Crows' 'tamper' affair

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"It has not been lost on anyone at either head office or AAMI Stadium that the Crows could simply have paid Tippett the extra $200,000 reportedly mentioned upfront. Staggeringly, they had the room in their salary cap."

So we made a completely illegal and secret deal, wrote an email explaining how to hide it - then denied it ... all the time, we could have just paid Tippett the $200,000 ?????

We deserve whatever we get.


^^or thats a load of bull! Do a quick reality check. There's dumb and then there's totally insane.
I do hope I'm wrong, but I can only see one plausible reason for doing something as stupid as telling Tippett's manager to hide the payment and that is if the Crows had entered into similar deals with other players. It's true that the $200k for Tippett could be covered under the salary cap if third party opportunities didn't come up for him but what if 3 or 4 players were offerd similar incentives? Then the Crows might have to pony up $1 million if the third party deals failed to materialise and they would have breached the TPP. They may have rationalised it by thinking that there would be no problems with legitimate third party deals so it would never come to pass that they had to pay up and breach the salary cap. But the AFL may not have accepted them putting themselves in a position where they risked doing so.

As I said, hope I am totally off track here but this is the only reason I could thikn of that the adminstration would do this. I guess it could also just be gross stupidity and there is plenty of evidence of that with email trails of all of this happening. Talk about a bunch of amateurs.

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Boy Tippett, his Dad and Blucher come out of this looking like mercenary dog/scumbags, completely willing to bend over Adelaide. Goes to show why the player should never be bigger than the club. I just hope Cloke has not done the same to us - the parallels are there.

I would love to see Tippett stood out for a year or heavily fined and Blucher deregistered. Hit them where it would undoubtedly hurt most. If Tippett does go to the draft, I wonder if his brand will have been damaged in any meaningful way in the eyes of the interested clubs.
As a port supporter the only pleasure i get out of this is knowing how it would be affecting wrinkles and cRowe.

I have to say, i am shocked by this. I love to beat you guys on the field, but always admired how professionally you appeared to go about business.

Good part for you is that if you do lose draft picks, you wont be affected so much, not like carlton losing top 5 pick. Reality is that if you get suspended from next years draft, its really no different to us losing our first rounder in jacobs for nothing this year. Lucky you have such a good squad and coaches.

Not all bad. Will be forgotten soon enough
Totally agreed this is what I'm concerned about. Can we trade him atm? Not trading him last year was the height of stupidity.

I wonder if the Tippett clan turned that trade down, knowing they could almost certainly get a better deal this year? If a player doesnt agree to a trade, you can't trade them. If we had a get out of free jail card last year, we would have taken it.
I wonder if the Tippett clan turned that trade down, knowing they could almost certainly get a better deal this year? If a player doesnt agree to a trade, you can't trade them. If we had a get out of free jail card last year, we would have taken it.

Nope Tippett agreed to the trade last year according to most. Amazing.
How do you work that..
I'm looking at the AFL Draft Form now. The ability to specify a minimum remuneration package is SECTION B, which can only be completed by Category 1 players - "Players (other than first-year draft choice players or such players in their second year)". First year draftee players (ie kids who have never been on an AFL list before) are only Category 2 and they "may nominate generally without specifying financial terms and conditions by completing section A."

What about uncontracted players?
So we are all still guessing ... we don't really know how much of this is being stretched out to make the story look worse than it is. I'm leaning towards the worst end of the spectrum at the moment.

Put down your best case and worst case scenario ...

BEST - we get fined, and Tippett gets suspended so no-one picks him up / Manager deregistered
WORST - we get fined, lose draft picks for 2 years, and Tippett gets to Sydney for $1 million a year / Manager gets a promotion.

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Well, the AFL have these rules to in part protect clubs and players from being screwed over like we are, we took the risk, so we deserve to take whatever comes our way on the chin.

That does not disolve the instigator or anyone actively seeking to gain from our mistake.

We deserve to lose Tippett for nothing and a heap of community service work amongst say? Victims of fraud or disabled people who are taken advantage of daily.

The instigators and the other protagonists, shouldn't ever be able to do this ever again, how that is achieved? one doesn't know yet.

If there's been a salary cap breech and we instigated that, Carltons penalty is a reference point. If we are deemed to be only half as bad, we get around half the penalty, so on.
Any chance of a F/S gun helping offset the possible loss of draft picks in the next couple of seasons? :D
So we are all still guessing ... we don't really know how much of this is being stretched out to make the story look worse than it is. I'm leaning towards the worst end of the spectrum at the moment.
I am still not convinced that anything really terrible will happen to anyone. Lots of innuendo but still no solid substance to prove that major laws or rules have been broken.

What happened to Carlton should be the yardstick and this is appears to be <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< than that.
I really don't believe that there is an email from Reidy saying that we will trade him for for a second round draft pick.

I reckon there is something were Reid has indicated that they will help Tippet get home, which is now being manipulated to be Sydney rather than the GC or Brisbane.
We seem to find out more and more about this every day. I am actually starting to really worry about what else the AFL will find. Once the forensics go in, other than Triggy's pr0n stash, they will find everything, even things we forgotten that we had.

Is Tippett the only dodgy deal at the club? I bloody hope so because if it isn't we would be in all sorts of trouble and the mud will stick.

Reports say that Chapman and the board did not know about the clause. OK, to a point that is believable BUT then Chapman comes in and give a gold plated promise that there will not find any other deal that was dodgy. Let's hope so!
I am still not convinced that anything really terrible will happen to anyone. Lots of innuendo but still no solid substance to prove that major laws or rules have been broken.

What happened to Carlton should be the yardstick and this is appears to be <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< than that.

If Trigg lied to the board, he has to go.

What the AFL will do is up in the air at the moment.
If Trigg lied to the board, he has to go.

What the AFL will do is up in the air at the moment.
Don't disagree with any of that. :thumbsu:

I just think that most of what has been reported so far is far from absolute evidence. I noticed that Elliott wants the AFL to go hard on the Crows, well he would wouldn't he?
What about uncontracted players?
If they have previously been on an AFL list, then they are Category 1. If they are newbies, freshly minted from the TAC Cup, then they're Category 2.

That said, the odds on an uncontracted player putting a price on his head is fairly low. It's unusual for a player like Tippett, Ball & Camporeale to be in this position. Most uncontracted players entering the draft are doing so because they have been delisted - they're just hopeful of getting picked up by another club and would be willing to play for minimum wage, avoiding anything likely to make them less attractive (such as specifying a high salary).
I wonder if the Tippett clan turned that trade down, knowing they could almost certainly get a better deal this year? If a player doesnt agree to a trade, you can't trade them. If we had a get out of free jail card last year, we would have taken it.

No Trigg apparently turned down the deal against the advise of Rendell.
As I see it, there are 5 parties involved in this little affair, all of whom have varying degrees of guilt. This is how I see things unfolding from here..

Tony Tippett
Most accounts I've read seem to name him as the kingpin, the person who demanded that the illegal secondary contract be agreed, before KT would sign off on the "official" contract which was sent to the AFL. This also seems to be entirely in character, given what little we actually know about him (other than rumours and innuendo about how he runs his business in Qld).

Unfortunately, TT is beyond the AFL's jurisdiction. He's not a player, a player manager, nor is he associated with any particular club. The AFL can't touch him, unless they were to take him to court (on what charges?). TT will get out of this with his reputation for thuggish behaviour enhanced. The only cost to him will be the money he spent on lawyers fees last week.

Kurt Tippett
For all the hatred and loathing I feel towards him, I'm still not sure what degree of guilt actually belongs on his shoulders. I get the feeling that he has a fairly weak personality, being a person who is easily led - probably the result of having been bullied by his father all his life. It's entirely plausible that TT and PB arranged this behind his back, without telling him a damn thing until it was all signed sealed and delivered, in which case he has very little cast to answer. On the other hand, he could well be in this up to his neck.

KT has already been punished, in that there is now only the slimmest of chances that he'll end up at his preferred club (Sydney). The trade period concludes today and I sincerely doubt that the AFL would ratify any trade involving Tippett. The only club which appears to be interested in trading for him now anyway is Brisbane, with Sydney's interest having evaporated when they realised they were going to have to pay commercial value for him. Tippett now has 2 options open to him - he can re-sign with Adelaide (highly unlikely), or he can nominate for the ND or PSD, in which case I hope he likes the colour orange as a fashion statement.

What other penalties the AFL applies will be decided when they work out what he is actually guilty of. It's quite possible that he may escape with no penalty at all. On the other hand, he could be facing a hefty fine and de-registration for anything up to a year.

Peter Blucher (and by extension, Velocity Sports)
Blucher, along with TT, is (according to Adelaide) the key instigator in the creation of this secondary contract. He is also guilty of a gross lack of professionalism in disclosing the terms of the contract to at least two other clubs (Sydney & GC) - this is/was a massive breach of confidence.

It is highly likely that PB will lose his license to act as an AFL player manager. He will also be sacked from Velocity Sports, if Alistair Lynch has any integrity (and I think he does). The AFL will be going over all of his player contracts with a fine tooth comb, looking to see if there are any similar examples. If this is a one-off, then PB may regain his license after 12 months. If it turns out to be systematic, then he can kiss his entire career good-bye.

Adelaide Football Club
Forget about the JT removal payments, that was a Rucci red herring. He heard rumours about undisclosed payments involving the Tippett contract, put 1 + 1 together and came up with 87. Newscorp can't be happy with his performance this week, having been well and truly scooped by EQ and CW. The only reports he's filed have been full of incorrect information, while the Fairfax journalists have come up with the goods.

No, the real issues here are those uncovered by Quayle and Wilson, from The Age. If their allegations turn out to be correct - and all indications so far are that they are 100% accurate - then Adelaide will be found guilty of both "draft tampering" (conduct prejudicial to the draft) and "salary cap breaches" (conduct prejudicial to the total player payments). Things do not look good for Adelaide.

Going against Adelaide are the following:
  • The club has breaches against both pillars of the AFL's competition equalisation policy.
  • $200k is a very large sum of money not to be declaring.
  • Adelaide deliberately misled the AFL about the existence of this contract, knowing full well that it was illegal.
In Adelaide's favour are the following:
  • Adelaide are not the instigator of the secondary contract.
  • This secondary contract involves one player only, there is no suggestion that systematic cheating is going on.
  • Adelaide have not exceeded the salary cap, even with the undisclosed $200k payment factored in.
  • Adelaide's honesty and willingness to be scrutinised.
I think Adelaide are going to be hit with a very large baseball bat. That's the good news - if we'd actually exceeded the TPP limit they would be getting ready to shoot us out the front of a cannon.
  • Adelaide is going to be hit with one mother of a fine. Having breached the salary cap to the tune of $200k, the fine cannot possibly be smaller than that. It will probably be close to the $1M mark.
  • We will lose Tippett for nothing. That, my friends, is called poetic justice.
  • We will lose draft picks - how many and in what drafts remains to be seen. It shouldn't be as bad as what Carlton received, given that their salary cap rorting was systematic and had been going on for years. Our problems are not that severe. My guess is that we'll be closer to the Melbourne/Jeff White scenario, where they lost their 1st round draft pick.
Sydney Football Club
It is fairly obvious that PB disclosed the terms of KT's contract to Sydney (and GC). GC can sit back and say "there, but for the grace of God, go I". Sydney may be in a bit of difficulty. Knowing about the contract is one thing - Sydney chose to act upon this information. In doing so, they (along with Adelaide) conspired to pervert the course of the draft (thanks to cmndstab for the terminology).

Sydney are the least culpable of all 5 parties. They weren't a party to the signing of the contract, but they did conspire with Adelaide to take advantage of it.

I'm guessing that Sydney will be looking at a small to moderate sized fine. Then again, being the darlings of the AFL, it's entirely possible that they may get away without any penalty at all.
I can't believe someone at the club was stupid enough to write down the wrong doings and say but don't tell anyone in a ******* email! How ******* dumb can you be!

It's borderline ******ed.

Seriously, how could they be so stupid?

Never leave a friggin paper trail!!

The worst part is, what we've allegedly done (assuming more doesn't come out) isn't actually that bad - it's pretty standard; but spelling it out like we've apparently done makes it a hell of a lot worse.

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Crows' 'tamper' affair

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