Norm Smith Medallist
What Zorks does really well when playing back is keeping speed on the ball. Makes decisions as though he has already made the decision before he gets the ball sometimes, which really helps to create some much needed drive. Unlike pretty much all of our other back except maybe Lester and Wilmot, but he more often than not just blazes away rather than hitting a shorter option.
It was the worst decision to start him forward in the last game imo.
To me, he needs to stay back for the rest of the year.
If we need to keep Answerth in the team which I am happy to do, I would put him on the wing as opposed to forward in replace of AHChee.
AhChee is a perfect sub when he is back fit imo.
While I agree with what Zorko brings, we are just prolonging the issue of Keidean or bust in my view. Zorko may retire at the end of this season, Keidean may not be ready coming back from an ACL.
My view is we should debut Brain, stick him in the back half and let him take all kick ins for the rest of the year. If he builds up confidence and gets used to the AFL pace then we have a handy double act in terms of rebound/sharp kicks whenever Coleman returns in 2025.
I like what Zorko can do while taking just 2 steps but we need to look beyond him if we want to set ourselves up properly for 2025.