His conditioning is substandard at the moment, add that to the hotheadedness and the opposition will clearly take advantage of it. Watch Andy get under his skin in round 3.
Ego needs to be dialled down (a bit of FIGJAM is fine), and much better work ethic adopted. Personally, think he goes at the end of the season or next and it's a win for West Coast; their fans might not see it that way.
Watching them yesterday was like a combination of the worst parts of the Richmond surge gameplan and the last few diabolical seasons they've dished up. I can't imagine Allen and Waterman loving trying to get cheap out the back looks and not play their natural leading games. Tim Kelly genuinely looks checked out. McGovern can only paper over the cracks for so long before he's injured again. Flynn looks Reidy-esque. Having a genuine plodder like Graham lead your midfield really says it all.
I did comment yesterday how much he was missing Barrass, beacuse Gold Coast had two quality key forwards and Harry Edwards is a potato