions' on how to win footy games to the Fremantle Football Club.
Why would they bother finding a solution - it seems the risks are so low as to be inconsequential ;)
Why would they bother finding a solution - it seems the risks are so low as to be inconsequential ;)

To any one individual the risk is pretty inconsequential. Not zero, and not uniformly, but for the vast majority very low. The problem clearly is when millions of people with individually inconsequential but not zero risk get infected, you have mass deaths and an overwhelmed health system.
You might think the only way to prevent moving from one case to millions is the sheer lunacy of what our government has done. You might think anyone with a sensible view of risk management who understands opportunity cost is stupid and heartless. You're just another clueless poster on this particular topic though, as you proved above. And I like your posts most of the time!
From the report I heard the police offered him a mask but he continued to refuse to wear it. The police and courts don't have a lot of options if someone breaks the laws and indicates that they will continue to break the law.

I think the goal with those rules is simplicity to avoid confusion.

From what I understand there large variance between how infectious an individual can be. Some studies have suggested that only 20% of cases are responsible for 80% of transmissions. That means the remaining 80% aren't infecting many people.

But it depends if he's just made up laws not based on science, and which are an abuse of power under section 158 of the WA Public Health Act 2016? Why is this terrible lawbreaker is thrown into prison without bail for 18 days, when flipping child rapists get bail immediately?

You need to read the analysis of the latest mortality data from the UK where two likely options fit the data of excess COVID deaths from late December, may not be anything to do with being more infectious. PCR tests can't measure how infectious a variant is. We're told he had the infectious strain, so you'd expect 80% of people he was in close contact with would get it!

But they haven't. None of the three housemates are positive and their second tests confirm that. None of the next 130 contacts he had are positive and none of the other 30,000 people in the same area are positive.

More people in the UK, SA and Brazil might be dying from this variant or strain, but it's not because it's more infectious.

But hey let's manufacture a crisis, because no one is actually following the science, or the advice on how to go forward with COVID from Australia's leading immunologist and COVID expert, Professor Clancy.

To any one individual the risk is pretty inconsequential. Not zero, and not uniformly, but for the vast majority very low. The problem clearly is when millions of people with individually inconsequential but not zero risk get infected, you have mass deaths and an overwhelmed health system.
You might think the only way to prevent moving from one case to millions is the sheer lunacy of what our government has done. You might think anyone with a sensible view of risk management who understands opportunity cost is stupid and heartless. You're just another clueless poster on this particular topic though, as you proved above. And I like your posts most of the time!
Vice versa. I have no issue with you disagreeing with my views but to jump to "You're just another clueless poster on this particular topic" assumes your view to be correct and smacks of intellectual snobbery. You have an opinion which in your mind is valid - I have a differing opinion and a right to express it.

I'll leave it there. :thumbsu:
advice on how to go forward with COVID from Australia's leading immunologist and COVID expert, Professor Clancy.
The "advice" is to use a vaccine and to treat COVID-19 with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

There's a very slight problem 1) there's no vaccine available currently in Australia and 2) neither of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are approved to treat COVID19.

In fact the TGA - "reiterates its advice that it strongly discourages the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 (including in hospitalised patients) or prevent COVID-19" source: https://www.tga.gov.au/alert/amendments-new-restrictions-prescribing-hydroxychloroquine-covid-19

And The TGA "do not currently have any recommendations on the use of ivermectin for treatment of patients with COVID-19 infection"

But other than that, it makes perfect sense.
To give you an idea of the varying degrees of seriousness attached to this thing, we have friends who have just travelled from France (3.2 million cases) to Costa Rica (195 thousand cases) for a holiday - NO QUARANTINE. Just a requirement to have a negative test 48 hours before travel - on a virus with an incubation period of up to 14 days. Russian roulette from both the idiots traveling and the governments of both countries.

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Both countries running at similar rates of infection - around 40 000/million total so far, and similar current rates.

what would be the point of quarantining?
Just a question is this UK strain really more transmissible as where led to believe. Is there evidence. I know the UK have been hit pretty hard but being in middle of winter which is one of the coldest in the world and opening up with no restrictions before XMAS was one of the main causes in an explosion of cases.

Qld did not get any more cases from the hotel worker outside of the husband from it despite going to numerous locations before testing positive.

I don't know but if its that bad there would or should be more cases that come from this judging from the amount of locations and close contacts that have been announced i would of thought.
On a lighter note, in the presser today I was a bit disappointed not to hear McGowan or Cook declaring they'd found the solutions to our problems in an email from one of our very own on BigFooty yesterday. Clearly the bastards are treating us with the same disdain as when we send our 'suggestions' on how to win footy games to the Fremantle Football Club.

I know right !!!

I was expecting little Angels to fly out of my computer singing hellelujah.... Or at the very least just a knowing little wink and nod by Mark at the presser with him possibly somehow working the word "Waterhouse" randomly into his speech.

Oh well, there's always tomorrow ! :)

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Just a question is this UK strain really more transmissible as where led to believe. Is there evidence. I know the UK have been hit pretty hard but being in middle of winter which is one of the coldest in the world and opening up with no restrictions before XMAS was one of the main causes in an explosion of cases.

Qld did not get any more cases from the hotel worker outside of the husband from it despite going to numerous locations before testing positive.

I don't know but if its that bad there would or should be more cases that come from this judging from the amount of locations and close contacts that have been announced i would of thought.

The best evidence that the UK variant is more transmissible than the older strain is that it is increasingly dominant in the UK population (and other places). If it was just as transmissible it would have stayed at the same rates as other strains.
The South African variant is apparently more concerning as not only is it dominating the region where it is present, but it also appears to have a resistance to at least one of the vaccines.
The "advice" is to use a vaccine and to treat COVID-19 with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

There's a very slight problem 1) there's no vaccine available currently in Australia and 2) neither of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are approved to treat COVID19.

In fact the TGA - "reiterates its advice that it strongly discourages the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 (including in hospitalised patients) or prevent COVID-19" source: https://www.tga.gov.au/alert/amendments-new-restrictions-prescribing-hydroxychloroquine-covid-19

And The TGA "do not currently have any recommendations on the use of ivermectin for treatment of patients with COVID-19 infection"

But other than that, it makes perfect sense.
Makes perfect sense, but from your post, I don't think you read it at all!

It's not antivax, because the Prof has developed a vaccine himself and he expertly breaks down the multiple problems, including serious adverse effects and low effectiveness, with the three vaccines currently available and gives reasons, backed by evidence why we shouldn't rely on them as a way forward for COVID treatment, lockdowns, border closures and travel restrictions.

He makes the point that vaccines and early treatment therapeutics are both necessary for optimal disease control, but "therapeutic nihilism is promoted with a vigour rooted in socio-political conviction and supported by the Pharma industry,"

A summary of trials on HCQ and IVM:
The early RCTs showing no benefit for HCQ, were on hospitalised patients, which was the wrong group to study. Subsequent trials were mainly quality Observational Studies, which sat poorly with purists who neither understood the disease, nor the “real life” circumstances of a pandemic and refused to move on with the data. Denial was reinforced by bureaucrats, media and the Pharma industry (which has no interest in cheap drugs without patents). The constant argument was “where are the RCTs?” (even after some were actually done).

Nobody questions the gold star status of a well-done RCT. Thus far, there have been no large, high-quality, conclusive RCTs on any form of therapy or vaccine for Covid19. What has not been recognised is that there are many other valuable assessment tools. Most drugs used in clinical practise have never been subjected to a RCT.

The RCT mantra selectively used against HCQ and IVM is cynical, given the experience with Remdesivir. This antiviral agent has been tried in the treatment of Covid19 and was shown in a RCT to reduce time in hospital by 4 days, with no reduction in mortality. On this scanty evidence it was rushed through the regulatory process. Although three additional RCTs failed to confirm this slight benefit, it continues to be used at around A$4,000 a course, with many significant side effects.

Review of clinical studies in early (pre-hospital) disease as at end of November 2020 illustrate the data:

# All 27 trials of HCQ showed protection (OR 0.37 (0.29-0.47)). 10 of these were RCT (OR 0.71 (0.54-0.95)) (the Odds Ratio , or OR of , say, 0.37, means “63% protection”, and 0.71 would be “29% protection”). The figures in ( ) are the 95% confidence levels: if <1.0, this is equivalent to {at least } a P value <0.05) (P value refers to probability of result being by chance. A value of 0.05 means a 1 in 20 chance that it is “by chance”, with that level taken as reflecting a significant observation).

# 26 of 32 prophylaxis studies using HCQ showed protection (OR for 5 post exposure studies: 0.61 (0.4-0.74))

# IVM in 8 studies, half of which were RCT, showed protection in early treatment studies (OR 0.28(0.13-0.59) P=0.004)

As this clinical data continues to accumulate, regions around the world are adopting therapy with HCQ or IVM with dramatic results.

The most recent Observational Study, with good propensity matching, co-ordinated by Peter McCullough of Baylor University Medical Center in an early sequenced multidrug trial, combined HCQ with IVM in 869 high risk subjects (age>50, with at least one co-morbidity), using the Cleveland Clinic COVID19 hospitalisation calculator for controls. The early ambulatory treatment regimen was associated with estimated 87.6% and 74.9% reductions in hospitalisation and death respectively, (P<0.0001).

A comprehensive and detailed review “Ivermectin Reduces the Risk of Death from Covid19_ (January 3:2021) by T Lawrie from “The Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy” confirmed the view of the US “Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance”, that the evidence on IVM “demonstrates a strong signal of therapeutic efficacy” recommending its global adoption for prophylaxis and treatment of Covid19.

Seventeen treatment and prophylaxis studies were critically analysed (9 of which were RCTs). “Moderate Certainty Evidence” in RCTs showed IVM reduced death by an an average of 83% (65-92. 95% confidence limits). This Forest Plot included 1107 subjects, with a risk of death at 1.4% versus 8.4% in controls.

In 9 separately analysed Observational Trials similar data was found: reduction of deaths was 69% (0.16-0.61), with risk of death 3.9% vs 9.9%. In the same analysis, four quality studies showed with “moderate certainty evidence” showed IVM prophylaxis among health workers and Covid19 contacts, reduced risk of infection by 88% (0.08-0.18) in 851 participants with 4.3% vs 34.5% exposed contracting Covid19.

Current vaccines remain experimental, as issues of safety and asymptomatic infection are assessed, as must be the duration and level of protection in those vaccinated. These data are particularly needed for those most at risk.

Two drugs used early in disease reduce admission into hospital and death, including in those considered high-risk subjects, and they go a significant way to filling this need: HCQ and IVM, with most effective trials including nutraceutical, zinc and intracellular antibiotics. Both can be used as prophylactic or therapeutic medications. From uncertain beginnings, an impressive data base has more recently accumulated, that strongly supports the use of HCQ and/or IVM. Their use in concert with vaccines can no longer be denied; indeed this is the only science-based option.

The TGA is wrong strongly discouraging use of HCQ and should be recommending IVM, based on Professor Clancy analysis that states "Experienced physicians have developed protocols based on evidence, with sequenced multi-drug regimens that support >80% reductions in admissions to hospital and death."

Before you start dismissing what he says again, Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy AM MB BS PhD DSc FRACP FRCP(A) RS(N) is Foundation Professor Pathology, Medical School University Newcastle, Clinical Immunologist and (Previous) Head of the Newcastle Mucosal Immunology Group, with special interest in airways infection and vaccine development and a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 Expert Database
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The best evidence that the UK variant is more transmissible than the older strain is that it is increasingly dominant in the UK population (and other places). If it was just as transmissible it would have stayed at the same rates as other strains.
The South African variant is apparently more concerning as not only is it dominating the region where it is present, but it also appears to have a resistance to at least one of the vaccines.
If it is a new strain, this means the spike protein(s) has changed and with the vaccines being developed on the spike protein (although they've never published exactly what the mRNA injection is based on) means it won't work or be as effective, or may be harmful. Different virus strains is what normally happens with flus each season, but could be a reason why most people getting COVID have this strain now, as the previous strain had it's peak in UK's last winter and was mostly neutralised.

Doesn't mean it's more infectious, just different. The Perth case is observational evidence that it isn't more infectious.

A variant is a slight change, of which hundreds happen normally in a virus, without changing the spike protein.

The analysis I was looking at was based on deaths (or excess deaths) from COVID, and they have increased markedly only in a few areas in UK since late December.

It could be because of release from lockdown, and more were exposed all of a sudden, but that doesn't support lockdown unless you're going to do it forever. The other suggestion is that the increase in deaths which are directly timed with the introduction of vaccines could be related to adverse effects of the vaccine or the "new strain" is causing an adverse immune response (ADE) because it's not made for that particular spike protein.

Safe and effective therapeutics as suggested by Prof Clancy, would reduce severe effects and deaths by 80%, no matter whether it was a variant or new strain and diabolical that they're not being fully supported.
If it is a new strain, this means the spike protein(s) has changed and with the vaccines being developed on the spike protein (although they've never published exactly what the mRNA injection is based on) means it won't work or be as effective, or may be harmful. Different virus strains is what normally happens with flus each season, but could be a reason why most people getting COVID have this strain now, as the previous strain had it's peak in UK's last winter and was mostly neutralised.

Doesn't mean it's more infectious, just different. The Perth case is observational evidence that it isn't more infectious.

A variant is a slight change, of which hundreds happen normally in a virus, without changing the spike protein.

The analysis I was looking at was based on deaths (or excess deaths) from COVID, and they have increased markedly only in a few areas in UK since late December.

It could be because of release from lockdown, and more were exposed all of a sudden, but that doesn't support lockdown unless you're going to do it forever. The other suggestion is that the increase in deaths which are directly timed with the introduction of vaccines could be related to adverse effects of the vaccine or the "new strain" is causing an adverse immune response (ADE) because it's not made for that particular spike protein.

Safe and effective therapeutics as suggested by Prof Clancy, would reduce severe effects and deaths by 80%, no matter whether it was a variant or new strain and diabolical that they're not being fully supported.

A new strain doesn’t necessarily mean a change in the spike protein.there could be other changes, even though the spike protein is the key one for gaining entry to cells and being recognised by the immune system. Other changes might change the virus’s durability as aerosol or on surfaces. Strain doesn’t have as hard and fast a definition as you say, which is why I preferred to use the term variant anyway.

Unlike influenza there is no vaccine (until the last few weeks) and even during the UK infection, the numbers of infected never got enough to get any form of herd immunity - ie the original strain was not mostly neutralised. With influenza the rate of mutation appears to be more rapid, such that new populations of virus appear among the old ones each season, and the effect of herd immunity by natural infection and immunisation reduce the effectiveness of the older strains. There is good evidence that the spike protein has not changed in the UK variant, certainly not enough to reduce the effect of the new immunisation drugs that have been developed.

Using the Perth case as observational evidence of the UK variant is silly. You are making a conclusion on a sample size of one. There are variations in individual people which are far more likely to explain the lack of spread so far from the security guard. The CoVid-19 virus operates in clusters, which implies that some individuals pass a lot of virus on as super spreaders, while others don’t. It seems our security guard mainly went to well ventilated venues and wasn’t a big drinker, dancer, singer, as has happened with many other super spreading events.

The UK government has been aware of a more readily spreading variant in the south east of England, and have made efforts to prevent movement around that area. Looking at death rates since late December and making judgements on that when the wave in cases has not reached its conclusion (many more thousands will die from this wave who are now just getting sick or are still in hospital) is premature - and conclusions drawn incorrect.

An early sharp lockdown is the best possible remedy for this virus. Every day we wait would result in an extra week at the other end. Look at Victoria’s example. Light restrictions would also draw out the agony, both healthwise and economically. McGowan is doing exactly what he should. We don’t know if the virus has infected anyone for 3-7 days after exposure. If it hasn’t, great! If it has, contact tracing and mass testing will pick it up and lockdown will minimise the spread.

Is Prof Clancy the loon who is still spruiking HCQ? More money was spent trying to evaluate the effectiveness of this drug than any other, primarily because it was the darling of the alt-right. It has been shown time and again to be ineffective as a remedy or prophylactic.
A new strain doesn’t necessarily mean a change in the spike protein.there could be other changes, even though the spike protein is the key one for gaining entry to cells and being recognised by the immune system. Other changes might change the virus’s durability as aerosol or on surfaces. Strain doesn’t have as hard and fast a definition as you say, which is why I preferred to use the term variant anyway.

Unlike influenza there is no vaccine (until the last few weeks) and even during the UK infection, the numbers of infected never got enough to get any form of herd immunity - ie the original strain was not mostly neutralised. With influenza the rate of mutation appears to be more rapid, such that new populations of virus appear among the old ones each season, and the effect of herd immunity by natural infection and immunisation reduce the effectiveness of the older strains. There is good evidence that the spike protein has not changed in the UK variant, certainly not enough to reduce the effect of the new immunisation drugs that have been developed.

Using the Perth case as observational evidence of the UK variant is silly. You are making a conclusion on a sample size of one. There are variations in individual people which are far more likely to explain the lack of spread so far from the security guard. The CoVid-19 virus operates in clusters, which implies that some individuals pass a lot of virus on as super spreaders, while others don’t. It seems our security guard mainly went to well ventilated venues and wasn’t a big drinker, dancer, singer, as has happened with many other super spreading events.

The UK government has been aware of a more readily spreading variant in the south east of England, and have made efforts to prevent movement around that area. Looking at death rates since late December and making judgements on that when the wave in cases has not reached its conclusion (many more thousands will die from this wave who are now just getting sick or are still in hospital) is premature - and conclusions drawn incorrect.

An early sharp lockdown is the best possible remedy for this virus. Every day we wait would result in an extra week at the other end. Look at Victoria’s example. Light restrictions would also draw out the agony, both healthwise and economically. McGowan is doing exactly what he should. We don’t know if the virus has infected anyone for 3-7 days after exposure. If it hasn’t, great! If it has, contact tracing and mass testing will pick it up and lockdown will minimise the spread.

Is Prof Clancy the loon who is still spruiking HCQ? More money was spent trying to evaluate the effectiveness of this drug than any other, primarily because it was the darling of the alt-right. It has been shown time and again to be ineffective as a remedy or prophylactic.
It's difficult when people interchange variant with spike protein, but the definitions I'm using are from a leading infectious disease specialist in the UK and make it easier to understand, especially when comparing to vaccines.

The data using deaths, show the original spike was back last winter and while you can expect a smaller second spike, which they had, a third from the same strain is almost impossible and that is why the analysis of excess deaths since late December, looked at other reasons for the increase in deaths. This evidence supports deaths from the original strain was mostly neutralised.

Also there is much research that shows herd immunity doesn't just rely on SARS CoV 1 virus, but is developed from cross immunity with four other almost identical corona cold viruses, SARS CoV 1 and MERS, with numbers 60% or more cross immunity quoted.

There is no evidence that the so called new UK strain is more infectious, whether on surfaces or not. The geographic analysis of new cases and deaths in the UK, acknowledges there are many questions to answer, but it's possible lockdowns are one of the reason for increased number of positive cases.

While there was only one Perth case in the community is an excellent observational study that shows none of the three people he lived with, or the 150 close contacts or 30,000 in areas he's been were positive. If the numbers that someone quoted here were even half correct, you could expect one of two of his housemates to be infected and 50 close contacts.

We're dealing with a nasty cold and WHO, thousands of the world top researchers, specialists and scientists are saying lockdowns are not the solution or a way forward in dealing with SARS CoV 2 virus. Lockdowns hurt many more physically and economically that they save, especially in Australia.

While I totally supported McGowan's actions up until now, he has now overreacted three times in closing boarders for nothing and this hard lockdown from his own incompetence in hotel quarantine procedures (and I note he says nothing will change until after he gets the results of an Inquiry, can't take any other states experiences in a/c) with made up rules not based on any medical evidence, when he could have just used his contact tracing apparatus set in place. He showed no thought for destroying businesses, when other options were available and it's nothing but an election ploy, but he's lost my vote.

I can't believe your arrogance and ignorance that you feel you can insult one of Australia's leading Emeritus Professors, immunologist, vaccine specialist and COVID expert, when you obviously hadn't read his comprehensive evaluation and recommendations. I have no idea about his political leanings, but to suggest that he only came to these conclusions for some sort of political point scoring is unbelievable.

I'm not sure where your getting the claim about huge amount of money trying to prove the effectiveness of HCQ, because that's so blatantly incorrect, I'm asking is it opposite day?
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Just a question is this UK strain really more transmissible as where led to believe. Is there evidence. I know the UK have been hit pretty hard but being in middle of winter which is one of the coldest in the world and opening up with no restrictions before XMAS was one of the main causes in an explosion of cases.

Qld did not get any more cases from the hotel worker outside of the husband from it despite going to numerous locations before testing positive.

I don't know but if its that bad there would or should be more cases that come from this judging from the amount of locations and close contacts that have been announced i would of thought.
Ah yes. It is extremely transmissible. Up to 70% more so than the original which was pretty bloody contagious.

It’s also cold and wet here at the moment which might be something to do with the spread. Hot baking sun and wind is essentially the opposite so perhaps that is why there haven’t been any more cases yet.

Early days yet though. It can take a week to 10 days to ‘gestate’ and it affects everyone differently.
Even dictator Dan didn’t lock down after 1 case tonight it seems.

another over reaction from McGowan.

So we've lived pretty much covid free for 10 months and you get people like yourself who want to play politics. Just like flaming sky news!

I've never voted liberal in my life, but I'd be lying to myself if i said Scomo has been a bad PM. On the other McGowan takes no shit, sticks to his guns and is honestly a once in a lifetime Premier. He'll be in for a long time, as i personally know conservatives who have loved his tough stances and how he actually comes across as a genuine bloke.

But as usual when people are up , u have certain entities (sky news, 6pr) that will move heaven and earth to try bring you down. I reckon we're alot smarter than that and can open our eyes and see what a trailblazer Marky mark been to keep normality in our lives.
I suspect because they’ve already done the hard lockdown in Vic previously, they’re familiar with the requirements so no need to go so hard this time.

We on the other hand have been blissfully free (ignorant?) for 10 months and so we need the reminder to be careful. Hence hard lockdown.
I don't think you read it at all!
I read and understood all of it. My Honors Degree in Microbiology helps...

He's still advocating vaccinations (which are not currently available in Australia - if they are, please let me know where I can get one) and highly speculative drug treatment, that the vast majority of medical professionals do not recommend.

He may be right, but as of today, in Australia, it's virtually impossible to follow his recommendations - hence we're having lockdowns/masks/testing/tracing etc.
the vast majority of medical professionals do not recommend

It's entirely likely that the recent studies showing it to be useful are just as political as the dismissal of it after the wrong person mentioned it, but I am curious to see how this plays out long term.

It's very important to not throw drugs at conditions without knowing if it works unless there are desperate circumstances, of course.
It's entirely likely that the recent studies showing it to be useful are just as political as the dismissal of it after the wrong person mentioned it, but I am curious to see how this plays out long term.

It's very important to not throw drugs at conditions without knowing if it works unless there are desperate circumstances, of course.

Was that the same person that suggested ingesting bleach ?
Craig Kelly for health minister , he could be the saviour we have been waiting for. :rolleyes:
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