Very poor is putting it mildly.
First, there was the guernsey itself, which is, frankly half-arsed and clearly phoned in (in contrast, look how amazing Port’s Pride guernsey is).
This was followed by a heap on homophobic slurs on the the Facebook post Crowmania put up to sell the guernsey, that Crowmania refused to do anything about. Rainbow Crows got one of their contacts in the club to get Crowmania’s parent company to close comments on that post, but they still refused to take down any homophobic posts (which, when last I checked, are still on the post).
Then there was the decision to not have a home Pride game for the flimsiest of reasons - noting several clubs held home Pride games this week (and full credit to the likes of Sydney and Hawthorn for doing this).
I also note that we have never had a home Pride game during Pride Round itself, and it’s clear this is not a priority for the club.
That is very disappointing, especially when you consider the significant contribution that LGBTQ players have made to our club. Hopefully the club gets their act together on this issue soon.