Eddie tells why he rejected Cousins

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PS. I am against banning supporters from opposition clubs for making relevant statements on this site. As long as they don't personally attack posters on here, let them come on and critisise all they like. Banning people for having a differing view is IMO a sign of weakness. If the Carlton board has such a weakness, then that is to their detriment. Let's not follow like sheep. Let's show we have strength, that will really piss them off!!

I agree 100%.
I don't think his use (note i said use - not addiction) was as regular as people might imagine. - Just gut instinct and speculation of course but the man played at a pretty high level while using and I doubt one can keep up that level of fitness and skill while using. My own recreational experience with pills and powders suggests that it takes 2-3 days to fully recover. I honestly don't think he would be able to get on the gear even weekly during the season and still train and play to the level he did.

My gut feeling is that he went beano on the gear in the off-season and it was starting to creep into the on-season (ie missing training) when it blew up at the weagles.

If you define addiction as not being able to not use (at whatever amount and frequency) despite the deleterious effects on your job and relationships then sure he is an addict. But this does not mean his useage was neccesarily daily or weekly. OK all speculation - probably unnecessary but, like everyone else in the free world just my 2c.

I don't think that his "concussion" or hurling after the NAB game was a sign of use. Ben has often chucked from his gut running and after 18 months out and in warm weather - not surprised he did have a chuck. The "concussion" was probably Richmond's lame attempt to shield him from the media IMHO.
Seriously, you have no idea what you are talking about. Withdrawal symptoms after more than 6 months!!!!

That is to assume he has been clean for 6 months. I'm not saying he hasn't been, but withdrawal from cocaine addiction can last for months. Although nausea isn't commonly documented as a side effect.

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I don't think his use (note i said use - not addiction) was as regular as people might imagine. - Just gut instinct and speculation of course but the man played at a pretty high level while using and I doubt one can keep up that level of fitness and skill while using. My own recreational experience with pills and powders suggests that it takes 2-3 days to fully recover. I honestly don't think he would be able to get on the gear even weekly during the season and still train and play to the level he did.

My gut feeling is that he went beano on the gear in the off-season and it was starting to creep into the on-season (ie missing training) when it blew up at the weagles.

If you define addiction as not being able to not use (at whatever amount and frequency) despite the deleterious effects on your job and relationships then sure he is an addict. But this does not mean his useage was neccesarily daily or weekly. OK all speculation - probably unnecessary but, like everyone else in the free world just my 2c.

I don't think that his "concussion" or hurling after the NAB game was a sign of use. Ben has often chucked from his gut running and after 18 months out and in warm weather - not surprised he did have a chuck. The "concussion" was probably Richmond's lame attempt to shield him from the media IMHO.
I totally Agree
I think its a far stretch to assume he might have been on the gear in the recent past. I would assume his testing is weekly and probably even more frequent. Unless he tests positive with this stringent testing, in my books he is clean. As for withdrawl, it is laughable to suggest this, he would have (if indeed he did go thru it) have endured far more pain and misery during the pre season training than he would now. His running regime in the pre season would have well and truly dealt with this.

Is he an addict still? Yes, and will always have an addictive personality and that is going to be his ongoing battle, probably moreso than any particular substance.

The fact that he hurled is nothing, as previously stated he often has a chuck, its just him and his metabolism dealing with extreme exertion. Now whether his exertion the other nite was of the same level of years gone past is irrelevant. He is dealing with where his body is at at the moment, not where it once was.

I also think its a little disingenuous to question the concussion, We didnt see everything that happened to him on the field, I dont think benny fakes injury or sickness, he could be accused of a lot of other things, but he never did this in the past. The bloke is under the most extreme scrutiny on and off the field. At some stage we all have to cut him some slack and take him as being genuine until he is definitively proven otherwise.
I agree with twofor. There is a difference between a drug problem and pure drug addiction on a chemical level. Ben may have been addicted to just the whole partying scene that came with it more than anything. If he was truely addicted to some of the drugs he was rumoured to use he would be in very poor heatlh (particularly ice, as has been rumoured).

Perhaps the documentary can shed more light.
Did you see any Collingwood players on that program?

Any spuds that we might have suspected to be on some sort of opiates?

I have a few suspects in mind

Sorry Fu Manchu, I don't want to commit professional suicide by talking about particular patients. As a Collingwood supporter though, I think you can rest easy.

I regret being sucked in by PA's post, it just seemed a bit ironic that he directed such a comment. I have no idea of what PA's drug knowledge is like but I assumed that it was a bit of an 'Andrew Bolt' type remark ie. you have no knowledge of a particular area but you proclaim youself to be an expert whilst trying to discredit those who have actually taken the time to gain knowledge.

Maybe PA has greater knowledge than me in this area. I am not an expert in drug adddiction, but as I said a little earlier, I have had some experience.
Sorry Fu Manchu, I don't want to commit professional suicide by talking about particular patients. As a Collingwood supporter though, I think you can rest easy.

I regret being sucked in by PA's post, it just seemed a bit ironic that he directed such a comment. I have no idea of what PA's drug knowledge is like but I assumed that it was a bit of an 'Andrew Bolt' type remark ie. you have no knowledge of a particular area but you proclaim youself to be an expert whilst trying to discredit those who have actually taken the time to gain knowledge.

Maybe PA has greater knowledge than me in this area. I am not an expert in drug adddiction, but as I said a little earlier, I have had some experience.

All I can tell you if you have a heavy night on the pingers, you are ratshit for about 3 days in terms of quality physical effort. And thats from someone who was a PT and didnt mind the odd one or two. But it really stuffs up your training and inevitably gives you the shits if training means anything to you. Something has to give eventually.
As I read Eddie's article, it sounded very interesting and he spoke common sense IMO and I agree with what he had to say..

I thought Benny boy looked very nervous even before the first bounce, which is understandable, chucking up? yes, fair enough, goes with nerves...chucking and sweats etc?.......hmmm, not so sure..

Time will tell, but one thing is for sure, this doco is going to be a must watch event!
Why don't you show class and not comment on a president from another club? It's his right to do so. Especially since the question is about a recruiting decision at his club.

There's a big difference between me and eddy Jabso.

For one I'm not a public figure making inappropriate public statements to all and sundry about why a player from club X was not deemed to be good enough for whatever reason to play AFL football for the pies.

I'm sure you wouldn't like it if president from another club went on and on and on to the media about why the likes of Didak and Heath Shaw were knocked back during last season's trading window; questioning aspects of their character and so on and so forth thus arriving at the conclusion they were not fit to don the guernsey of club X.

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Oh yes, if another club pres said similar things about a Woods player they would be going apeshit here! It's a tribal thing!
There's a big difference between me and eddy Jabso.

For one I'm not a public figure making inappropriate public statements to all and sundry about why a player from club X was not deemed to be good enough for whatever reason to play AFL football for the pies.

I'm sure you wouldn't like it if president from another club went on and on and on to the media about why the likes of Didak and Heath Shaw were knocked back during last season's trading window; questioning aspects of their character and so on and so forth thus arriving at the conclusion they were not fit to don the guernsey of club X.
As someone who has watched Ben play footy from a skinny teenager, let me shed some light here on his on-field behaviour.

Ben pushes and pushed himself to the limit onfield. He runs so hard that he hurls (usually at least once) every game. Has since he was young. Nothing new to WCE fans. (and surprise, surprise, he gets sweaty). He also has asthma, which he uses ventolin for. He usually hurls after quarter/half or 3/4 time when he has had his ventolin and sculled a powerade or two. Quite a few players do this.

The game just gone he looked healthier in the face than he has for awhile. I thought he looked pretty handy for Richmond given his time out of the game.

I personally think everyone is examining every little detail of his playing style for signs that just aren't there. Seriously.

As to Eddie's article, well, as Collingwood President, maybe he felt he had to justify not taking Cousins because of the promising nab cup game he had. Not saying right or wrong, just that he felt a bit of pressure to do so.
As someone who has watched Ben play footy from a skinny teenager, let me shed some light here on his on-field behaviour.

Ben pushes and pushed himself to the limit onfield. He runs so hard that he hurls (usually at least once) every game. Has since he was young. Nothing new to WCE fans. (and surprise, surprise, he gets sweaty). He also has asthma, which he uses ventolin for. He usually hurls after quarter/half or 3/4 time when he has had his ventolin and sculled a powerade or two. Quite a few players do this.

The game just gone he looked healthier in the face than he has for awhile. I thought he looked pretty handy for Richmond given his time out of the game.

I personally think everyone is examining every little detail of his playing style for signs that just aren't there. Seriously.

As to Eddie's article, well, as Collingwood President, maybe he felt he had to justify not taking Cousins because of the promising nab cup game he had. Not saying right or wrong, just that he felt a bit of pressure to do so.

There was always going to be the lingering question as to why we never took him. The co-incidence that we played against him first was probably also a good time to address the issue before season proper.

But if at seasons end and we are looking at a finals berth and maybe even deeper, the question will again be asked, how much better off would we have been with him. And it will be asked.
There's a big difference between me and eddy Jabso.

For one I'm not a public figure making inappropriate public statements to all and sundry about why a player from club X was not deemed to be good enough for whatever reason to play AFL football for the pies.

I'm sure you wouldn't like it if president from another club went on and on and on to the media about why the likes of Didak and Heath Shaw were knocked back during last season's trading window; questioning aspects of their character and so on and so forth thus arriving at the conclusion they were not fit to don the guernsey of club X.

If they were offered Didak/Shaw and it was public knowledge then I would very much accept the hypothetical club presidents right to explain his/her clubs recruiting decisions if he/she so wishes.
As someone who has watched Ben play footy from a skinny teenager, let me shed some light here on his on-field behaviour.

Ben pushes and pushed himself to the limit onfield. He runs so hard that he hurls (usually at least once) every game. Has since he was young. Nothing new to WCE fans. (and surprise, surprise, he gets sweaty). He also has asthma, which he uses ventolin for. He usually hurls after quarter/half or 3/4 time when he has had his ventolin and sculled a powerade or two. Quite a few players do this.

The game just gone he looked healthier in the face than he has for awhile. I thought he looked pretty handy for Richmond given his time out of the game.

I personally think everyone is examining every little detail of his playing style for signs that just aren't there. Seriously.

As to Eddie's article, well, as Collingwood President, maybe he felt he had to justify not taking Cousins because of the promising nab cup game he had. Not saying right or wrong, just that he felt a bit of pressure to do so.

I would expect Eddie to be under pressure and to explain his clubs decision not to recruit a Brownlow medalist and de-facto premiership captain and the supporters deserve answers, if he just dodged the questions other people would slam him so it a lose-lose situation.

I don't think Eddie put down Cousins in what he said at all (I did hear the entire hour 'interview' by the way so perhaps that could be why we get different impressions).

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Eddie tells why he rejected Cousins

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