Damage control: Yet another St.Kilda scandal Part 2

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Doesn't matter. I don't think putting people in jail makes them better people. I think it makes them better criminals. Just my opinion. Sorry for arcing up.

No. Only been locked up for a night. Why do you ask? Do I need to go to jail to form an opinion on it? If that's the case, then all judges ought to be criminals who've served time.

Not neccesarilly, but i am sure a proportion of ex jailbirds do not re-offend and end up back in jail.

But, hey you have an opinion, big ****ing deal.

ps: did you enjoy the salad ?
Not neccesarilly, but i am sure a proportion of ex jailbirds do not re-offend and end up back in jail.

Lol at "proportion"
Biggest nothing statement ever.

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Does the Judge/Judges presiding over the hearing have to declare what AFL team they support to avoid conflict of interest allegations from the defendants lawyers?
Personally I think the Judge/Judges should come from a non traditional AFL state.
Does the Judge/Judges presiding over the hearing have to declare what AFL team they support to avoid conflict of interest allegations from the defendants lawyers?
Personally I think the Judge/Judges should come from a non traditional AFL state.

you'd never get a Judge to hear anything if you could invoke that sort of conflict.
"The Herald Sun can confirm the photographs were not taken at any of Melbourne's Hilton hotels as she has repeatedly stated". No suprises there.

"Victorian Women's Trust executive director Mary Crooks has called on AFL clubs to work harder at their respect and responsibility programs". And despite the fact that this girl has proven herself to be a complete and utter nutjob who is motivated by nothing other than narcissism and selfishness, she is apparently still the victim in all of this. Of course the AFL need to continually educate their players on respect and responsibility toward all members of society (naturally with a strong focus on women), but how anybody can insinuate that in this case Nick Riewoldt is to blame for this mess is beyond me. As far as i'm concerned, Nick's integrity and professionalism in all of this cannot be questioned. this girl's story on the other hand...
Just listened to that safm interview, claiming she was "forced" to have sex with a player is, if true, massive!
She's full of it.

Trying to milk every last bit of publicity she can without actually releasing anything more.


Where art thou Nick Dal Santo

Exactly x2.

His image was just as incriminating and probably one that would put him in a more awkward position when saying g'day to his rellos on December 25.

The thing about the Riewoldt pic is that he says he had only just hopped out of bed and didn't really know what was going on. Now none of us on here were there, only he knows, but IMO the pic makes it look like he knows what's going on. Can be interpreted either way, but hmm.

As for the girl - clown-like behaviour, and if there are any adults out there advising her to keep going down this path (or to even start going down this path of putting the pics out there), they're clownfishes as well. She's obviously not got it all together. Unfortunate, because she sees fairly articulate and not entirely stupid (by way of expressing herself).

Ultimately, she was both naive and stupid to get involved with footballers (at that level) at her age. 99 times out of 100 it's going to end awkwardly at best, you'd reckon.

Footballers are like Gods. It's such a charmed position - if they use it properly. It's sad that society and the media have moulded the images of footballers and what they offer (particularly to women); ditto the image of 'celebrity'.

Anyone with half a clue in footy will treat it as a wake up call. But we're dealing with humans. Is this inevitable, or partially a product of our society?

Hmm hmm hmm.
Just listened to that safm interview, claiming she was "forced" to have sex with a player is, if true, massive!

after all her bullsh!tting i would doubt its true...but who knows? anything is possible i suppose
Just listened to that safm interview, claiming she was "forced" to have sex with a player is, if true, massive!

Just listened to that safm interview, claiming she was "forced" to have sex with a player is, if true, massive!

Obviously we don't know for sure, but i'd be willing to bet both my gonads that this is nothing but a steaming pile of horse shit. Seriously, who on earth is going to believe this after all of the other lies and inconsistencies in her story?? And why is it that only now, after all the contact that she's had with the media since the sydney incident first came to public attention, has she just made this revelation? If it is true, however, it would be a very, very serious matter and one that would have to be dealt with properly. But forgive me for being just a tad sceptical on this one.

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if i was an AFL player i would have aids herpes syphillis the clap etc from banging more chicks than gene simmonds but would probably steer clear from underage nutjobs.
I'd be amazed if she was forced by one. Groupy and s!u+ are kinda opposite to rape victim no?

Yeah she was forced to travel to Sydney stalking the Saints players and then meeting them in a nightclub using fake ID and lying about her occupation. Christ on a bike.:rolleyes:
Yeah she was forced to travel to Sydney stalking the Saints players and then meeting them in a nightclub using fake ID and lying about her occupation. Christ on a bike.:rolleyes:

That's the best post I've ever seen you make Plug!

Wholeheartedly approve this message. The fact we're even talking about this little skanque is depressing.

The thing about the Riewoldt pic is that he says he had only just hopped out of bed and didn't really know what was going on. Now none of us on here were there, only he knows, but IMO the pic makes it look like he knows what's going on. Can be interpreted either way, but hmm.

Who really cares? Maybe they had all been on an all night bender, had just got home and decided to snap naked pics of their captain before turning in?

It doesn't really matter because we know she wasn't there, Riewoldt told the truth about where they were taken and when and the photo doesn't depict them doing anything illegal. Just footballers doing stupid stuff on a footy trip, as you would expect.

Gillbert shouldn't have left the photos on his computer nor should he have let some slurry use it when they were easily accessible (encrypt your gay pr0n bro).
I love all this talk about prosecuting the girl and the media, obviously Riewoldt believes the best form of defence is attack. All a court of law will ask Riewoldt is, "Is that you posing in that photograph?". The moment he says yes it will be kicked out of court.

I hope a message is sent loud and clear to ALL AFL players here. Whether you like it or not, you ARE public property. No good protesting you want your privacy if you are having nude photos taken, getting into pub bralws, getting done for drink driving, etc. Everything you do is news, so if you want to keep your name out of the media, just keep your nose clean. It's really not that hard, most people are actually able to do this.

I could understand Riewoldt and Del Santo if they were 18 or 19 year olds, but they are so-called mature adults, leaders of their club. Grow up FFS.
I love all this talk about prosecuting the girl and the media, obviously Riewoldt believes the best form of defence is attack.
I could understand Riewoldt and Del Santo if they were 18 or 19 year olds, but they are so-called mature adults, leaders of their club. Grow up FFS.

Riewoldt is not arguing it is not him in the photo.

Whether you like Riewoldt or not, the fact is he is a multi million dollar product for both the StKildaFC and himself. He will argue his commerciallity has been impacted and his private life has been stressed.

Stupid posts like yours add nothing to sensible discussion.
It doesn't really matter because we know she wasn't there, Riewoldt told the truth about where they were taken and when and the photo doesn't depict them doing anything illegal. Just footballers doing stupid stuff on a footy trip, as you would expect.


Exactly. Why anyone would be defending the actions of this woman is beyond me. Love Riewoldt or hate him, it is increasingly clear he has done nothing wrong in all this (even if he did deliberately pose for the photo). He is just an innocent bystander in a jilted woman's quest for revenge.
I think they had to publish - if you ignore the story everyone is already talking about (because it's viral) then you don't sell your papers and you go broke. I have problems with the piecemeal treatment, and the thorny under-18 issue is making it even harder to digest. I've put something in the Media section of BigFooty here.
Sorry but I beg to differ. There is a very strong human aspect to this story and the editors in question are happy to stick their heads in the sand and ignore it. The damage this reporting is doing to all of the parties is pretty devastating, particularly to this young girl. Yes I know she is bringing it on herself but we are talking about mature age media editors Vs a 17 year old child. The fact is that they have completely abrogated any responsibility to her and that's a big part of what's wrong with society today. The actions of those people are not too dissimilar to child abuse IMO. In decent society it should be expected that adults should protect children in this sort of circumstance, not use them as some sort of money making venture. Unfortunately that sense of community mindedness seems to have all but evaporated from our national psyche over the decades and I think the day will come when people sit up and realise what we've lost.
The only court document is the court order which asserts Gilbert has intellectual property, they will argue that at the time it was created, the photo is copyright and it's use and distribution is his choice.
Congratulations. It was hard to imagine a way that those two words could be used in the one sentence.
Sorry but I beg to differ. There is a very strong human aspect to this story and the editors in question are happy to stick their heads in the sand and ignore it. The damage this reporting is doing to all of the parties is pretty devastating, particularly to this young girl. Yes I know she is bringing it on herself but we are talking about mature age media editors Vs a 17 year old child. The fact is that they have completely abrogated any responsibility to her and that's a big part of what's wrong with society today. The actions of those people are not too dissimilar to child abuse IMO. In decent society it should be expected that adults should protect children in this sort of circumstance, not use them as some sort of money making venture. Unfortunately that sense of community mindedness seems to have all but evaporated from our national psyche over the decades and I think the day will come when people sit up and realise what we've lost.

I'm half with you, half against you.

No doubt this girl needed help and should have been given help some time ago. Her parents and her school and community are probably most responsible for that. Now we don't know, maybe she was so far out of control that any help was rejected/useless.

But in terms of the media, they can't ignore this and I actually think, given what is now starting to become clear about all of his, that they have been reasonably softly, softly with her. I think there is a general understanding amongst the media and the broader community that this is a girl with some serious issues.

Had she been, say, a 25 year old and the facts the same, I think she would have been trn to shreds.
haven't caught up with the days curiousities, but she did say some time ago (October or earlier) that if she didn't get what she wanted she'd claim she was forced by at least one player.
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