Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

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One locally acquired case in the last 10 months in a world wide pandemic. I think that gives McGowan a big tick.
We Have all been leading a normal life, were have you been hiding.
The opposition supporters coming out of the wood work to find a supposed gotcha moment is pretty sad.

You need to separate outcomes from the process we have gone through.

We have great outcomes but alot of that is luck. The hotel quarantine process was identified as a weak point. We were told to do daily testing and just didn't do it. That kind of thing has happened throughout the quarantine (ie: truck drivers were being tested then continuing on their routines without results for 2-3 days). It's just lucky it didn't bite us before.

Has Mcgowan done a good job? I guess so but so has every other leader in Australia because the reality is that the problem is not that complex, we have massive advantages and we are an advanced economy.

He has shut the borders? Yes. Great popular move. Did it make a difference? maybe.

Going heavy is the easiest move but its not the best move and Mcgowan should be assessed on that basis. Why haven't we taken the NSW approach to outbreaks for example.

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You need to separate outcomes from the process we have gone through.

We have great outcomes but alot of that is luck. The hotel quarantine process was identified as a weak point. We were told to do daily testing and just didn't do it. That kind of thing has happened throughout the quarantine (ie: truck drivers were being tested then continuing on their routines without results for 2-3 days). It's just lucky it didn't bite us before.

Has Mcgowan done a good job? I guess so but so has every other leader in Australia because the reality is that the problem is not that complex, we have massive advantages and we are an advanced economy.

He has shut the borders? Yes. Great popular move. Did it make a difference? maybe.

Going heavy is the easiest move but its not the best move and Mcgowan should be assessed on that basis. Why haven't we taken the NSW approach to outbreaks for example.

Ruby Princess the biggest cluster##ck re the pandemic in Australia.
Why the Ruby Princess is conveniently forgotten is a mystery.
Aged care deaths in NSW from covid conveniently forgotten.
Gold standard NSW more liberal and Murdoch bullshit.
Ruby Princess the biggest cluster##ck re the pandemic in Australia.
Why the Ruby Princess is conveniently forgotten is a mystery.
Aged care deaths in NSW from covid conveniently forgotten.
Gold standard NSW more liberal and Murdoch bullshit.

actually, the quarantine breach in Vic caused the most deaths.

Ruby Princess, at least he has the defence people didn't know WTF we were doing back then.

Same with the Victorian situation - i don't think you can blame Dan Andrews for the system. Yes it was flawed but in reality, until something goes wrong everything looks fine.

The problem with our quarantine breach is we KNEW it was the weak point in the system. And yet we didn't test daily. We had guards wondering around without PPE. I mean seriously.
Ruby Princess the biggest cluster##ck re the pandemic in Australia.
Why the Ruby Princess is conveniently forgotten is a mystery.
Aged care deaths in NSW from covid conveniently forgotten.
Gold standard NSW more liberal and Murdoch bullshit.

If you want to be consistent you'll need to remember that the current cases of covid-19 aren't the ones from the Ruby Princess and apply the same correct standard of expectations for how those broke into the community too.

You're right that people should be angry, but they should be angriest at the mistakes made twice - not learning from the rest of Australia making them first.
Petty if you ask me but that’s how the Libs 💩 roll

Mcgowan should stop grand standing in these announcements.

He spends 10 minutes at the start basically pumping up his own tires and trying to look like he is a president or something.

Start the press conference. Announce there are no new cases. Then continue on.

He basically made people's anxiety go through the roof for 10 minutes just so he could show boat. Disgraceful performance in my opinion.
the other thing i am curious about is they have quarantined his close contacts in a hotel. How does that work? How is that legal? That's like throwing someone in prison?
How is it legal to throw someone who wasn't wearing a mask in prison without bail for 18 days, on the first day it's mandated?

How is it legal to force athletes to wear masks when exercising, running hard intervals and sprints and make them exercise by themselves, unless with one other person who lives with them?

What sort of "science" is this based on?

How can they say this is to protect from a deadly, infectious "mutant strain" when not one of the three people that lived with him or 130 close contacts or over 20,000 tested have all been found negative?

There are questions being asked by experts in UK based on the latest England Mortality Analysis, about whether this "deadly" strain is occurring for other reasons.

If you want to be consistent you'll need to remember that the current cases of covid-19 aren't the ones from the Ruby Princess and apply the same correct standard of expectations for how those broke into the community too.

You're right that people should be angry, but they should be angriest at the mistakes made twice - not learning from the rest of Australia making them first.

One local case in the last 10 months in WA.
What do WA need to learn from NSW or the rest of Australia.
Why credit can't be given when it's due is beyond me.
One local case in the last 10 months in WA.
What do WA need to learn from NSW or the rest of Australia.
Why credit can't be given when it's due is beyond me.

If you've left the door open for the wild animals to escape into the zoo for ten months and none of them got out, do you get a pat on the back after one of them gets out or do you recognise that you were lucky and make the changes to the system to ensure that the dangerous animals can't get out?

Just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. There was higher standards of protective measures taken for people flying from Albany to Perth than there was people working with the people who have covid.

You're going to find your credability falling apart if you're spending a lot of time pointing at the Ruby Princess (first case of cruise ships to Australia) and ignore the protocols of safety that were followed elsewhere in Australia after they had their own escape of the virus from quarantine and applied changes, but weren't applied here.

It took them ten months to test the staff at the quarantine centers daily. It took ten months plus for the staff to be required to wear masks.

I know you've been very worried about covid-19 and you're in a more at risk group, so you're right to be. Get angry that your safety was handled with such loose protocols and feel fortunate that you were lucky so far for it to only have happened the one time.

When the reviews come the people who made mistakes will be handled much softer than those who watched people made mistakes and carried on doing what they were doing, later leading to a mistake of their own.

This current lockdown was preventable.

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We have had 35000 people through the hotel quaratine system. TBH I'm surprised we've only had one stuff up. Especially because the system is run by humans.
Same here.

Lets not forget how COVID19 even started. 1 case, 1 person. Patient zero.
So that’s the rationality behind WA lockdown.
I really don’t understand people. You’re not going to have these freedoms of travelling, clubbing, going to games for a long long time. People surely should come to terms with that, given how rampant it is in Europe and USA.Because of those countries not locking down earlier, the virus has mutated. Maybe all of 2021. Hopefully by 2022 this is going to be manageable.
WA people have had it very good for nearly a year. But that doesnt mean the virus will never be around.
How is it legal to throw someone who wasn't wearing a mask in prison without bail for 18 days, on the first day it's mandated?

From the report I heard the police offered him a mask but he continued to refuse to wear it. The police and courts don't have a lot of options if someone breaks the laws and indicates that they will continue to break the law.

How is it legal to force athletes to wear masks when exercising, running hard intervals and sprints and make them exercise by themselves, unless with one other person who lives with them?

What sort of "science" is this based on?

I think the goal with those rules is simplicity to avoid confusion.

How can they say this is to protect from a deadly, infectious "mutant strain" when not one of the three people that lived with him or 130 close contacts or over 20,000 tested have all been found negative?

From what I understand there large variance between how infectious an individual can be. Some studies have suggested that only 20% of cases are responsible for 80% of transmissions. That means the remaining 80% aren't infecting many people.

Same here.

Lets not forget how COVID19 even started. 1 case, 1 person. Patient zero.
So that’s the rationality behind WA lockdown.
I really don’t understand people. You’re not going to have these freedoms of travelling, clubbing, going to games for a long long time. People surely should come to terms with that, given how rampant it is in Europe and USA.Because of those countries not locking down earlier, the virus has mutated. Maybe all of 2021. Hopefully by 2022 this is going to be manageable.
WA people have had it very good for nearly a year. But that doesnt mean the virus will never be around.
Yeah, its a shear weight of numbers thing, if you have 35000 people through hotel quaratine; your gonna have one stuff up.
Yeah, its a shear weight of numbers thing, if you have 35000 people through hotel quaratine; your gonna have one stuff up.
It’s only human. One person touches the table of another who is infected who touched it prior. The hotel quarantine has worked fantastically well , given the numbers coming in.
We have had 35000 people through the hotel quaratine system. TBH I'm surprised we've only had one stuff up. Especially because the system is run by humans.

While that plays a part I'd argue that the more relevant number is how many infected people came through the quarantine system. If there's a stuff up with an uninfected person you won't really know about it.
To give you an idea of the varying degrees of seriousness attached to this thing, we have friends who have just travelled from France (3.2 million cases) to Costa Rica (195 thousand cases) for a holiday - NO QUARANTINE. Just a requirement to have a negative test 48 hours before travel - on a virus with an incubation period of up to 14 days. Russian roulette from both the idiots traveling and the governments of both countries.

More like relieved. But shows the contact tracing is so important during this time. The app is paramount to limiting any spread or outbreak.

Getting a genomic test result off a false positive would raise far too many questions..
To give you an idea of the varying degrees of seriousness attached to this thing, we have friends who have just travelled from France (3.2 million cases) to Costa Rica (195 thousand cases) for a holiday - NO QUARANTINE. Just a requirement to have a negative test 48 hours before travel - on a virus with an incubation period of up to 14 days. Russian roulette from both the idiots traveling and the governments of both countries.

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I remember the Deer Hunter vaguely - isn't individual Russian Roulette by definition a one in six chance (16.6%) of dying? The roads and drivers in costa rica were terrible when I visited there, and the mosquitos carry malaria, but I had no idea I was taking such a risk.
I assume you mean your friends are idiots to take on those things right? Not a virus with a median infection fatality rate of 0.3% in the entire population, and obviously lower in younger healthier people
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